First Weapon?

Which is first?

  • Pistol

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • Crowbar

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • Shotgun

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • SMG

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • Grenade

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Bug Bait (?)

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Crossbow

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Magnum

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Pulse Rifle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grav Gun (if your stupid enough not to read the thread)

    Votes: 11 18.6%

  • Total voters


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, what do we think the first weapon in Ep2 is going to be, place your bets ladies and gentlemen, place your bets!!! (excluding the Grav Gun)

In Half life 2, the first weapon was the crowbar
In Ep1, the first weapon was a pistol or shotgun (excluding grav gun)
In Ep2, ?????
how does that work... wat u get both at the same second
I voted MSG, cos your likely to find dead rebels with weapons among the train wreck.
A crate of grenades.

So you can practice your 1337 nadecooking skillz in singleplayer :hmph:

Edit : Also don't underrate the bugbait. Vortigaunt + Nest + Guards = we'll surely control the workers at some point.
I said the shotgun, since it has had the most face time in the previews so far...
Voted SMG because we'll get one as soon as we meet a soldier, pretty much all of whom will have SMGs at the start at least, because we're not likely to see any metrocops.

Then I changed my mind, and I now think something along the lines of pistol or shotgun, because we're more likely to meet some headcrabs or antlions before we run into any soldiers.
i think we'll see alot more metrocops then people expect, cos they wouldnt just leave any combine technology/unit behind, cos they even bring city scanners...when there not in a city
Ah, but how long until we meet a soldier?

What do you mean? My point is that we're more likely to meet some wildlife first. Of course, it could very easily be something else, I have no idea what order things will be in in terms of enemies. My weapon order is slightly more likely than others IMHO, but still pretty unlikely, given that it would be so easy to do it differently.

i think we'll see alot more metrocops then people expect, cos they wouldnt just leave any combine technology/unit behind, cos they even bring city scanners...when there not in a city

There were CPs and soldiers in C17 in Ep1 trying to prevent other citizens from escaping. The CPs are lightly armoured and AFAIK, still completely human. They were put in place to watch over the citizens of C17, not to deal with a massive rebellion - albeit they were fighting quite a few rebels in HL2. But yeah... they might be of some use. I'm supprised they didn't all just run for it though in Ep1, seeing as they're all apparently human.
And the first weapon you find is...... the RPG. HA! You din't expect that! LOL
At the beginning alyx digs you out of the train wreck with the grav gun. Maybe she gives it to you?
Ah, but how long until we meet a soldier?

I think pretty long probably during chapter 3 or so, considering that if in the beginning we will be going into the antlion nest first before getting our car.
Then we probably won't be seeing any soldiers any soon until we get out of the antlion nest unless some of them are already attacking the nest searching for you and alyx.
I though we weren't meant to vote for the gravity gun because very probably will start out with it, and he meant first weapon except the grav gun.
After gravity gun, I say crowbar. We'll be going into the caves, and the videos show a crowbar in there.We'll be going underground pretty soon afet6r the game starts, I think,

Oh, if only we knew the chapter names!
After gravity gun, I say crowbar. We'll be going into the caves, and the videos show a crowbar in there.We'll be going underground pretty soon afet6r the game starts, I think,

Oh, if only we knew the chapter names!

Yes I bet it is the crowbar too but the question that remains is how do we acquire it this time, will it be Barney that will be giving it to us or will we just find it lying around somewhere.
Yeah, the crowbar would be good to get early on because there are likely to headcrabs all throughout the outlands.
Am I the only one who considered the possibility that we'd start with all of our weapons?

Freeman has gone through worse than trainwrecks without losing anything.
Am I the only one who considered the possibility that we'd start with all of our weapons?

Freeman has gone through worse than trainwrecks without losing anything.

I say so too.

Maybe we'll get the Alyx Gun :D
well I read there is a new weapon other than the strider buster.
He's talking about a weapon that you put on the ground and it secures a radius that antlions can't come up. Like those things that pound into the ground consistantly., it's just a portable version of it.

I forget the sauce of it, though.
He's talking about a weapon that you put on the ground and it secures a radius that antlions can't come up. Like those things that pound into the ground consistantly., it's just a portable version of it.

I forget the sauce of it, though.

Portable thumper? No.

No, not at all.
There's virtually no info about it. There's even a chance that it's not even in the game anymore (knowing valve) :hmph:

I'd say it's a kind of electronic grenade created by Magnusson :bounce:
Heck, thats the gun I'd be holding onto if I was being swooped by wierd alien ships :o

Edit:// Rofl, if you highlight the " :o ", it looks like an angry asian!
lol it does, but if you think about the new icons and stuff id say this game is faced atlot at new players so, like ep1, valve wants us to give a fresh start so that new players can get used to each gun at a certain time, and on one of the gameplay videos (NO. 4) it looks like he doesnt have an RPG or he would kill the Hunter Chopper easy, so he doesnt keep them...maybe he keeps some of them but only simple small guns, like pistol and SMG
Why does everyone think that we will go to the antlion nest at the very beginning? I think that this part would be somewhere in the middle or even in the end of the game... From the trailers you can see that the player already has crowbar 357. mag and a shotgun in that chapter, so i think the antlion nest chapter won't be at the very beginning.