First the Family Guy movie...


Party Escort Bot
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
20 the Futurama movie.


EDIT1: Just realised, this was posted July 15. There could already be threads on this (although I used the 'almighty' search so shut up) and what not. Apologies.
EDIT2: West already posted on his forum about a new series. That, too, may have been posted. Whatever.
Dang straight.

Also, to save making a new thread (although one will get made soon anyway..), The Simpsons movie has been announced for 2008.

Great. :roll:
I heard about this a short while ago. Can't wait. I say retire the Simpsons and bring back Futurama.
futurama is my favorite animated show of all time (even over family guy). i say cancel simpsons and bring back futurama! You cant beat a character like zoidberg!
Help! Freinds! A guinea pig tricked me!
I vote Familiy Guy over Futurama by a bit, but I still will love to see the Furturama movie. And yes, Simpsons is bleh now. Go back a few years, kill it, make it a better history. Now its just "Wow..the simpsons...why am I reminded of the Power Rangers? D:"
Futurama has much better writing tham FG, FG relies to much on the random acts of funny, which isn't really funny anymore.
I love Futurama, but Family Guy is still the top show for me, along with South Park. So, I can't wait for this movie...
Dog said:
Flcl Beats It All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi! Welcome to the forums! Thanks for killing the thread!

Anyway, I downloaded the Family Guy movie about a week ago. Freakin' sweet. Looking forward to some more Futurama goodness.
Greatgat said:
Hi! Welcome to the forums! Thanks for killing the thread!

Anyway, I downloaded the Family Guy movie about a week ago. Freakin' sweet. Looking forward to some more Futurama goodness.

thanks for trying to kill the thread jackass.

i just saw the family guy movie too! i thought it was gonna be kinda crappy (over hyped) but i loved the movie! so ****ing funny
My freind has it on his portable HDD which I'm borrowing at the moment (bastard formatting), so I think I may watch it tonight. (FG movie that is)
Delicious Bass said:
hope you enjoy!

I only watched an hour of it; it was pretty good. Not great, but good. I think I'll emjoy the Futurama movie alot more.
MY order
1. Simpsons/Futurama (But I've seen every single episode of the simpsons)
2. Family guy