First Impressions of Hl2DM

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what do u think of it. I havent even been able to get in a server....
Read my review in the thread "shots"

its short but ill give you a summery

If you find a server that maintains usually under 300 ping
servers are lagged or full, found one 50 ping, played for a few minutes..

1. Netcode is nonexistant


3. 357 is kinda overpowered
357-1 hit kill, same with crossbow and incinerator (overwatch sec fire[best gun in game imo])
I love it,

If you get on a good server.

The 357 is kinda overpowered but the grav gun can deflect the 357 shots with objects then kill whoever is shotin you..
357 is quite overpowered.

Anyway, owning all the magnum noobs with the manipulator.
Aparently, I can resist fire with ease!
i finnaly got in...and left 5 min later, damn its laggyyyyyy, looks amzingly fun, when there is no lag
Just played for 10 minutes on a public server. Incredible fun, playing car hockey. People throwing shit all over the place and great response. Not bad pings (mostly under 80).

Once the dust settles this is gonna be awesome.
Or maybe it's not powerful enough? Does it launch their body back hard enough to kill someone else? MAKE IT MORE POWERFUL!
Waa nice replies. God i can't wait to play it!
"mp_teamplay 1" or something like that makes it Rebels against Combine (it begins once you change the map)...
The physics are better than Counter-Strike's, but they still have problems. I don't really know... I played it as deathmatch, there were no teams, so it was kind of a bore. The level was too small, too.
Quoted myself from another thread:

The game comletely owns. All of the guns are in there and feel great. The rocket launcher is so much fun to chase people with the laser-guiding. The magnum is a one-shot-kill gun... they might need to tone it down just a bit. Generally anybody with the magnum and decent aim becomes a wrecking machine.

But most amazingly of all.... stuff is flying all over the place, and the game runs just as well as cs source does for me. (I managed to find a very stable server).

here's a list of some thing's I've done already.

1. picked up a grenade and threw it back at the guy, killing him.
2. shot a barrel at the same time another guy shot a filing cabinet at me... the two collided in mid-air.
3. killed very many people with toilets and sinks
4. flown 20+ ft after being killed with exploding barrel.
5. threw a radiator at a guy just to have him catch it with his gravity gun (really caught me by surprise)
6. Killed a guy by chasing him with a car that I was flinging around with the grav gun
7. Used many objects as shields effectively.
8. Best one! Threw a grenade up onto the roof of the building where I knew the rocket launcher was and was very happy to see that the idea did work, and the rocket launcher flew off the roof and fell on the ground not far from my feet. Ownage.

I could go on and on... so many possibilities for so many cool things... the chain reactions of the exploding barrels alone leaves an infinite amount of possibilities.

The levels are good-sized and have a variety of open areas and small corridors. One level is taken from Nova Prospekt (hint, the rocket launcher is in the same place as the fan you had to clog in the sp). the other is taken out of, I think anti-citizen one and is centered around a building that has been blown in half. The rocket launcher is on the roof near a lookout nest that has armor and ammo, but everyone on the map practically can see you up there.
once i finally found a server that was playable, it was a lot of fun. I'm assuming there'll be a bunch of dedicated servers summary, way better than doom 3's MP, and most other deathmatch games, but its no halo 2 or unreal 2k4.

blasting people with phys objects is so much fun its indescribable....or undescribable...either one. seeing a combine charge you with his smg, then BLASTING a kitchen sink at him and watching him ragdoll 5 yards back into the wall is a joy unique to hl2dm. the guns are nice too.

i had a weird bug where the ammo indicator was a few inches above where it normally should be, and only showed the top half of the box...odd and annoying, but not game breaking. i also saw a few weird purple textures, but not many. also, there are only two maps, which is disappointing. but they're fun and very interactive, so its okay. i'd like a Citadel map and a Black Mesa East map next.

i only played for about an hour....but i can't find the combine assault rifle in either map. WHERE IS IT?!
I was always wondering why everyone put up a fuss about no hl2dm..

Man this game is hilarious. I picked up a chunk of sink, hurled it at a guy and dinged him in the head. He completely tumbled forwards and nailed the ground. It was awesome. So much fun.
ah man you guys are lucky i cant even download the deathmatch since steam is telling me the servers are too busy.
I just played on a server for about 25 minutes with little lag and I have to say it was the most fun I've ever had in any multiplayer game.
It is... so... beautiful!
For six years I have been owning with the crossbow, ninja style, and finally I get to do it in a Combine suit and with nice molten looking arrows =)
It's not bad :) But at 200 ping, it's a little laggy.
Nonetheless it's really fun. The gravity gun is really fun to use ^^ I was happily blastin' some shotgun wielder with tables n' stuff... fun. However, I think the crossbow is a little too strong AND the grav gun could be abusive in that u could pick up tables and use it as absolute cover. I haven't played it much, but perhaps if items that could be picked up with the grav gun should be breakable or penetrable to a certain extent, depending on the material of the object.
I just finished playing for 4 hours, and boy this game kicks ASS
2 Maps and yet they are so differant gameplay styles. Lookout is really fast exbloding barrel rampage, and overwatch is a RPGing big map and its ALL about shooting tables and prim shooting cars into people
Heres a tip in lockout, you've seen that plug, under it is a vent. Plugging in the plug to the socket makes the fan go on (anyone in the fan chamber dies) Inside the fan chamber is a rocket launcher, meds, revolver and ammo, and crossbow, to get there from the socket turn right out the gate. Left along the wall, you will see a broken gate, shoot it away and break through the vent, enjoy
The main reason for "bad netcode" is that a much higher percentage of the servers you see out there now are listen servers. The game is also fairly CPU intensive on the server: I wouldn't suggested even dedicated servers have more than a 16 person limit unless they are really beefy powerful.