First Oblivion Review

It was confirmed yesterday that the construction set will NOT ship with the PC version, but will be made available to download.
No doubt his will upset a lot of people, but not me - I just want to play it.
Sorry VirusType2, but Oblivion does not allow you to add new main skills etc to the game, so.. Sorry..:)
Neither does it allow you to add new animations and such to the game..
Thus we can't see people doing new weapons with new actual animations, sadly.:)
CR0M, sorry but that wasn't confirmed yesterday.. It has been in the official FAQ since the Gold announcement..
So that's wrong, but anyway, not your fault.
Gargantou said:
Sorry VirusType2, but Oblivion does not allow you to add new main skills etc to the game, so.. Sorry..:)
Neither does it allow you to add new animations and such to the game..
Thus we can't see people doing new weapons with new actual animations, sadly.:)

Maybe you can't do those things with the Construction set, but that doesn't mean you can't do them at all, just that it will be somewhat more difficult (unless it's all hard coded).
That's true Snowden, but afaik, Morrowind wasn't that open with its code for the engine itself etc..
But perhaps one can add it via hacking the game or so..
Gargantou said:
CR0M, sorry but that wasn't confirmed yesterday.. It has been in the official FAQ since the Gold announcement..
So that's wrong, but anyway, not your fault.

ah, soz - just saw it as a new item on oblivionsource. Must remember to check the official site first for the latest news :rolleyes:

hey, did anyone know Oblivion just went GOLD?
I don't blame you CR0M, I blame OblivionSource <3
Slow mother****ers!!
CptStern said:
compared to the standard 10 ...yes

I've played one character in WoW for over 22 days. That's 528 hours. It's over a period of a YEAR, of course, but still.

Also: THe article said the campaign lasted about 25 hours, not under 10.
Just read through the thread, and just to clarify for you guys who don't seem to understand. 44 hours isn't the total amount of gameplay in the game. It's how long the reviewers spent playing it.
Oblivion can take as long to beat as you want it to be. I mean... I never even beat Morrowind, but played it a hell of alot. So it will vary for just about everyone when it comes to how long it will take them to beat the game. I probably wont even pay attention to the main quest until I spend a few days exploring :stare:
My PCGamer magazine that came at the start of Febraury had a hands on review. I don't believe that is first.

This looks awesome though. Sounds awesome too.
Spoonoop said:
Oblivion can take as long to beat as you want it to be. I mean... I never even beat Morrowind, but played it a hell of alot. So it will vary for just about everyone when it comes to how long it will take them to beat the game. I probably wont even pay attention to the main quest until I spend a few days exploring :stare:

Some people are a glutton for punishment.
Fliko, no.
It probably had a hands-on Preview.
There's a minor difference.