For Americans and others who don't have about Ausralia.

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Rusty100 said:
No, our accent is neutral. almost NO accent. how many other Australians have you heard?

What? of course we have an accent.. the only reason you don't notice is because you're SPEAKING IT AND ARE SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE ALSO SPEAKING IT

Rusty100 said:
Aboriginis instead of Native Americans

Aboriginals is the correct term.

Rusty100 said:
Why do you think South Park is so Popular. because we don't find it funny?

sorry, to be an Arsehole, but your perception of Australia is totally out of proportion.

I'm Australian and I think south park sucks. Whoops there goes your theory.

Rusty100 said:
Look, Australia is just Like America!

:laugh: Australia is a completely different culture. Have you even been to the States?

Rusty100 said:
it's an instument used by Abariginees


Rusty100 said:
only knobheads like the croc hunter call them that. no one says sheila.

I didn't think anyone still said "knobhead" but hey.. there goes that theory too.

Rusty100 said:
We are the most multicultural country.

?? First thing you see on "A current affair" or "Today tonight" is anti-foreigner biggotted news stories about how "Ethnic lebanese dole bludgers are defrauding our government and being car hoons and shooting up lakemba police station as well as selling drugs to our children!" (dramatic license taken!)
On top of that, we take asylum seekers and immigrants and lock them up in cages in the desert where we used to test missiles and leave them there for 5+ years.... yeah, we're real multicultural!

Just because you're from Australia doesn't make you the "God of Australian Trivia" In fact, I'd say you're answering a few questions with answers that couldn't be justified without degrees in anthropology or social sciences. (also, degrees in English and Biology would help too ;))

There are more errors in this thread than I care to point out.
But, you do play knifey spooney, right bliink?
and Koalas are evil, right?
Datrix said:
But, you do play knifey spooney, right bliink?
and Koalas are evil, right?

Knifey spooney is a joke invented by the simpsons.. I don't understand it though, and I'm pretty sure its not distinctly australian in origin. I would assume that it was either an abstract or obscure reference to something or an attempt (a feeble one) at absurdism (which the simpsons has been turning to more and more in an attempt to boost falling laughs)

As for evil koalas... well... they spend most of their time being asleep in trees, but I have seen one trying to bite a park ranger taking it out of a tree; vicious little bastard it was lol, sorta hissed/growled and bared its teeth... vicious, but cute lol.
bliink said:
Knifey spooney is a joke invented by the simpsons.. I don't understand it though, and I'm pretty sure its not distinctly australian in origin. I would assume that it was either an abstract or obscure reference to something or an attempt (a feeble one) at absurdism (which the simpsons has been turning to more and more in an attempt to boost falling laughs)
Damn, I actually believed tham too. :P
... and I agree with you, The Simpsons just 'ain't what it used to be. :(

bliink said:
As for evil koalas... well... they spend most of their time being asleep in trees, but I have seen one trying to bite a park ranger taking it out of a tree; vicious little bastard it was lol, sorta hissed/growled and bared its teeth... vicious, but cute lol
I want to see a real-live koala, and they seem to be the one animal that is not kept in zoos where I live. :(
Datrix said:
Damn, I actually believed tham too. :P
... and I agree with you, The Simpsons just 'ain't what it used to be. :(

One distinctly australian game is "Two up".. its only legal on ANZAC day, and its a gambling game where you bet on the outcome of two coins being flipped from a small board.
Its played more for tradition than enjoyment, although, by the time most people play it, they're pretty wasted, so they have fun :)

Side note: Pissed(US) = Angry
Pissed(Aus) = Drunk

Datrix said:
I want to see a real-live koala, and they seem to be the one animal that is not kept in zoos where I live. :(

They're not too much fun to look at lol, just a grey ball in a tree hehe.. although, some zoo's over here let excited tourists pet koalas.

xLostx said:
bliink will you marry me?

Umm... :o
Is it illegal both here and in australia to have a koala as a pet?
Like the U.S and England there's no one Australian accent.. Different states , and even different suburbs in states have different accents.

You have the occa yobbo accent like Steve Irwin.
Then Russle Crowe Melbourne/Sydney accent
Then there's an Adelaide accent which sounds a bit like cockney english.
Tr0n said:
Is it illegal both here and in australia to have a koala as a pet?

I would assume you could keep one in Australia or the US if you had the right papers... but I'm sure prerequisites for such papers would be certification for animal handling etc... too much trouble I'd say, especially since in Australia there'd be lots of legal red-tape to go through as well. (seeing as they're protected)

Mr-Fusion said:
Like the U.S and England there's no one Australian accent.. Different states , and even different suburbs in states have different accents.

Boagan: "awww yeah... went down the beach on sat'day for a surf an' that.. you know? it was like... off its tit's mate"
"Westy": "oi youse better pick up me some macca's before youse come back here!"
Ethnic "car enthusiast": "Ohhmygod mate.. that car is like... fully sick"

There are plenty of variants
I want a koala bear damn't! :D

Ether that or some other small cute animal....
You can have a tasmanian devil, it will devour your testicles while you sleep though. Wear metallic underwear.
Tr0n said:
I want a koala bear damn't! :D

Ether that or some other small cute animal....

I know just what you need!!

Imu! --> :imu:
are the toilets really backwards in australia?
Tr0n said:
I want a koala bear damn't! :D

Ether that or some other small cute animal....

get a Hamster I had 13 Dchungarian Hamsters there kewl :D
Dan said:
are the toilets really backwards in australia?

Toilets don't really "whirlpool" like that anywhere, but I know what you mean.. yeah, water goes in the opposite direction below the equator.

Interesting side fact: Vines growing around tree trunks grow in the same clockwise/anticlockwise direction based on equatorial location too. (usually)
No hamsters...they're overrated... :|

I want like a small cute animal that most people don't have. :(

Powa of teh imu!!!11! :imu: :imu: :imu:
koalas are cute, yes. koalas aren't fun.

they have really sharp claws that they use to attach themselves to trees. koala claws + human skin = teh lose.
bliink said:
One distinctly australian game is "Two up".. its only legal on ANZAC day, and its a gambling game where you bet on the outcome of two coins being flipped from a small board.
Its played more for tradition than enjoyment, although, by the time most people play it, they're pretty wasted, so they have fun :)

Side note: Pissed(US) = Angry
Pissed(Aus) = Drunk

They're not too much fun to look at lol, just a grey ball in a tree hehe.. although, some zoo's over here let excited tourists pet koalas.
How do you know so much about the US of A? :)
And I would think that most zoos here would have Koalas, just because they're an exotic animal.

BTW, you should change the name of the thread to "bliink's answers For Americans and others who don't have () about Ausralia." :P
Datrix said:
An opportunity to practice my German!

"Auf meiner Homepage"
Oh God!
What the hell does that mean?!

on my Homepage..... :laugh:
Well hamsters are over-rated....lots of people have them here in america.

So no hamsters.
Tr0n said:
Well hamsters are over-rated....lots of people have them here in america.

So no hamsters.

but there so cute.....


  • Hamster.jpg
    21.9 KB · Views: 219
Lemonking said:
on my Homepage..... :laugh:
Thank God, here I was thinking that it meant "Out! Minor Headache!"
No I was just kidding, meine Deutsch ist nicht zu gut aber nicht zu schlecht. ;)
Datrix said:
Thank God, here I was thinking that it meant "Out! Minor Headache!"
No I was just kidding, meine Deutsch ist nicht zu gut aber nicht zu schlecht. ;)

sehr gut jetzt muessen wir Polen angreifen um den Bolschwismus zu besiegen
Lemonking said:
sehr gut jetzt muessen wir Polen angreifen um den Bolschwismus zu besiegen
Nein das ist nicht gut. :P
(Bolschwismus?) I'm not too sure about that one.
Datrix said:
Nein das ist nicht gut. :P
(Bolschwismus?) I'm not too sure about that one.

Bolschwismus besiegen-defeat Bolschewism :sniper:
Lemonking said:
Bolschwismus besiegen-defeat Bolschwism :sniper:
Ok, I get ya.
BTW, we better cut this off now, the Mods can smell us going off topic.
Auf wiedersehen!
*play scary music*
Rusty100 said:
A really small type of bear. actually, marsupial.

No. Not a bear at all.

We don't call them bears. You do.

Anyway, this has gone waaaay too off-topic

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