First Tribes: Ascend screenshots


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Oh yes



This E3 gonna be good.
I wonder how long it'll be before this thread gets people bitching about how it's a multiplatform title.:p

Still, I'm excited for this.
Multiplatform, blah.
Massive weapon models, blah.
Unnecessary ammo counter on the weapon itself, blah.

Pretty visuals though.
We'll see. I am VERY skeptical of multiplatform gameplay for an FPS that is as reliant on precision and movement as much as a Tribes game is... but I have an open mind.

Shit, I would love another good Tribes game. One eye on it.
As long as it's more Tribes than Tribes Vengeance, it should be at least alright.
As long as it's more Tribes than Tribes Vengeance, it should be at least alright.

Well, the devs have said they intend it to be a follow-up to Tribes 2, rather then Tribes: Vengeance.

Let's hope they make good on that claim.

I just installed Tribes2/TribesNext today and went online to check it out but were unable to find a server that actually had real players instead of bots.:(
Looks pretty neat. A lot like Halo though.
I've never played Tribes, but from what I've seen of previous games and this, it seems like Unreal Tournament plus jet packs.

If it has bots, and a map editor I'm interested.
I'm not saying "Tribes is like Halo". I'm saying those screenshots look like something from Halo.
Used to play a lot of Tribes back in the day, so I'll more than likely get this game pronto when it comes out
Why is that gun so god damn huge. Developers, I beg you. Stop making guns that take up a whole quarter of my ****ing screen.

I'm excited for another Tribes title, but stuff like that sets off alarms in my brain.
Why is that gun so god damn huge.

Most likely explanation, the screenshots are from an X-Box 360 version, and the FOV has some idiotic low value like 60 or something.
Just noticed the size of the gun myself, how ridiculous.
I guess it's necessary if there's no HUD with ammo on it, but it is kind of a gimmick.
Tribes Vengeance is possibly one of my favourite games, although I'm speaking to the singleplayer and not to the multiplayer. That is an aspect of Tribes I'm ignorant of, and the criticism the third instalment usually receives is in relation to its multiplayer component. As a result, I think the SP is criminally under-valued. I'll be checking this game out on release.

What's wrong with ammo counters on the weapons? It saves the screen from unnecessary clutter. You tool.
Saying that multiplayer is an aspect of Tribes you're ignorant of is kind of equivalent to saying that you are unfamiliar with Half-Life 2's singleplayer but you absolutely love HL2DM. Or like playing Counterstrike with bots on custom maps and saying that vanilla multiplayer CS is an aspect of CS you're ignorant of :p

I never played the T:V singleplayer so I'm not commenting on that at all, just that the reason Tribes has the name and reputation it does is because Tribes and Tribes 2 have great multiplayer (vanilla or not) and missing out on that is basically missing out on Tribes :p if I were you I would strongly recommend rectifying that, although I have no idea if it's possible to play Tribes 2 online anymore.
K. I refuse to believe those are actual screenshots due to the after-effects they put on the thing. Hoping they don't just CGI together a trailer for E3, but chances are, we won't see anything more than that. Looking forward to E3 2012.
K. I refuse to believe those are actual screenshots due to the after-effects they put on the thing. Hoping they don't just CGI together a trailer for E3, but chances are, we won't see anything more than that. Looking forward to E3 2012.
I've been told this game is due this year.

This will not be a full-price title, i.e. it's not a full-scale retail title.

It will be XBLA and digital delivery on PC.

XBLA titles are generally priced around what, 800 MSP at release?

Not sure what that is in USD, I am guessing around 10?
"Proper" games like this are usually priced at 1200-1600MSP, so probably $15-20 on PC.
Those prices sound bout right...

However i want bump in here because I have played tribes 2 since it came out, except for the time there were no public servers, a couple years back. ( Servers came back in 2009 ) Sierra Entertainment ( now part of activiction / blizzard ) absorbed Dynamix (tribes games series creators) shortly after tribes 2 was released. The game had a series of revised release dates, was still somewhat flakey (game caused GP’s) even when it did make it to market.

my thoughts though the real reason that tribes 2 didn’t go viral was due the graphics overhead for that era ( 2000 - 2001 ) and high end graphics cards didn't go mainstream until 2003, by then the original game creators were long gone and tribes 2 had be handed to Garage Games for support and bug fixes, point being even new high end pc's for that time frame were lucky to get 20'ish fps on big games ( 32 vs. 32 ) 64 player games (no bots) with the weapon arsenal of a T-2 game can be very demanding on video, this on top of the learning curve due the massive array of game items and configurations, your armor, and load out, for defense or offense, to win at this game takes teamwork or forget it.

and last of all, I haven't to this day ever seen such a complete war game as what tribes 2 offered and still does ( its now free to play, search for TRIBES NEXT, grab it and visit Goon Haven on the server list, No Bots , and 50+ player games daily ) there is nothing left out of this game, deployable weapons, 1 , 2 , 3 and 6 person vehicles, deploy remote video, pulse sensors, motion sensors, remote radar, land spike turrents, spider clamp turrents. Fire missile launchers once you get lock, deploy flare grenades to avoid that lock. This game is as balanced as any I've ever played. But the learning curve is somewhat daunting; the sheer number of items in the game is more than enough to discourage impatient players. not to mention you can play smaller games and add as many as 16 bots and adjust their artificial intelligence to your desired level on the server, and once the game starts, players can actually give the bots commands, escort another player or bot, attack, repair, defend and the list goes on and on.... Epic war at its very best.

ok already, rave mode = off
It's been so long since I played Tribes, but I seem to remember them putting red arrows over the enemies, making it impossible to sneak around anywhere. The levels were so huge but I felt like I couldn't use it because anybody within a half mile of me would go "oh look! a red arrow!"
We'll see. I am VERY skeptical of multiplatform gameplay for an FPS that is as reliant on precision and movement as much as a Tribes game is... but I have an open mind.

Shit, I would love another good Tribes game. One eye on it.

You googly eyed bastard!

If a game could recapture the awesomeness of Tribes 2, that'd be great. Loved the shit out of that game.
Gameplay: looks pretty consoley, but I saw skiing and jetpacks and I want it anyway, looks like it could be pretty decent on PC (maybe).

Free to play: ****.

Also, @pilotsj2 who clearly registered just to talk about how awesome T2 is - right on man. T2 was always my favorite far and away. I haven't played a proper online match of it in probably six or seven years though...
I wonder if it'll be free on the 360.

Somehow I doubt it.
Free to play, confirmed for shit.

But... it's Tribes so you bet your ass I'll try it.
It's sad when free usually means the game is going to suck. Who would have assumed "FREE" would turn into a bad thing...
Yeah, this was clearly recorded from a console. But even so, it does look pretty damn fun. As long as their Free-to-Play is more in line with TF2 than... whatever other F2P abominations I've suppressed memories of, I'm hopeful.
Well, since it's free to play, I guess I will give it a try. Hopefully they keep it original though.
Okay, I take back my hate.
20 minute gameplay video:

Looks like they're going for the Tribes 2 gameplay, nothing wrong with that really... I enjoyed T2 quite a bit.
Yeah that pretty much looks like Tribes 2. I'm happy.
Looks great. anyone know if there's gonna be a PS3 port?
Multiplatform, blah.
Unnecessary ammo counter on the weapon itself, blah.

1) Doesn't mean anything yet
2) I actually prefer this to the stupid glowing HUDs of today in BC2 and the footage of BF3.

edit: err... made by the Global Agenda guys. I'll have to wait on reviews.
looks pretty sweet to me. Tribes was very addicting back in the day
Never did get into tribes. But this looks fun as hell... The world needs more imaginative scifi twitch shooters like this. I'm sick to death of "modern warfare" shooters.