Foot Flushing

Do you use your foot to flush a urinal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 15.8%
  • No

    Votes: 41 53.9%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 23 30.3%

  • Total voters


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I have flushed every urinal (when alone) with my feet for at least the past 3 years. I find that the handle obviously contains a ton of germs/bacteria/stds as it's the one thing most people touch after pissing.

After that, the knobs on the sinks are dirty as well. After you piss you touch your pcker, then the fly to your pants (which goes up and down all day) then the sink knobs...then after you wash your hands you touch it again to turn it off. This defeats the purpose of washing your hands.

Then you usually need to touch the door handle. You can't leave a bathroom correctly without bringing other people's dick particles with you. So in the interest of sanitation I use my foot to flush the toilet and most of the time skip the hand washing and then use a paper towel to open the door. Dont worry, I use hand sanitizer after I pee as long as there isn't a bunch of urine on my hands.

Poke a whole through that logic, I dare you.
Your keyboard is dirtier than that handle you won't touch. Better start wearing gloves.
Tyguy said:
most of the time skip the hand washing

you're deathly afraid of germs but avoid washing your hands. you sir, are a mental case ;)

also hop into the Spruce Moose ...I said, get in, <cocks hammer on gun>

Your keyboard is dirtier than that handle you won't touch. Better start wearing gloves.

At least I know my keyboard isn't being used in conjunction with expelling waste out of my body. There may be some food residue on it but as far as bathroom germs, I have to assume it's clean.
you're deathly afraid of germs but avoid washing your hands. you sir, are a mental case ;)

also hop into the Spruce Moose ...I said, get in, <cocks hammer on gun>


Lol'd. I'm surprised by how much of the Simpsons I've seen
Sometimes but I only do it because it's awesome.... what? It totally is!
Honestly, I'm that guy that pisses without flushing. I don't want to touch that knob, and when I go to wash my hands, I usually turn it off with a light touch of lets say the back of my hand. I'm really not a germaphobe or anything, but I've always done this.
Urine is pretty sterile, as is your general penis area when compared with the rest of your body. Sometimes I'll flush a public toilet with my foot, though. Shit is... well, it's shit. Most of the urinals I've seen lately have been auto-flushing anyways.
Honestly, I'm that guy that pisses without flushing.

You're the reason I have to foot flush BEFORE pissing...i can't risk getting another person's urine splashed on me.
You clean freaks should come over my house, there's piss EVERYWHERE and I wipe my arse with the flusher.
You're the reason I have to foot flush BEFORE pissing...i can't risk getting another person's urine splashed on me.

Well, I was going to add in there, in case it actually sits in the urinal, I'll flush it, but if it actually drains, then I walk away disregarding the whole flushing process.
"You may not vote on this poll" what did i do ? .

I've never used a urinal that wasn't an auto flush and when i'm in a stall i tap it with my foot . Then i do the weird back of the hand tap thing. I think thats pretty standard public washroom protocol .
I can't remember seeing a urinal in the UK that didn't flush itself periodically. And most modern public toilets have those sensors anyway.
Honestly, I'm that guy that pisses without flushing. I don't want to touch that knob, and when I go to wash my hands, I usually turn it off with a light touch of lets say the back of my hand. I'm really not a germaphobe or anything, but I've always done this.

I ****ing hate you. I absolutely rage when I walk up to a urinal and there's deep yellow, no, ochre rather, piss just chilling in there. And you're already committed so you can't step back and choose another stall (even if that was an option, the next one would be in the same condition because there's millions of your ****s running around).

Sorry if that seemed harsh, it's one of my biggest pet peeves.
Shamrock you're never invited to my house.

Yes my house has urinals.
I don't go in public restrooms to begin with.
I do. I also use my foot to kick open the door, and move people who might stand in my way.
Who gives a shit? When you're piss-drunk on a Saturday night at some pub and have to take a leak germs are the least thing on my mind. Obviously I wash my hands afterward at the sink but that's about as far as that goes regarding my hygiene-standards, can't let all kinds of silly phobias control my everyday life.

In any case, auto-flushing urinals and auto-taps are becoming more common in public places, it's convenient of course, but I didn't mind with the manual ones before :p
I would use my foot in the dorms and any disgusting bathroom at a party I'm at. Other than that I don't worry much about germs.
I don't go in public restrooms to begin with.

lol what are you afraid of? someone hearing you tinkle? surely a little pee on your shoes is better than your bladder exploding?

wiki said:
1601: Tycho Brahe, according to legend, died of complications resulting from a strained bladder at a banquet. It would have been extremely bad etiquette to leave the table before the meal was finished, so he stayed until he became fatally ill.
Only when I don't wash my hands afterward *not often*
Here's an idea stop being such a bubble wrapped pussy - who ****ing cares you won't get sick over this shit... Just because there are germs doesn't mean they are the kind to get you sick.

I don't wash my hands after a piss.. It's not like my dick touched anything other then my clean boxers after I took a shower and washed it this morning.. Did you guys know your face is dirtier then your ass and dick?
Here's an idea stop being such a bubble wrapped pussy - who ****ing cares you won't get sick over this shit... Just because there are germs doesn't mean they are the kind to get you sick.

I don't wash my hands after a piss.. It's not like my dick touched anything other then my clean boxers after I took a shower and washed it this morning.. Did you guys know your face is dirtier then your ass and dick?

you could have pubic lice or you could have skipped your shower in the morning leaving a nice residue of vaginal secretions (i assume it would be vaginal ;))
Haven't seen a urinal or sink that is not automatic in ages. But it's nice to know other people use paper towels to open the restroom doors.
Here's an idea stop being such a bubble wrapped pussy - who ****ing cares you won't get sick over this shit... Just because there are germs doesn't mean they are the kind to get you sick.

I don't wash my hands after a piss.. It's not like my dick touched anything other then my clean boxers after I took a shower and washed it this morning.. Did you guys know your face is dirtier then your ass and dick?


People who fear germs and people who dab the grease off their pizza should be thrown into death camps
you could have pubic lice or you could have skipped your shower in the morning leaving a nice residue of vaginal secretions (i assume it would be vaginal ;))

Well I doubt the pubic lice thing, I shave my balls. And I never, ever leave the house without a shower, I feel too dirty and greasy when I wake up.
Here's an idea stop being such a bubble wrapped pussy - who ****ing cares you won't get sick over this shit... Just because there are germs doesn't mean they are the kind to get you sick.

I don't wash my hands after a piss.. It's not like my dick touched anything other then my clean boxers after I took a shower and washed it this morning.. Did you guys know your face is dirtier then your ass and dick?

but you still touch your dick. and sometimes if you dont shake it enough there may be pee residue ..ensuring the next time you take a leak you touch your now pee stained penis. think about this the next time you're out at a restuarant eating a ****ing sandwich with your pee stained hands

NOMNOMNOM can really taste the pee
but you still touch your dick. and sometimes if you dont shake it enough there may be pee residue

Pressing on the taint gets all of the extra piss out. Way better than shaking. If you do this I promise you'll never get piss on yourself ever again. Weird I know, but it works. My friend found this out from a doctor who told him that theres a tube there and by pressing it releases the extra piss.

Wow that sounds ****ed up
I ****ing hate you. I absolutely rage when I walk up to a urinal and there's deep yellow, no, ochre rather, piss just chilling in there. And you're already committed so you can't step back and choose another stall (even if that was an option, the next one would be in the same condition because there's millions of your ****s running around).

Sorry if that seemed harsh, it's one of my biggest pet peeves.
Like I said in me last post. When I piss in a urinal, if it drains, I don't flush. If it doesn't drain, I flush!

Shamrock you're never invited to my house.

Yes my house has urinals.

How now brown cow. You know I'm allowed to your house. I'm going to be up in Cleveland at the end of September, you should allow me to stay the night. :D

Pressing on the taint gets all of the extra piss out. Way better than shaking. If you do this I promise you'll never get piss on yourself ever again. Weird I know, but it works. My friend found this out from a doctor who told him that theres a tube there and by pressing it releases the extra piss.

Wow that sounds ****ed up

You are ****ed up sir. I thought Gay Rob told Mike. Gay Rob isn't a doctor.
Here's an idea stop being such a bubble wrapped pussy - who ****ing cares you won't get sick over this shit... Just because there are germs doesn't mean they are the kind to get you sick.

I don't wash my hands after a piss.. It's not like my dick touched anything other then my clean boxers after I took a shower and washed it this morning.. Did you guys know your face is dirtier then your ass and dick?


I voted no becouse flushing a toilet with your foot is just plain ridiculous whether you get germs or not.
I have never seen a urinal with a handle. All the urinals over here flush themselves.
I have never seen a urinal with a handle. All the urinals over here flush themselves.

Us Americans are slow to progress. There are enormous amounts of places that have self flushing urinals, but there are even more places that are less contemporary and basically want to give people germs.