For all of us Americans: what is a Chav?


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
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I see it being used a lot around here. I know it's not a good thing to be one but what exactly is a "chav?" Or is it just an expression?
A scumbag. They wear tracksuits, gold rings...such as...generally a mess. I don't think I could describe them any other way.
A chav is like a hick trashy gangster here in the US, only with a bad accents and worse teeth.
A chav is an asshole who wear disgusting tracksuits with their trousers tucked into their socks. They were cheap gold soverign rings and stupid fat gold necklaces. They generally go round causing trouble.

They're just the scum of the world.
They'd be the counterparts to American "Trailer-Trash" or "Wiggers".
Wiggers are white kids who try to act like black gangsters. Chavs dont.
Ren, what part of our fair city are you from?
Quinton/Halesowen here
We have the counterpart of a chav in Poland as well. We call it "dresiarz", which in translation would be "tracksuiter" ("tracksuitist"? :P). Of course that's because they usually wear tracksuits.
From what I've gathered it's just a wigger with a horrid geordie accent
A person trying to act like a white person trying to act like a black person?

Intresting.... That has got to be......such a sad sight...
Chavs are -

-Disgusting layabouts.

-trouble causing scumbags.

-tracksuit wearing morons.

-lacking in normal standards of decency.

-possibly gypsies.

-working class, not good working class mind you, but bad ugly ignorant working class .

-not like you or I, no sireee bob.

-a safe repostory for English prejudice.

-a necessary illusion.
Hi i live in Newcastle (but from Scotland) so its ok about the geordie accent remark. Any way me and my girlfriend were waiting at the metro (the subway to you american dudes ;) And as I walked round the corner this tit (chav) stuck his chest out like a cockrel and tried to pik a fight with. The platform was packed and as we walked by he started shouting at my girl friend too everyone around us were like just ignore it son hes just an idiot!

Now my friends thats a definition of a chav!

p.s. he waqs also wearing a flithy england top too! no offence to anyone that takes pride in ther national colours he obviousley didnt !

just a thought
pomegranate said:
Ren, what part of our fair city are you from?
Quinton/Halesowen here

Not really from Brum... not far though. Dudley/Quarry Bank.

I know Quinton/Halesowen :)
I just wanted to kill the guy but that wouldv made me like him and I'm not
I personally hate when a white person tries too hard to act like a black person. Not saying black people are bad, I respect them, but when a white person tries to act like one, it just turns into some utter shit.
it probably means that they dont have an identity for themselves and look to other peoples ID's for some sort of personal apprectiation.

I hate them but cant do a lot about them !

Do you guys know about the ASBOS we have for these types of idiots ?
To be honest, I don't think you can really compare a chav to anything, they're pretty unique in their scummyness.


Perfect example.

They don't actually aspire to be anything, such as a "wigger" might, they literally enjoying sitting outside the benefits office, to pick up the money I paid in for them through taxes.

The main problem with them, is breeding, once you get one chav female, they start breeding around the age of 14 (new low - 11) and continue right through to menopause.

The males are just as bad, looking to mate at the same age, one female chav can hope to have up to 10 children in their lifetime, each child becoming another worthless piece of shit.

lol i have a few track jackets, havent worn them in ages though. But i certainly never wear such ridiculous looking baseball caps.
Ugh. We have wiggers, but usually, while annoying, they're harmless. Chavs seem awful :x
I bet England doesnt have as many emo or scene kids as we do though.
madog said:
I bet England doesnt have as many emo or scene kids as we do though.
I'd take emos over chavs anyday
Emo's only hurt themselves
What about punkers! No, even worse! Latino gangsters! Crap they suck. Ikerous knows what I mean. California is being invaded by Mexico.
madog said:
What about punkers! No, even worse! Latino gangsters! Crap they suck. Ikerous knows what I mean. California is being invaded by Mexico.
I guess it is nice that at least chavs do speak english -_-
I'm eating KFC tonight, does that make me a chav since it is one of chavs favorites?
madog said:
I'm eating KFC tonight, does that make me a chav since it is one of chavs favorites?
It might make you black
Is your penis getting any bigger?
JNightshade said:
Yay racism!
That is NOT racism. That is stereotyping, and it's all over the TV every night and everyone laughs. I laugh the hardest when comedians stereotype MY race, and usually it's so true. Crossing the line, and being so true - thats what makes it funny. Your opinion may vary.

Carry on. One of the most entertaining threads in a while. =)
Racism being funny is how we know our culture has evolved beyond real bigotry
I for one embrace it
Ikerous said:
Racism being funny is how we know our culture has evolved beyond real bigotry
I for one embrace it
OK but don't get the two confused. This is important.

Stereotyping = what you guys said

Racism = hate based on race ... i don't know, look it up. I just don't know how to be racist.

I'm so ****ing tired.

Have you guys seen the TV show "Mind of Mencia"? It's 30 minutes of stereotype insults. Sometimes it's funny. Comedy Central channel, week-nights. It should be on right about now. Cya.
VirusType2 said:
OK but don't get the two confused. This is important.

Stereotyping = what you guys said

Racism = hate ... i don't know, look it up. I just don't know how to be racist.
Good point; definitely with ya
I'm not great with semantics :)
I'm more of a "general point > definitions" kinda guy
Ikerous said:
Good point; definitely with ya
I'm not great with semantics :)
I'm more of a "general point > definitions" kinda guy


"Hey, I'm gonna get a Kneenex."

"That's not a Kneenex; that's Dove brand."

"...**** you."