For all those not sure on who to vote for this election...

Joeslucky22 said:
Alright then nuet.

Who should we have declared war on.
You act like we had to declare war on somebody.

Besides, we already declared war on Afghanistan.
Joeslucky22 said:
Alright then nuet.

Who should we have declared war on.

What the hell? I think war should be a last resort and there must be justification and an extreme need to declarie it with someone.

Why do you think we are required to declare war on somebody?
So what you're saying nute. is that we shouldn't of done anything after 9/11.

Alright, we declared war on afghanistan, correct.

Where did most of those al queda go? and consider this:
We pulled out of Afghanistan after not finding bin laden...

Good move?
Joeslucky22 said:
So you're saying we shouldn't of done anything after 9/11.
We should have gone into afghanistan full force, as they were our direct aggressors. We didn't go in strong or hard enough.
Joeslucky22 said:
So you're saying we shouldn't of done anything after 9/11.

Are you intentionally trying to misunderstand me?

Of course we had to take action after 9/11.

Jackal hit said:
why anyone would vote for bush OR kerry is beyond me. the best candidate by FAR is nader, the problem is he makes TOO much sense. well that, and the democrats try to block him from debates and being on the ballot and shit. just listen to him talk, he makes bush and kerry look like preschool children :)
A vote for nader is a vote for bush.

It takes away voters who would vote for kerry, and the green party isnt that popular
Joeslucky22 said:
So what you're saying nute. is that we shouldn't of done anything after 9/11.

Alright, we declared war on afghanistan, correct.

Where did most of those al queda go? and consider this:
We pulled out of Afghanistan after not finding bin laden...

Good move?

Ow, my brain. Someone should declare war on joeslucky. :p

Afghanistan was treated as a way low priority for some reason, and Osama escaped, so now we should make up for it by invading Iraq?
We can't just attack random countries because Osama Bin Laden might be inside.

The world is not a box of Kinder Surprise candies that you have to crack open one by one and hope that you eventually get the best prize.

Joeslucky22, you're just like bush, you keep switching hopelessly from one argument to another.
-"Oh look, this is a good reason!!!"
--"nope, not a good reason"
-"OH Oh .. but look, here is another good reason!"
--"um .. no"
-"oh but oh oh look here, how about this reason?"
--"umm .. that reason? no"
-"oh you guys no nothing"
--"hey look, why do you want to go to war anyway?"
-"because of that reason"
--"but I already told you that's not a reason"
-"but then how about that other reason?"
--"dude .. these are not reasons to go to war!"
-"look: I went to war because of that other third reason"



So, human rights you say, removing the tyrant .. bla blah blah ..
Do you want me to post links to pages full of photos of Iraqi victims, killed by thier liberators?
Maybe they can shut you up:
NEVER AGAIN dare to say that you liberated oppressed people from thier oppressors.

As for links with Al-Qaeda .. heh, that's not even worth replying. :LOL: Same for WMDs.

One last thing: You said Korea is hated by most of the world?
Let me correct you: America is hated by most of the world, and it's because of people like you.

P.S. I had some american friends on the internet and they are very nice people .. just so you don't think I kinda hate all americans or that I'm some racist.
Bush is a fool, and those who stand behind him and allow him to continue onwards are even worse. The evidence against him is as clear as day. If we keep him in office we deserve what's coming to us. I hate to say this again because I'm sure some of you think I'm taking enjoyment out of it. I'm not. But if this country cannot see where it is right now in the grand scheme of things, and does not have enough sense to hit the brakes before it's too late, well, then we deserve to fall.
Ahh Mr Fussion, trying to take it with a grain of salt. Ahhhhh...
Dulrough said:
Ahh Mr Fussion, trying to take it with a grain of salt. Ahhhhh...
eff that, I'm basing my whole life's plan on that! rock on!
This thread is dumber than the link posted in it!

How else could he answer the question? He could have reworded it and just used the definition of the word and said "they will be treated as we treat all other nations in the world" but instead he chooses to use the word instead? How is that being stupid? If anything that's being smart because you avoid saying a bunch of crap nobody need to hear anyways.

"How will you treat sovereign tribes?" Well duh... maybe as their own nations?

I swear all these idiots trying to discredit either side are getting on my nerves... vote on leadership skills, not media popularity.

For every informed voter there's 20 idiots who either voted for a candidate because Michael Moore (or similar activists) told them to or because they thought the other candidate looked more handsome than the other. (wtf, by the way?)

If you ask me, with all the crap that happened during the Bush presidency I thought he did a good enough job of keeping with American interests... Does anyone even remember how many people were pleading for an invasion on Iraq and Afghanistan or did they all forget that when bashing Bush became the "cool" thing to do?

It annoys me to see uninformed kids bash people for dumb crap like this, really, go watch the news. Better yet, GET OUT OF THE US AND EUROPE AND EXPERIENCE A REAL OPPRESIVE GOVERNMENT FOR YOURSELF!

RJMC will know what I'm talking about... as a Venezuelan I can speak from first-hand experience about oppressive governments, Bush did Iraq a favor I could only hope he would do for Venezuela and he rid them of an oppressive leader... You people don't know jack crap about this sort of thing. All you're fed is political propaganda and most believe it without question (or until the other side provides better dirt on the other candidate). This is why candidates slander each other so much in elections, the public buys into it so easily...

Swift boat veterans... crap man, I just with this damned election would end already so we wouldn't have to put up with all the idiotic political debate about which candidate has the smaller penis.
I apologize for the double post but I ran out of time to edit the last one.

"You are completely missing my point. I'm saying we should never have declared war on Iraq. I'm saying I think Bush rushed into declaring war on Iraq with unsufficient justification. I'm saying that the decision to go into Iraq was wrong and that this is supported by the fact that Bush shows pracitically no concern over places like Sudan or North Korea compared to his previous extremely concerned views about Iraq."

So what exactly do you think he should have done? Who's to decide which oppressive government gets taken down first and why? Do you believe that Iraq was better off with Saddam Hussein still in power? DO you wish he were still there?

The reasons Bush gave for invading are nothing more but means to an end. Hussein could have easily been assasinated if only congress hadn't passed the law that made political assassinations illegal. Bush went to war for one reason, to get Hussein. Troops are still there because you can't just go into countries, kill of leaders and then just hope they get better, you have to make sure they stay well.

Means to an end. I care a lot more about the lives of the people in the Iraq post-invasion than I care about all the whiny little kids who say "Bush lied to me! wah!!!!".

A lot of the oppossition also conveniently seems to forget the fact that the US government does not pivot around the President. In order for war to be declared you need CONGRESS TO PASS IT INTO LAW AND THE SENATE TO APPROVE IT. It wasn't Bush who passed the declaration, it was Congress, made up of Democrats and Republicans and your state representatives. It was for all intents and purposes, the entire country.

I was once told by one of my government teachers in university something that keeps springing to mind every time I hear people talk about Bush this year.

"The President gets the credit for a lot of things that are not within his control in the government, when the economy is good the people praise him for it even though he didn't change it, when things go bad everyone blames it on him."

I think this applies pretty well to most of the stuff I hear mentioned about presidents very often. The president is just a major figure everyone can blame of praise depending on what happens in the country. It's easy to place the blame on someone and act as a victim, this is what the American people do ignorantly, they claim "we can't change anything, we are powerless in the decision making proccess!" but that's far fro mthe truth... You're just too lazy to do it and you'd rather be a victim so you can blame all your problems on the figure.

Call your representatives and give them a piece of your mind, the President can't do anything without the approval of congress.