First model - Guitar


May 6, 2006
Reaction score
Finished my first model today, here it is
Actualy, its not 100% finished, I forgot the plug-hole-thing :p
Shiny wood :)


Whattya think?
BEtter than anything I could do for a first model. Very nice. I think I may have to learn how soon.

It is a sentiment to how bored I am that I am even posting here.
The body itself has a bit of an odd shape, but it looks very good. Much better than I could do.

Ps it's a bass not a guitar. ;)
Yeah bass is still a type of guitar :p

Thanks, yeah I only just found out the weird shape now :/

By the way, the rug, the ceiling, and the wall are half life 2 textures :p
That's very good for a first model, but shouldn't the body of the guitar be more slim in y-axis? It looks kinda fat.

Nice job anyway.
OMFG..that is sexy lol my first model was a sword that was all box-modelled in 3dsmax xD
Looks a little fat around the body. Looks good otherwise.
Good but dont call it guitar. Its a bass. Either that or the guitar is missing 2 strings :s
Hehe... my first model was a spaceship made out of 3 spheres and a rectangle when I was 10... this isn't bad at all, in fact it's quite professional compared to my meagre attempts I say. Might wanna look up some better textures though, even though it is very shiney :)
give it a break, bass is a guitar.
anyway, since i'm a bit player of guitar, your model looks kinda weird to me. i doubt there's a shape like that somewhere. you better look at some pictures of authentic guitar bodies, like strat, sg or les paul.

everything else looks great though :)