for all u weapon experts

Jul 6, 2003
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i dont know anything about weapons which is why i was wondering bout tihs for a while.
now ive attached a pic with the red lines showing where u see the target but the redline coming out of the barrel shows where the bullet goes so isnt it kind of inaccurate ? do u have to take that into consideration while fireing?
when you sight in a rifle you adjust the cross hairs to match where the bullet hits the target.
THere are two knobs on the scope, one adjusts left and right, one up and down. You have to fiddle with it and after adjusting, fire a few shots to see if it is sighted in.
Yeah. It doesnt take that long to sight it in if you know what knob does what. If you fire and the shot is going down and to the left, adjust it to that spot little by little.
When sniping you have to take into account the distance and windspeed and then adjust the scope accordingly...

Take a look at this picture!

You can see there are 2 dials on the scope to micro adjust the direction in which the scope points. When adjusting for windspeed you adjust the top dial to micro move the scope laterally. When adjusting for distance you micro adjust the dial on the side to micro move the scope i the vertical direction.

Hope that clears it up for you...
In case you didn't know which knob is which, I think the top one adjusts height and the one on the side adjusts Left/Right.

A few days back, me and my dad tried out a .22 AR15 *It is NOT a .223* (It exists! custom made), if you dont know what it is, it kind of looks like an M16 with no handle but with a red-dot laser sight. The magazine on this thing was HORRIBLE it jammed on the first shot and the third shot ALWAYS. Well, I think it was the magazine...

Anyway, our scope tuning skills were crap, until it didn't even hit the target. Might have gotten the knobs mixed up but whatever.
Originally posted by mindless_moder
i dont know anything about weapons which is why i was wondering bout tihs for a while.
now ive attached a pic with the red lines showing where u see the target but the redline coming out of the barrel shows where the bullet goes so isnt it kind of inaccurate ? do u have to take that into consideration while fireing?

Answer: Yes and no.

Yes, it is innaccurate in the sense that hte bullet does not go exactally where the iron-sights say the gun is pointed.

But, No, it is not innaccurate in the sense that the iron-sights do tell you where the bullet will be going. Given some expierence with the weapon, one could put a bullet anywhere they wanted to, even though the sights are technically an inch or two high. If the weapon was genuinly innacurate, even if you compesated for the sights, you couldnt hit the target.

Scopes, on the other hand, do tell you where the bullet will be going. They are calibrated so that where the crosshairs point and where the gun points converge at a certain distance, commonly 100m.

Scopes must then be adjusted for the actual distance and windage (cross wind).
nw, you play too much Counter-Strike... :dozey:

Even if you aim at someone in the stomach with an un-tuned scope ( well, it depends on the distance), chances are, you're not going to hit him...

BTW, nw, you ever shot a Pistol/Rifle before? Something tells me you haven't.
Well, that, kind of the same... Not really but yeah, you know what I mean.
ok so is it hard to turn these micro tuning knobs? coz im sure that if it want u could **** up ur sighthing easily rite?
anywyas thatnks for thei nfo guys.
Originally posted by nw909
Know your gun.

Know your gun, love your gun, become one with the gun..BE the gun!
Originally posted by FatCombine
A few days back, me and my dad tried out a .22 AR15 *It is NOT a .223* (It exists! custom made)

lol, theres nothing wrong with using a .223 AR15. I have a bushmaster XM15 M4 type
Originally posted by A.A
Know your gun, love your gun, become one with the gun..BE the gun!

THIS IS MY RIFLE. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life.

My rifle, without me is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will....

My rifle and myself know that what counts in this war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count.

We will hit...

My rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weakness, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights, and its barrel. I will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage. I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...

Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

So be it, until there is no enemy of The United States of America, but Peace!

Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
lol, theres nothing wrong with using a .223 AR15. I have a bushmaster XM15 M4 type
I didn't say there was anything wrong with it, I was just complaining about how bad the .22 sucked.
Yeah but you were like " NOT A .223*** like you were going to get in trouble if you did.
No, I just said that because if I said .22 AR15 then some people would say: Oh, you forgot the 3 in the end!

I just know that some people don't know that a .22 AR15 exists.. So i just said it, IN-CASE.