for everyone still living with parents/ one parent..

Only thing is the condoms in my bedside table...that could get me in some trouble D:
What if your mom did walk in there, would she get aroused? If the answer is, "yes", may you tape it?

The answer is no, and is the reason she does not go in there. (:

She would never let me catch her in there anyway. I'd go banana.

Not too long ago at our last house she had to let some people (buyers) through to check the place out, and before she did she went in and shoved my stuff around because my room is always a mess.

Result was she just laughed at me whilst confessing to the act. :|
My sister would get done because she likes to write emo poetry about how much she hates her parents and how she is in eternal pain ... and as we share a room, I can blame everything on her.
The worst thing that anyone would find in my room is...

*looks around trying to find something*

do you every think about if your parent or guardian/whoever (hmm maybe even cops) just randomly raided your room?

would you get busted for alot of stuff or would you be clean?

personally im always ridin dirty

Clean. The only thing even remotley close to being "dirty" is a friggen' .22 bullet sitting on my shelf. :/
Id get arrested for living in mess. Nothing incriminating though.
I'd get in trouble, but only because my clothes are thrown all over the floor and my mam is a very neat person.
My sister would get done because she likes to write emo poetry about how much she hates her parents and how she is in eternal pain ... and as we share a room, I can blame everything on her.
You share a room with your sister?
'kay what?

Half glass of Bacardi Gold on my computer desk.
I've got sum porns in my computer, but my account is passworded.

There are a few condoms lying around, but my mom doesn't care.

I'm pretty clean I guess.

[edit] Oh, wait. I have the following strewn about three different desk drawers:
- one 40oz Smirnoff bottle, two shots left.
- two 8oz Smirnoff flasks, empty.
- two 8oz Fireball Whisky bottles, empty.

Yeah, that'd probably do me in :P
I might leave some condoms on my desk, see what my mum says.
It'd probably be "You should have bought smaller ones" :(
Oh I was wrong, there's a can of beer and several empty bottles that previously contained substances of an alcoholic composition. Moop!
In several months time the law won't have a problem with that anyway.
I've got a laptop full of Steam accounts I bought off of OvA. Other than that, my room is clean :p
My parents once walked in when this forum was up...

My mom is still recovering
Jeez, no wonder you all can't get a girlfriend! Maybe you should consider being nice rather than jizzing all over your computer the moment anything feminine appears.
Jeez, no wonder you all can't get a girlfriend! Maybe you should consider being nice rather than jizzing all over your computer the moment anything feminine appears.
But if I meet a girl irl I jizz all over them :(.
At least in here they're safe.
lol when Instinct said she was a woman, my exact thoughts were "oh dear, she shouldn't have said that".
Because rape is a commonplace thing around here.

/runs before getting anal raeped