For them to save the X-Men Franchise


Dec 19, 2004
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If they want to change everything that has happened in the xmen franchise. This guy will have to be in it.
I'm sure the story would get too deep and complex for anyone who watches summer blockbusters to understand if the Watcher was in it.
Actually, all they really need is Gambit, his cool could save the whole thing easily.
Icarusintel said:
Actually, all they really need is Gambit, his cool could save the whole thing easily.

I was disappointed that Gambit wasn't in any of the movies.

Although apart from the cheesy script in X3 I don't see why the franchise needs "saving"

I know they aren't completely true to the comics but they've made really good blockbuster movies leaving most fans wanting more.

X4 (if there is one) needs David Hayter back doing the screenplay.
bigpapa400lb said:
If they want to change everything that has happened in the xmen franchise. This guy will have to be in it.

the watcher by his very nature cannot interfere ..his job is to watch, hence the name ......the watcher
Personally I think they should have made colossus one of the leading characters in the movies. Hes like one of the sickest xmen. You get a glimps of him in X2 but thats it. If I don't see any of him in X3 I'll be spewing. And they should have had onslaught and maybe war machine on the enemy side. Sort of mix it up. Otherwise its just like a bunch of humans with leather suits on blasting eachother with whatever powers they have.
A new villain would be nice; I think they've exhausted Magneto. I mean he should still be in any future movies but as a sidelined villain, they need a really evil mother like Apocalypse or something.
I just saw X3 2 days ago. I'm sorry but it didn't do anything for me. Actually I thought it was ****in bullshit. Whats with killing off cyclops, one of the main charaters, within half an hour of the movie starting and never hearing anything about him again. They introduced some new characters but they didn't do shit. What was with Angel. They put him on the trailer like he was a huge deal but all he did was jump out of a window and fly away. And then the battle at the end with only, what was it 5 men on the good side. The whole pheonix going end-of-the-world on everyone was abit over the top even though thats what happens in the comics they could have don't it better. Plus Pheonix (Jean Gray) is supposed to comit suicide and come back as herself before the pheonix took over.

Anyway I was dissapointed. And thats all I have to say.
It's interesting that even with all of the characters that they wrote off, the movie was still overly cramped with characters. Not to mention that the way they wrote off the characters was very unsatisfying.

I'm also surprised that they plan to do a spinoff movie about Wolverine's backstory. The entire trilogy is pretty much all about him, with the other characters pushed aside.

The first movie was all about character development with very little action.
The third movie was all about action with very little character development.
The second movie blended action and character development very well.

It's odd when the second movie is the best of a trilogy. It's almost always a case of the second movie being the worst of the three.
I think they need Nightcrawler back...

But its not going to happen, I seriously doubt there will be an X4. There is already a Wolverine movie, which will only really star Wolverine. And there will be a Magneto movie, which is about Magneto vs. The Nazis or something.
the_wolf27 said:
blah blah I'm not very nice
Hey asshole, perhaps you could warn people of the spoilers in that post?

And you realize that they changed a lot more than just what they did with Jean, right? A lot.
I guess I should notify people that this post might contain potential spoilers...

Color edited for courtesy, highlight to read:

I'm still trying to figure out (remember) the names of the new villians that were introduced. Juggernaut and Callisto are memorable and respectable additions, but it's the other 3 (that didn't have a purpose except in one scene) that I'm trying to think of. One was the guy who had spiked things pop out of his skin, the other was the girl with the bad hair and ridiculous outfit, and the third was the multiplicity man.

Ah well, they weren't important anyway. If you cut all the scenes that they were in, you wouldn't notice continuity errors. They added nothing to the film!! :LOL:
Erestheux said:
Hey asshole, perhaps you could warn people of the spoilers in that post? And you realize that they changed a lot more than just what they did with Jean, right? A lot.

Well if you already know the story I guess I'm not spoiling it for you am I?!? Or are you concerned for other people?

Other people - sorry if I spoiled it for you.
Erestheux - Was the asshole comment really necessary ****face.
Heh, f*ckface, huh? No, it wasn't but I got the point across, right?

I was concerned for other people.

I enjoyed X3, why did you hate it so, Samon? I seriously didn't see all that much wrong with it...
Erestheux said:
Heh, f*ckface, huh? No, it wasn't but I got the point across, right?

I was concerned for other people.

I enjoyed X3, why did you hate it so, Samon? I seriously didn't see all that much wrong with it...

Same here, was a good movie on its own.

Some Dude said:
Well if you already know the story I guess I'm not spoiling it for you am I?!? Or are you concerned for other people?

Other people - sorry if I spoiled it for you.
Erestheux - Was the asshole comment really necessary ****face.

Because making the same mistake your antagonist made always solves your problems.
sinkoman said:
Because making the same mistake your antagonist made always solves your problems.

You can't tell a french guy to f*uck of in german right. I'm just speakin his language.
Yeah, I totally wouldn't have respected him or even responded if he politely told me that there was no reason to be so hostile and angry for an honest mistake. :p

Actually, I would have felt a lot worse. Anyways, I do feel bad and I'm sorry :)
I think this movie really failed.

it was full of plot holes and bad character developement. Mashing 2 major story archs (the Cure, and the Pheonix) into such a short amount of time wasted both. Major characters, apart from wolverine, were wasted.

Cyclops has nearly no screen time and about 3 lines
Beast has nearly no screen time
Rouge has nearly no screen time, and doesn't really fit into the plot
Collossus<sp> has nearly no screen time and one line
Jugganaught is completely changed into a gimmic
Angel has nearly no screen time and doesn't really fit into the plot
Storm is really different
Pheonix just mopes around the whole time and considering she's supposed to be a major plot driver, doesn't actually do anything.
Prof Xavier has nearly no screen time
Mystique has nearly no screen time, after being awesome in the last 2 films


The whole dramatic end is utterly stupid, Wolveriene didn't have to kill Jean, considering how he was surrounded with syringes with the cure and all. They use it on Magento, the bad guy but on one of their friends? nope best just kill the bitch...

*Spolier over*

Really the film is a horrible mess, the only thing they seemed to get right was Wolverienes mutant healing factor, which I felt was a little slow in the last 2 films.
Erestheux said:
I enjoyed X3, why did you hate it so, Samon? I seriously didn't see all that much wrong with it...

Well, I loved the first two. Excellent storylines and so on, it's just...X3 was meh. Too summer blockbuster. It raped the storyline, threw characters into the bin bit by bit and was overall, simply unsatisfying really.

Raxxman said:
Cyclops has nearly no screen time and about 3 lines

This was one thing I can't understand. How can you have a movie where the Phoenix is a major villian and not explore the emotional impact it has on Scott Summers and Jean Grey? In fact, this would have been a great opportunity for the other X-Men to question Cyclops' abilities as field leader of the team. I know this was explored earlier on in the series when Xavier was poisoned and Cyclops' leadership was challenged, but I still feel that it would have been better suited to this movie (especially with what happens to Professor X).

Things would have been a lot more interesting had Cyclops been around. Scott vs. Logan is a lot more entertaining than Wolverine debating the Jean issue with Storm.


Magneto is the only real character that they completely nailed in this film. One of the only good things about The Last Stand. :D

the movie blew a great opportunity ..the phonenix saga lasted for over a year and was intertwined with many storylines ..Jean grey is supposed to die on the moon in scott summers arms by her own hands ..immediately after cyclops leaves the xmen paving the way for Storms leadership

they also completely crapped on the entire Sentinels plotline ..It was the sentinals that hunted mutants after the mutant registration act was passed (but they killed off Senator Kelly in the first film) ...that's were Trask comes in (trask is the black dude working for the government in x3) ..but trask is white and the creator of the Sentinels

they should have done the whole Days of Future Past storyline (arguably the best 2 issues of the X-men) ..they could probably get away with using it for the 4th movie as a way of getting Proffessor x, cyclops and jean grey back
CptStern said:
they should have done the whole Days of Future Past storyline (arguably the best 2 issues of the X-men) ..they could probably get away with using it for the 4th movie as a way of getting Proffessor x, cyclops and jean grey back

I watched the animated cartoon series when I was younger, and that storyline was my favourite. :D
heh I thought they butchered it in the animated series ...but at least they got some of the facts correct. The problem was that they mixed the story from x-men 142 and tied it with a later storyline that involves Bishop ..the only problem is that bishop was created at least a decade after issue 142 ..oh and in the comic Wolverine dies, so do most of the x-men (future x-men)
CptStern said:

the movie blew a great opportunity ..the phonenix saga lasted for over a year and was intertwined with many storylines ..Jean grey is supposed to die on the moon in scott summers arms by her own hands ..immediately after cyclops leaves the xmen paving the way for Storms leadership

they also completely crapped on the entire Sentinels plotline ..It was the sentinals that hunted mutants after the mutant registration act was passed (but they killed off Senator Kelly in the first film) ...that's were Trask comes in (trask is the black dude working for the government in x3) ..but trask is white and the creator of the Sentinels

they should have done the whole Days of Future Past storyline (arguably the best 2 issues of the X-men) ..they could probably get away with using it for the 4th movie as a way of getting Proffessor x, cyclops and jean grey back

They killed of Gyrich in the first film too.
ya and he was central to the whole mutant registration thingy
Meh, I'm not watching the next Xmen movie unless I get free tickets.
I forgot about Gyrich being in killed off in the first film. Although since they never show his death and because it's only eluded to, they could very easily write him back into franchise again. Just explain that his death was exagerated and a false pronouncement (like Ian Malcolm returning in the Lost World after his "death" in Jurassic Park). In fact, his near death by the hands of mutants could be the fuel that gets him working on the Sentinal project. You could even say that he's been working on it in secret during the timespan of the other movies.
someone should do a poll on wether or not the Xmen movies sucked. There seems to be alot for and against.
Raxxman said:

The whole dramatic end is utterly stupid, Wolveriene didn't have to kill Jean, considering how he was surrounded with syringes with the cure and all. They use it on Magento, the bad guy but on one of their friends? nope best just kill the bitch...

*Spolier over*

Er, you realize that she was destroying anything that came remotely close to her, including Wolverine, correct? Which would imply that any syringe would be destroyed before getting anywhere near her.

CptStern said:
they should have done the whole Days of Future Past storyline (arguably the best 2 issues of the X-men) ..they could probably get away with using it for the 4th movie as a way of getting Proffessor x, cyclops and jean grey back

Well they already have a way of getting Xavier back, didn't you stay and watch the final scene after the credits?

For anyone who missed it - during the film Charles is teaching a class and shows an educational video with a nurse called Moira in it, saying how mutants have the power to transfer themselves to the unconcious minds of patients who are in comas. After the credits theres a scene in a hospital where Moira goes over to a bed with a patient in it, who wakes up and says "Moira"...she looks at him and says "Charles?" basically he's still around, woop de doo.

Also i was only half watching the final scene with Magneto, did he manage to move a chess piece with his mind despite having lost his powers?
*spoilers (they make the post more aerodynamic)*
A True Canadian said:
One was the guy who had spiked things pop out of his skin
Spike I believe

and the third was the multiplicity man.
Multiply I think

Though I amn't a big X-Men buff.

Also i was only half watching the final scene with Magneto, did he manage to move a chess piece with his mind despite having lost his powers?
And who the hell has heard of a chess piece made of metal?

And WTF is up with the sentenil in the opening? Where did they get the idea of having one from? Does that mean that sentinels already exist in the film universe? Then whouldn't they have been a major plot point?

yes he moved a chesspiece with his mind

no I actually didnt see that part ..I'm glad I didnt ...that kid who wakes from the coma is supposed to be Xavier's son David Haller (legion) ..but I guess they could just explain it away ...however it will be interesting to see how they bring cyclops and jean back

oh btw that Spiked guy was named Quill ..heh and my brother has a chesspieces made of metal (the bottom is magnatised ) ..he also has one made from carved stone ..quite heavy