Flight Simulators?


Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Just picked up this game Apache Air Assault, some sort of a Boeing military helicopter flight/combat simulator (though it entirely realistic). It's a really fun game, and I'm surprised since this is probably my first "flight simulation" game. I was thinking about going and picking up a airplane simulation game now, and after doing a little research I've narrowed it down to Ace Combat 6 and IL 2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey (on xbox 360), both of which got good metacritic scores.

I was just curious if anyone else has played them and preferred one over the other, or could recommend a different sim/flight game on 360?

Also, HAWX is terrible.
There are no real flight sims on consoles. Only dumbed down versions. Ace Combat is an arcade sim.
Do you have a PS2? If you want to play Ace Combat I recommend 4 5 and Zero, not 6.


That is not realistic.
There are no real flight sims on consoles. Only dumbed down versions. Ace Combat is an arcade sim.
Do you have a PS2? If you want to play Ace Combat I recommend 4 5 and Zero, not 6.


That is not realistic.

Yea it is super arcade but the helicopters aren't THAT hard to control. Wish I had a PS2 still though, and I know the new AC game is looking bad (pretty sure you pointed that out yourself.)
Well I'm a blind fanboy so I'll be buying Assault Horizon and judging it then. 6 isn't too bad, but it's just not up to par with 4 5 and Zero.

Get IL-2, though, it's the closest you'll get to a sim on a console.