For those of you who played the leak...(i havent)...

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Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Do you guys feel like you cheated valve now? Or do you feel like once the game is actually released it won't be nearly as exciting because you've already experienced all the features in an unfinished state? Just curious because I was talking to Mr redundant about the leak in another thread, i wanna know what those who have played it feel. and who cares if you admit to playing the leak, its in the past.
I feel like I wasted alot on nothing but game spoilers.
It made me want the game all that much more.
I can see why Valve may feel cheated by people playing the leak. They hadn't finished their work and a less than mediocre example of that was shown to the world.

People who are avid fans of the game will know well enough that Valve will never release a product of that nature and if they played the stolen build that it will in no way represent the final copy. As far as I can recall there was a few people around that slated Valve over the build that was released by the hacker/s. Those are the kind of people that Valve need to worry about. The majority however will appreciate that no matter how many delays Valve announce or how many release dates Valve miss - it will only be done if absolutely necessary to make sure they release the best possible piece of genius they can upon release of the title.

I know a few people that have played the leak and they don't necessarily feel that they've cheated Valve because they're certainly going to buy the game and they know for a fact that the product they played will be no representation of the final product.

Unfortunately there's a few people that have played the leak that aren't quite as open minded as the others. But at the end of the day, all of those people that were disappointed will buy the game any way, and once again find it as good as, if not better than, Half-Life 1.
I just played one level from the whole 3.xGbyte build. Lucky me I did not use any weapons, I just used the Standard Gun and thats all.

/me is lucky again cause I did not spoil any thing. and Like Shuzer Said It made me want the game all that much more. :)
I really wished I hadn't played it. The game was completely unfinished and nearly unplayable. All I got out of it was a bunch of spoilers and not a whole lot of fun. Except for e3_techdemo_2...that was mad fun. ;)
It made me realise how many rumors and speculations, and other assorted bullshit was spread by people who had played it, and put my mind at rest about a few things, my advice to anyone worrying about AI or other things should ignore everything they hear about E3 or the leaked build, and know only that the final products gonna be as kick ass as it looks and another piece of gaming history.
It was good for testing if your PC would handle it :)
though the final sys req. will probably be different from the leaked version..
I don't think there were too many spoilers in the stolen build. I certainly don't feel like i've 'cheated valve' since I preordered the game back in september.

Sometimes I wish I hadn't played the stolen build, but I think I might have lost some of my interest in HL2 without it. It certainly helped to keep me hyped, but im sorry that some weapon ideas got spoiled for me.
I have had thought of playing it, but never did... and i think i can wait some more... if i can wait a year, i can wait another year... :p
yeh undoubtably the wood will break with less lagg, lol, but It just made me want the game that much more. Ive only used the model viewer to view already seen models, and played the E3 levels, techdemo, etc, and a few coast levels, which have been totally changed anyway now, . thats it :D
yes, Valve were horribly cheated (and demoralized) by the leak, and I cheated myself by playing it.. I dont usually stoop as low as warez.

as sad as it is, I couldnt help myself.
and even though I am buying 2 copies of HL2 (one normal, one special edition) it still does not justify that I (by playing the leak) was part of the problem.
:/ I just want the game so bad.

however that being said, the leak was damn impressive, I cant wait to get the full game... Im kinda glad that it was leaked **NOT THE SOURCE CODE**(since it was to be delayed anyway) it helped tide me over (although I had it on my hd for about a week max, then I deleted it).

to tell you the truth, for all the nit-picking we HL2.netters (me especially) do, we are going to be blown away, because the leak that came out a year ago was only partially done, and it was impressive enough that I would have payed cash for it.
MadGuy said:
It was good for testing if your PC would handle it :)
though the final sys req. will probably be different from the leaked version..

Yes it was an early, but illegal benchmark LOL :E (final will surely be better optimized though)

It didn't spoil much for me, basicly the same stuff from the E3 vids (more or less playable). It also made me want the game even more.

I'll surely buy this game and some of the add-ons whenever it comes!!!
MadGuy said:
It was good for testing if your PC would handle it :)
though the final sys req. will probably be different from the leaked version..

haha hell yea, that version of the game wasn't optimized at all.

Ever notice how if you threw a grenade at a pile of wood it would crash your game?

I'm excited because my computer should be able to run the final version better, or as good as the leaked version.
lol ofcourse.
I meant if you can get a decent FPS with those graphics
I wouldn't have got the Stolen Build if it wasn't for my stupid brother who downloaded it and persuaded me to play. I eventually gave in. The Techdemo level was awesome though, the physics!
I only played the E3 tech levels so it didnt ruin the game one bit for me.

And no, I dont feel I've cheated Valve, I'm not the one who hacked into them.
Baal said:
haha hell yea, that version of the game wasn't optimized at all.

Ever notice how if you threw a grenade at a pile of wood it would crash your game?

I'm excited because my computer should be able to run the final version better, or as good as the leaked version.
I threw a grenade at the pile of wood and it didn't crash the game...the first time. But I didn't keep the beta on my hard drive long and only really had one spoiler which I don't think is was too big. Oh yeah, I don't think i cheated Valve because I am going to buy the se version of the game no matter what.
I think the final version would be completely different from the leaked one. It was loading very slow on my PC and it was almost unplayable. But I was quite impressed with the graphics and facial animations. It was as good as what you see on the videos not to mention my Pc is slow by today's standards. I deleted it soon after I played for 15 minutes.

I will definitely buy the final game.
Asking a HL2 fan not to play the leak is like asking Homer Simpson not to eat Dohnuts (sorry for the comparison,but i just watched Simpsons) :D
I'd say that .001% of the game story can be found in the leak.... so I don't feel spoiled. However, the leak made me become even more obsessed in HL2 and have more faith in it, seeing all the physics and such. I actually enjoyed playing the beta more than beating farcry, sadly. I really couldn't wait any longer to see how the game was going to be... most half life fan boys couldn't either. But I know by watching the newest videos of the game that the legit version of the game is going to be nothing like the leak.
Im glad I played and enjoyed the beta.

In all honesty, mostly everything in the beta, is covered in teasers and trailers. There really was a HUGE chunk of stuff missing. For instance, the whole train ride that was shown at E3 2004, is in the beta. But so much is missing when you compare the two, its like comparing a doodle to a beautifully sculpted statue.

I never lost confidence that Halflife 2 would be spectacular, and I didnt need a beta to reassure me of this fact. Valve didnt owe me anything either.

But the fact remains I enjoyed every minute of my time with the beta, and discovering valves true vision when the game is released will be worth every penny i give them.

guinny said:
Do you guys feel like you cheated valve now? Or do you feel like once the game is actually released it won't be nearly as exciting because you've already experienced all the features in an unfinished state? Just curious because I was talking to Mr redundant about the leak in another thread, i wanna know what those who have played it feel. and who cares if you admit to playing the leak, its in the past.

i downloaded it back in the day and i was super excited. sure, it wasn't near complete, but it was still so exciting to do anything that was involved with hl2. i dont' feel like i cheated valve and i don't feel like i cheated myself since i see how much the game has changed since the leak. i've played about 3 of the levels in the leak that i've also seen in the new e32k4 vid and all i can say is WOW. they have changed them so much and they look about a bajillion times better. i watched the video and i was so shocked at how much cooler the levels were, so i dont' feel as if i spoiled the game. everything will be new to me on the release day. all i know is that its goign to be amaaaazing.
guinny said:
Do you guys feel like you cheated valve now? Or do you feel like once the game is actually released it won't be nearly as exciting because you've already experienced all the features in an unfinished state? Just curious because I was talking to Mr redundant about the leak in another thread, i wanna know what those who have played it feel. and who cares if you admit to playing the leak, its in the past.

OMGZ!!!!!111212111one111!!! YOU GUYS PLAYED THE BETA!?!?!? I"M EMAILING GABE AND TELLING ON YOU!!!! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Surprised no one has done that yet. :D :D

When I played the leak I got even more excited for Half-Life 2. It was just a very very small taste of what is in store for us when it gets released. The amount of features that were in the leak and in the finished version are A LOT DIFFERENT. Prolly the only thing that we got to play with that was finished in some way was the Manipulator. Just getting a taste of something unfinished made it even better and made me more excited to see the finished quality of it.

The only spoiler I can think of is the intro portion where you walk through the fences with all the other people and the combine are directing you where to go and the camera starts buzzing in the video, then get escorted by a combine. Don't wanna spoil it for all the goodie tooshoos out there. :D :D
I only played the parts we had already seen in the E3 2003 videos. Nothing more. Anyway, "played" is a big word, it was nearly unplayable. I did have hours of fun playing in the physic techdemo level thought ! Apart from that, I can't remember seeing any weapons I hadnt already seen. And I kept it for like 2 days and I got bored of playing those half completed E3 levels and the techdemo.

So, No, I don't regret playing the leak. It spoiled absolutely nothing for me, and it gave me the chance to have a glance at the HL2 physic/graphical engine in real time :)
Night-Hawk[Qc] said:
I only played the parts we had already seen in the E3 2003 videos. Nothing more. Anyway, "played" is a big word, it was nearly unplayable. I did have hours of fun playing in the physic techdemo level thought ! Apart from that, I can't remember seeing any weapons I hadnt already seen. And I kept it for like 2 days and I got bored of playing those half completed E3 levels and the techdemo.

So, No, I don't regret playing the leak. It spoiled absolutely nothing for me, and it gave me the chance to have a glance at the HL2 physic/graphical engine in real time :)

Someone wasn't looking hard enough. :D :D :D

And yes, there are VERY COOL weapons you can obtain that haven't been seen yet.
i e-mailed gabe and told on myself... and apologized... i felt as though i did cheat them... but the tech demo levels were the fun! and some of the fan made maps... like "the streets of resident evil"... that was fun
proud to say i didn't go anywhere near that leak so nothing has been spoiled for meh :D :p
The spoilers arent in the beta so much as in the models and sound folders , I browsed those once but steered clear since. The beta made me want the game more , and it kept me from going crazy. I dont see how this could put anyone off the game , it already looked amazing.
I am so glad I didnt download the beta.... my exams results would have been much worse if I had :p

Seriously though, I am glad I havnt heard any spoilers yet. Well not major ones.... you cant help but find the odd few when looking at these boards...
There are NO major spoilers in the friggin beta. There are perhaps 2 or 3 models, sounds or levels that border on moderate-to-high spoiler factor; I felt like I had spoiled some of it for myself, then when I really stood back and though about it , I realised that I have no idea what is going to happen in this story , Im still as or more excited than most to play this game through.
guinny said:
Do you guys feel like you cheated valve now? Or do you feel like once the game is actually released it won't be nearly as exciting because you've already experienced all the features in an unfinished state? Just curious because I was talking to Mr redundant about the leak in another thread, i wanna know what those who have played it feel. and who cares if you admit to playing the leak, its in the past.

Nah, the leak didn't really tell us much about the story
you saw barney calhoun,alyx and kleiner there though
It was tempting, but I didn't get the leak. I was scared to death of spoilers. I hate those spoilers.
what spoilers? theres no story incorporated into the leaked -prealpha the only thing you could spoil for yourself is the weapons and some of the enemies i guess. i only play the coast level and drive around shooting antlions with the flaregun they burst into flames and the fire looks so good i can stare at it all day and watch it burn.

no i dont feel cheated and i dont feel like i cheated valve either, i didnt break into their network and distribute their partially finished game and source code on the internet. i dont feel im part of the problem either. lets say that no one downloaded the source code once it was released on the internet? what then still doesnt change the fact that someone broke into their network and stole it does it?
The leak is what sparked my interest in the game. If I hadn't played with that I probably wouldn't be anticipating the release nearly as much. I probably also would have chosen some other engine for my mod, but since playing that I've decided that waiting for source will be worth it.

Plus modifying the manipulator gun to pick up and shoot cars was just too much fun. :D
besides the game crashed when you tried to load 90% of the maps.
acme420 said:
what spoilers? theres no story incorporated into the leaked -prealpha the only thing you could spoil for yourself is the weapons and some of the enemies i guess. i only play the coast level and drive around shooting antlions with the flaregun they burst into flames and the fire looks so good i can stare at it all day and watch it burn.

no i dont feel cheated and i dont feel like i cheated valve either, i didnt break into their network and distribute their partially finished game and source code on the internet. i dont feel im part of the problem either. lets say that no one downloaded the source code once it was released on the internet? what then still doesnt change the fact that someone broke into their network and stole it does it?

well actually there is a huge spoiler in one of the train maps.

****Do Not read if you hate spoilers!****

When the combine walks you into the hall hes actually PM me if you want to know who it is
If its that big I wouldnt post it because some person will look and be damned dissapointed afterwards. But thanks for the warning. I am staying well away from that one.
thehunter1320 said:
i e-mailed gabe and told on myself... and apologized... i felt as though i did cheat them... but the tech demo levels were the fun! and some of the fan made maps... like "the streets of resident evil"... that was fun

Did he reply? And what was his reply?
guinny said:
Do you guys feel like you cheated valve now? Or do you feel like once the game is actually released it won't be nearly as exciting because you've already experienced all the features in an unfinished state? Just curious because I was talking to Mr redundant about the leak in another thread, i wanna know what those who have played it feel. and who cares if you admit to playing the leak, its in the past.

I can confirm that 99% of the news since september has been new to me. and i played the beta for ages.

i didnt listen to sound files detailing the script or anything (im not that dumb).

i just played it to test the physics on the E3 tech demo level.

100% happy with what i saw.
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