First Oblivion Review

StardogChampion said:
The only worry I have is that all the "dungeons" or caves and whatnot will probably be pretty generic looking, as in once you've been in 2 caves you've seen them all.

But I hope not.

I don't think it will be, from what i remember Morrowind was extremely varied when it came to Dungeon/Town Design.
44 for an RPG is default. Not really interested in this game. Still waiting on World of Starcraft :)
I've heard of that, never seen any screenies or anything yet, think i may start taking interest :P
In the review they never said it took them 44 hours to do the main quest, that is just how long their character played over the 4-5 days they had the game to review, in the mag their finals stats for the character were (playing time and such):

Hours Played: 44+
Number of Saved Games: 800+
Number of days passed in-game: 80+
Number of quests completed: 56
Numbers of quests we'd taken but hadn't completed before we had to leave: 14
Number of items stolen: 1529
Number of locks picked: 1117
CR0M said:
Here's another quote from the article just to clear up the uncertainty:

indeed, it's main story can be completed in 20-25 hours. But the heaping 200-hour helping of gameplay is there if you want it.

Just shows how much developers CAN put into a game if they really give a damn about their end product and satisfied customers, instead of their own bank balance. 5 years ago, the average length of a game was 30-40 hours. Now you're lucky if you get 10 hours out of a patched to death, over hyped system hog.

And so...
At the price of every other 10 hour game on the market, I can only think the extra 90% that Bethesda have given us in Oblivion is one ALMIGHTY-TASTIC free gift that should be appreciated as it deserves, yes?

I totally agree...good post. But it's not the developers it's the big companies who are selling the games. They want it finished in a certain time. I'm sure if there was no pressure from them, the developers could work on it for as long as they needed to create the game. It's great that Oblivion has so much gameplay. And it's true we are getting "free" stuff. Most games that come out now are barely 10 hours. Oblivion has a 25 hour main quest, and 200 hours of more stuff which equals to just about 230 hours of gameplay. I hear Bethesda is also working on the next fallout game, which gets me really excitied. Now I'll finally have a use for my Xbox 360. I would get it on PC, but I hardly use my XBOX 360, so this game is the perfect opportunity. Plus I just got an HDTV, so it's great stuff.
hungryduck said:
is there going to be a demo?
*humor sarcasm*: Yes. It will be a Gamespot exclusive, and 1.5 GB large. If you opt for the Hi-res package, they will mail you the two BluRay discs of the demo.

All this about 44 hours of gameplay.. didn't they say something about The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.. and then somebody did it in 7 minutes?
Javert said:
*humor sarcasm*: Yes. It will be a Gamespot exclusive, and 1.5 GB large. If you opt for the Hi-res package, they will mail you the two BluRay discs of the demo.


Oh my God! Really!?
you have to be a special kind of sad if you just want 7 minutes of game for your 30 space-credits. Or very rich.
Damn man, these scans are like nowhere! LOL. I've been searching so hard for em. I'm evil. My first try was google image search. That worked, but the images aren't hosted where they once were. So that drove me nuts. LOL
Morrowind wasn't an CRPG! So I don't expect Oblivion to be one either.

Morrowind was an action adventure game with a stat system. I'm not excited at all because despite the good reviews Morrowind got it was a big pile of stinking poo in reality.
OXM reviews cannot be trusted as someone has already stated and this is just a review of the 360 version yes? The scalable options in the PC version might make for a better overall experience. I'll wait to see what PC Gamer and such give it, but even that can be fishy sometimes. Glad it did well, but was there anyone left that didn't think it would be at least a 9?
I think people need to go back and play Morrowind.

I've had it for years and never completed it. Still today I have black areas on my map and villages I have never been to before! So many caves and dungeons you come across. Hidden items in lakes, houses, rooms, caves. Huge stories too, you can literally do a 2 hour quest from some guy you meet down the road.

I still didn't manage to go into the Ghost area in the middle or find out who these Brother assasins were attacking me at night.

Main quest 40+ hours? Meh, you havn't seen anything yet!
WaterMelon34 said:
Well then, if Oblivion keeps getting great reviews and it has more than 4 times the amount of gameplay, I'll be getting it ASAP.

Jesus... Stern, I just looked at your post count and crapped myself.

He's the forum monster that lives by typing stuff. If he doesn't write anything for atleast 15 minutes, God kills a kitten
CptStern said:
he was talking about my post count that was 16,666 at the time ...but yes ..god kills kittens every 15 minutes unless I post

check out the latest screen's massive

someone needs to do some weeding and cut the grass ...that's just breathtakingly real looking

It doesn't look that impressive IMHO. I've seen better Oblivion pics.

Still good, tho ;]
This might sound a tad silly, but how would the 360 graphics look on a normal TV compared to the PC Version on high ? just out of curiosity, because i will get both but until i get the cable i can't play HDTV.
it'll be the worst of the 3

pc monitor for resolution >

hdtv >

regular tv
CptStern said:
it'll be the worst of the 3

pc monitor for resolution >

hdtv >

regular tv

agreed, the funny thing is that whenever I play the COD2 demo on a 360 I always laugh at how bad the graphics are compared to my machine ALREADY

Drackard said:
This might sound a tad silly, but how would the 360 graphics look on a normal TV compared to the PC Version on high ?.

1) Get some vaseline
2) Smear generous amount onto your PC monitor
3) Spread evenly across the screen
4) Start your PC
5) Open an Oblivion screenshot
6) Pretend you're actually playing Oblivion ON YOUR TELLY

An alternative method to vaseline is to rub raw chopped onions directly into your eyeballs.
What looks better tends to vary from person to person. I've always been a fan of gaming on a big screen, and often prefer the way games look on a standard tele over a monitor (which can often make a gameworld look like a tiny model). imo CoD2, Condemned, Kameo etc look better on my old standard tv than on my monitor. Now I have a decent HDTV I get the best of both worlds :)

If I didn't have an HDTV i'd still choose to play Oblivion on a large standard tele over a monitor.
Warbie said:
What looks better tends to vary from person to person. I've always been a fan of gaming on a big screen, and often prefer the way games look on a standard tele over a monitor (which can often make a gameworld look like a tiny model). imo CoD2, Condemned, Kameo etc look better on my old standard tv than on my monitor. Now I have a decent HDTV I get the best of both worlds :)

If I didn't have an HDTV i'd still choose to play Oblivion on a large standard tele over a monitor.

Complete and utter nonesense...
mortiz said:
Complete and utter nonesense...


And there's nothing wrong with me eyes.

There are certain games in which I prefer a high res (HL2 looks lovely on a monitor), and there are others in which a big screen and blurring (yes, blurring can add to a game) result in more convincing visuals.

GTA3 is a good example. Try playing it at 1600*1200 on a monitor and it looks like you're driving about in a tiny city in paper vehicles. Now play the Xbox version on a large tv - the overly clinical lines and obvious joins between textures are gone, the cars suddenly have weight, the city becomes a large metropolis, and everything looks and feels more solid and natural. It's the same with KOTOR, PoP, CoD2 and various other games I could mention.


I'm not saying a standard tv is better than a monitor, just that I prefer it with certain games. From the looks of Oblivion, I feel it will be the case here. Either way, i'll be playing on a hdtv - which easily blows both out of the water.
console games on most tvs make me dizzy and my eyes tear constantly in most games ...dont have that problem with computers
CptStern said:
console games on most tvs make me dizzy and my eyes tear constantly in most games ...dont have that problem with computers

It's interesting how different ppl are affected by the screens they play on. I have none of these problems you mention while playing on a tv, but am very sensitive to the framerate on a monitor. I find 40fps very hard to deal with, and 30 virtually unplayable. Even a rate into the 50's looks 'bad' to my eyes. On a console/tv 30 fps looks fine.
Meh fair enough, i'll be playing it on high on pc on a decent reso no matter what lol, but ill also get it on 360 as im getting a cable to play it on me monitor soon anyway .. :P
I don't give a damn if it looks a couple pixels better on a monitor or hdtv. I just wanna play the damn game. "LOL, THOSE NOOBS ARE PLAYING ON CONSOLES AND TELEVISIONS. THOSE ****ING BACKWARD REDNECK LOSERS IMO TBH LMAO."
Warbie said:
It's interesting how different ppl are affected by the screens they play on. I have none of these problems you mention while playing on a tv, but am very sensitive to the framerate on a monitor. I find 40fps very hard to deal with, and 30 virtually unplayable. Even a rate into the 50's looks 'bad' to my eyes. On a console/tv 30 fps looks fine.

it doesnt happen in all games ...Halo 2 was awful looked like I was crying while playing plus I had to stop after awhile as I got dizzy did the person I was playing with

I only have ever expreienced motion sickness on a pc in older games ...I remember having to take breaks while playing Wolf3d
Hazar said:
agreed, the funny thing is that whenever I play the COD2 demo on a 360 I always laugh at how bad the graphics are compared to my machine ALREADY


Not to get off topic but ummm not sure what your talking about, I have a good machine and played CoD 2 on my rig with settings maxed and it didnt look as good as the 360 did! IMO the 360 demo doesnt look as good as the regular game not sure if its just me or not but 360 definitely looks better!
CptStern said:
I only have ever expreienced motion sickness on a pc in older games ...I remember having to take breaks while playing Wolf3d

Strangely enough, I knew 2 people who got motion sickness with Wolf 3D but no other game. Maybe something to do with low refresh rates on tiny 14" monitors and the fact that it was the only '3D' fps around at the time? who knows.

TV resolution makes my eyes hurt after a while, can't beat a good TFT (if the game supports the native resolution, that is)
44 hours is pretty good. I think the first game to offer 40 hours of gameplay was Final Fantasy III for Super NES ( i liked that game ), and, at that time, 40 hours was unheard of, of course.

So its long, and yet quite a bit less than forever, which everyone would like.

Anyhow, this type of game is massively addicting, and you'll be experimenting and starting new characters before even finishing the game I'll bet.

So there is more like 150-200 hours or more of gameplay in it

Then come the mods on top of that!

I hope the construction set allows more than the older ones did, supposedly the Morrowind Construction set wouldn't allow you to change the skills, which is something I will need to do to remake Dungeon Master and do a full conversion using the game engine... a year or more down the road

The image:
There are so many leaves on the tree, and Im pretty sure they all wave in the wind... I wonder if they react to rainstorms by turning over.. anyhow, there is no way in hell my PCI card can play this game without imploding and ejecting shrapnel in all directions.

I can't wait to get a new PC damnit. - bah, its ok, i've got to finish my mod for D3 / RoE first anyway.

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