First Radio Show [omfg, imo]

So umm... like what was it all about?
So basically like every other time I hear Dalamari and Qonfused banter back and forth in ventrilo.

Maybe if you guys didn't talk over me so much I would have said more ;(
so does the second link not work now?

doesn't do anything for me
Bumped for eventual posting of radio show link

I hope dere's more of this, I missed this completely.
me too, I want to hear you do a piece on howto cook epic bacons
Dalamari says:
upload the show
Dalamari says:
People are bitching
Qonfused says:
Qonfused says:
no way to convert
Dalamari says:
Can't you upload as is?
Qonfused says:
Dalamari says:
It plays on Winamp
Dalamari says:
People will get it
Qonfused says:
k uploading
Won't play in winamp or anything.
I can't see anyway to open it in this ventrilo thing...

When in Ventrilo, connect to any server. Then right click on your name, view, record/playback. Open file.

for the next show, I'm definitely going to find a way to save in .mp3.
^ You can record whatever is played through your speakers with any program that records audio, like Sound Recorder.
You just have to set it up in Volume Control.
1. Dbl click volume icon in system tray.
2. Options > Properties.
3. Click on Recording
4. Make sure Stereo Mix is checked on...Hit OK.
5. It should switch to the Recording Control window, now select Stereo mix with the check box.
6. Keep the window open.
7. Open Sound Recorder or whatever.
8. Start playing the audio with Ventrilo, and hit record on SoundRec and it should record whatever is played through your speakers.

Sound Recorder can't save mp3s though. You'll need something like Audacity to do that.
^ You can record whatever is played through your speakers with any program that records audio, like Sound Recorder.
You just have to set it up in Volume Control.
1. Dbl click volume icon in system tray.
2. Options > Properties.
3. Click on Recording
4. Make sure Stereo Mix is checked on...Hit OK.
5. It should switch to the Recording Control window, now select Stereo mix with the check box.
6. Keep the window open.
7. Open Sound Recorder or whatever.
8. Start playing the audio with Ventrilo, and hit record on SoundRec and it should record whatever is played through your speakers.

Sound Recorder can't save mp3s though. You'll need something like Audacity to do that.

I know.

The only problem is I won't be able to talk. The recording my own mic without going through Ventrilo... well I don't want to do that.
The term podcast = Apple = iPod = totally what I'm not about.
The term podcast = Apple = iPod = totally what I'm not about.

Still sober enough that i won't say


and leave it

Instead, i say:
Do whatever will make it most popular, if podcasting is the answer then so be it
The only problem is I won't be able to talk. The recording my own mic without going through Ventrilo... well I don't want to do that.

I meant you record it as a vrf like you did with the first, then play it back with vent and record it to an mp3 format.
I made an mp3 out of it, though it's more fun to listen with Ventrilo because you can see who's saying what...

Download the MP3 from:

Filefront or Megaupload

Hopefully everything's tickety-boo...