first pic :O

Yeah i saw that, the water looks great but what the heck, it's almost the same as normal DoD.

For those who have problems seeing it.

It brings a tear to my eye, no really it does, I demand a high res one!

edit: There just water efx right now, if you go read the DODS Q&A say said it would be a simple port, then there going to update everything like models, weapons sounds textures etc etc etc.
its anzio from 1.3, with a gun model and player model from 1.3 and new hl2 water. Extremely boring. I really hope the dod team is further along than this pic indicates.
uhh extremely sexy its the old dod with a shader on the water.. the game is probably JUST BARELY started ;)




DOD: Source looks shit. **** that. I thought they where going to redo it like CS: Source, well that game has just left my "I want" list.
They are in the making. This is probably just an early work picture.
Ecthe|ioN said:
They are in the making. This is probably just an early work picture.

I hope so, because having shiny new sparkling water ain't gonna cut it :laugh:
It sux0rz t3h big one1111!No...but really I can't wait for it...good gfx or not.
IchI said:




DOD: Source looks shit. **** that. I thought they where going to redo it like CS: Source, well that game has just left my "I want" list.
Did you even read the thread?

It was said a few posts above that they were gonna start off with a direct port to hold people over, then overhaul it.
Jadewolf5675 said:
Did you even read the thread?

It was said a few posts above that they were gonna start off with a direct port to hold people over, then overhaul it.

you've gotta admit though that the "we're gonna make it cool at some point"-attitude is rather lame...
It is just a temporary picture. Look at Waldo taunt us. ;(

Waldo said:
Ooollddd picture. Not sure why that one got used. THere's also a lto more in there you're not seeing, like how the bottom of the water way there is muddy & nice rounded rolling terrain, little weeds and such are growing up, driftwood is piled up behind the grate, the rocks beyond don't look like they are made of building blocks, etc.
B.Calhoun said:
can someone post the pic? i wanna see it....

Post number 3.

And I can't stop laughing at your signature. That was a funny story. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
ah ok, i didnt see it the first time for some reason...

I cant wait to see DoD: S when its completly overhauled

And about my sig: yeah lol it was a funny story... man evil milk...errm...i mean that guy in the story must have been really embarrased. :D
They ARE redoing all the artwork.

Whether or not this involves the brushwork of the maps too, I dunno. But most likely yes.
The thing is, if you look at HL:source it shows an old pic on there too.. So maybe DOD:S is further along then we think.
ah crap why did i bother getting silver... i didnt really want dod:s if its this bullcrap!
Mainly because it's an old picture. :|
im sure they will have new character models like in cs source plus remember, there will be physics too, i mean that is just a screenshot, we havent even seen the game in action yet

Neutrino said:

Who the heck is that on the sixth post down?!

Name stealer! I've had this name forever.

I thought it was you! :O
Well what would you say to a mod team when basiclly this happened.

Ok, X mod does look shit, but we are going to make it uber l33t rox0rs some day. You will see.

I would be like... ok, I'm not following this mod anymore.

I will wait for full screen shots, if its not better I will just go in a corner and die.
the taxters are the same and the models.only thing they changed was the guss is that there just starting to make dods.
it wont look nutting like that when its out.
thats a promes :)
What the Hell is wrong with you people? YOU ARE GOING TO GET A FREAKIN' FULL UPDATE LIKE CS:S.

There is a reason as to why it hasn't been released yet.

Seriously, do I need to spoonfeed this crap to you? Or should I just let you people freak out and shit yourselves in disappointment over one screenshot of an incomplete game?
What the hell, I'm totally not getting this, steam can download it but I'll just let it stay there on my harddrive.

Jesus, that 194x122 picture just hit me so hard that I might not even buy half-life 2.
Absinthe said:
What the Hell is wrong with you people? YOU ARE GOING TO GET A FREAKIN' FULL UPDATE LIKE CS:S.

There is a reason as to why it hasn't been released yet.

Seriously, do I need to spoonfeed this crap to you? Or should I just let you people freak out and shit yourselves in disappointment over one screenshot of an incomplete game?

No shit man. I'm getting tired of all the crying going on here with an old screenshot.
nw909 said:
What the hell, I'm totally not getting this, steam can download it but I'll just let it stay there on my harddrive.

Jesus, that 194x122 picture just hit me so hard that I might not even buy half-life 2.
Have fun with that.
It's a picture from the first build of DoD:S. Visit the DoD forums and you'll see that. NOTHING has changed besides the addition of a few more rocks, some weeds, and shaders on the water. This is, of course, months ago.

The screenshot looks like shit. -> FACT

Old screenshot? Technically this is the NEWEST (first ) screenshot of DoD:S we've been exposed to. I don't care what a Valve employee says they lie to us on a daily basis.

"Oh no someone has an opinion, I better flame them"

**** off.
Well OF COURSE it's going to be redone.

It's the newest, but also the FIRST screenshot we've seen.
Umm i don't think they said that they were ever FULLY redoing dod:s at the moment this just might be a little thing to hold us off
Guys its not like its going to be the same thing totally.... there are bumpmaps and ragdolls etc etc

The team is uber small compared to the other teams like CS.... Give them some freaking time and slack!

Yes it is an old screenshot, if you don't think its old then you must be kidding yourselves.....

A direct port is better than nothing.... I would rather have them release that then let us wait even longer for a full re-do...

Although I won't be buying silver until I see some high-res media that appeals to me :)
How can you tell that its exactly the same as DoD apart from the water , i mean if you put a screenie that small up of CS Source i doubt you could tell the diff lol.

Anyway Dod S was anounced kinda late with the anouncment of the hl2 packages . previously there was little to no info about it . hopefully they can bring anything out intime for hl2 release :bonce: