For those of you who played the leak...(i havent)...

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omg thats hilarious, the guys either a superb genius of sarcasm, or the biggest idiot ever to be created on this planet!
Peks said:
btw..if anyone has it hosted...please PM me ;)

We aren't allowed to PM each other stolen build info or files.

Anyway, I haven't played it. I have held out long enough and the game is getting close, so I'll wait it out. If there is a delay announcement that pushes this game back to November or something like that, I will immediatelty begin searching for the stolen build. It must come out in summer, otherwise I will lose patience and get the leaked build.
when i played it i made sure to stick to the levels starting with E3 so i never saw any new content. The demo level was a blast with the ragdoll effects of the dead combine. I put the body up top of the pachinko (sp?) thingy and watched him tumble. Really good job on that.
I played the leaked game a little more than 7 months ago, so my memory's a bit hazy.

There were quite a few maps if I recall correctly, REAL spoilers below:


Playing the leak was highly enjoyable, though I couldn't stand to keep it, so I got rid of it after a week. The most impressive aspect was the enemy AI, it knows teamwork, environmental advantages, tactics, and opposition strength. Plus the mappers have done an awesome job incorporating the environment/setting into the gameplay, not to mention anything about the storyline or plot. We're in store for some SERIOUS action, guys. Collector's Edition for me without a doubt.

Please Valve, forgive me for my trespasses. :flame:

EDIT: you're right, PM me if you want to read all that.
It's nice to see that the mods have allowed this thread to stay open. Seriously, it sometimes seemed they were in denial about the whole leak situation, closing any thread that even mentioned it. As long as people put a spoiler tag on their posts, what's wrong with discussing it? It's regrettable that it happened, but blocking out all discussion of it won't make it go away.

Thanks for keeping this open mods.
Omni, don't do that. Keep that stuff to yourself. I understand that It has spoiler tags, but it is still a very large amount of things that can spoil little parts of the game. You can drop little things in the spoiler tags, but don't give us all the info. I am not complaining for something I saw, but I am telling you this so that people with a little curiosity don't get some cool things spoiled.

why did u write it all down like that ... lol dude, we are turning into one of "those" sites very quickly, i think we should go back to talking about meaningless shaddow bugs rofl.
are the shadow bugs hard to kill?
Do they only move in the dark?

Like, after you kill a bug, the shadow comes to life and. . .oh i see what you meant, nm
I dont know if im alowed to ask where u get the leak?

Im only gonna do the parts I saw the videos of cus I dont wanna spoil anything, is it possible only to play those parts?


never played it athough it would have been a simple click to download. an alleged copy. I'll never know or care after the real game is released.
|Link| said:
I dont know if im alowed to ask where u get the leak?

Here I go: Where can I get the leak?

Im only gonna do the parts I saw the videos of cus I dont wanna spoil anything, is it possible only to play those parts?


The guy's here don't tolerate links or information on where you can quire the stolen build. So don't bother asking. :)

Besides, it's naughty.
|Link| said:
I dont know if im alowed to ask where u get the leak?

Here I go: Where can I get the leak?

Im only gonna do the parts I saw the videos of cus I dont wanna spoil anything, is it possible only to play those parts?


You are certainly allowed to ask that, but no one is allowed to answer.
never touched the leak....may have glanced some leak screenies though. ;)

I want to see the final game...not some old hack job.
|Link| said:
I dont know if im alowed to ask where u get the leak?
Here I go: Where can I get the leak?

No, they can not tell you that, admins will do something about it anyway
The leak is considered stolen property and the admins wouldn't want that on there site, and they'll probably close this thread too which is interesting...

1. why would you steal the damn unfinished project
2. why would you ruin ur playing expirence
3. if you like something cool in the stolen demo it might have been taken out.
4. why????
Welcome to the Forums Emptive_Release, and to answer your questions..

different strokes I guess.
Mr. Redundant said:
Welcome to the Forums Emptive_Release, and to answer your questions..

different strokes I guess.

Agreed. Playing the leak or not, I'll have a blast playing the finished game regardless.
I don't think that it spoiled anything for me and most people who didnt sit there and look for them, if you got into the folders and started listining to the mp3 I've heard there were a ton in there but i only tried to play the levels.
I am very suprised this has not yet been closed. Do not use spoiler tags as a means to insert actual HL2 spoilers on these boards.
I've never doubted Valve's abilities in crafting a momumentous game. Playing the leak only served to soothe my frustrations when the delay was announced, though it was not out of spite or anger at Valve. I just couldn't keep my hands off! Oh how cruel a mistress, Half Life 2, I would break laws to see you!
hype.db said:
I am very suprised this has not yet been closed. Do not use spoiler tags as a means to insert actual HL2 spoilers on these boards.

YES! they must only be used for crappy sig jokes! :upstare:
Daiceman9 said:
YES! they must only be used for crappy sig jokes! :upstare:
he is quite right actually, people are getting way too liberal with the spoiler tags.
played some user maps in the beta just to see how nice the physics were and how it would run on my comp. I've had my voucher for the freaking game since last october and until last month had held off of dling the leak. I don't feel bad for doing it, but I do feel bad for valve and the whole situation surrounding the leak.
Wow! i didnt realise so many ppl downloaded the stolen goods.

I found it excruciatingly tempting but I held out and I am so glad i did. Cos now i get to play it, fresh on a super phat X800XT.

Ever opened your christmas presents on christmas eve night when your mum and dad are in bed?

Like my dad said "Your only cheating yourself son"
i dled the moment i heard about it.. i play it every now and then.. i dont agree with what the hackers did, but i also dont agree with what valve did either. i guess in my eyes i wanted something tangible for hl2. valve frustrated me because they're like well we got this really really kick ass game and here are some videos.. but your not gonna get to see anymore forever. i do think valve was cheated. but then again i dont think they woulda been if they had released some tangible content. not saying a demo. maybe like just a build that flys through a city fight scene. or a system checker or someting like that. i feel i havnt spoiled anything about the game for myself. we all know that valve has created an awesome game and the build that was stolen was no where near the completion of that vision. as far as someone saying "warez, i dont stoop that low" or something along those lines. i give my hard earned money to companies that deserve it. you create a game that is worth 49.99 and thats what i'll pay for it. you create a game that is crap, chances are that i'll never play it again. you hardly see and demos for games anymore because most (big companies) just try to market to you, with interesting commercials, maybe a solid story (thats rare), or cool new features. so you buy it and then it turns out to be a flop game that you play for 30 minutes. and you cant take it back. if its worth it i'll pay for it. thats why 12.95 a month of my money go to the nice folks at squaresoft for my ffxi account. that is a super game. oh well... this is my opinion..
I only played a few levels - the E3 ones and No real spoilers, all new info I now know is how much ****ing fun it is - especially , gotta love it.

Really, for me, all the pre-alpha did was make me pine for HL2 more.

[No map names please =) ]
henrym said:
I only played a few levels - the E3 ones and *****. No real spoilers, all new info I now know is how much ****ing fun it is - especially *******, gotta love it.

Really, for me, all the pre-alpha did was make me pine for HL2 more.

You do know you're not supposed to post the map names, right?
The closest i got to playing it was searching for it on a certain website related to irc downloads...

But you will not belive just how much i want to play around in the tech demo. It really is so tempting to get it, but i just can't bring myself to do it :/

The file size is also a bit off-putting too :p
Yeah Murray_H i know what you mean, im so tempted just to see what its like
I played it, but I don't really regret it because I played so little of it due to having the worst PC imaginable. I might keep it and compare it to the final game though.
Emptive_Release said:
1. why would you steal the damn unfinished project
2. why would you ruin ur playing expirence
3. if you like something cool in the stolen demo it might have been taken out.
4. why????

1. I didnt
2. It didnt
3. so?
4. it was fun
I have a question to those who played the leak, did any of you actually take down or see a strider go down? (Feel free to answer with spoilertags - Btw, I don't want to know HOW, if you need to type that DO use spoilertags).

Appriciate any answers :). Oh, and, shame on you! :p

The one who can resist but is well aware of where get such deliciousnesses as HL2,
it just filled my needs for wanting the game... if i didn`t get the beta i myself will tried to steal it ;\ what can i say? hl2 rocxorz :|.
o and one more thing,
that leak that cant even be called beta is so UNDONE It is so stupid... i didn`t even played aginst the strider... the fight script wasn`t created in that point of the devlopment... i didn`t experianced nothing else the the teqh demo! and actully i spent hours flipping barrels :| it was fun :\ ifound out that if you jump on the barrel and use the phys and jump you can actully fly its flow in the physics system that if the object is being pulled up u dont have mass so you being pulled up with it.
Physics Rulezzz
Dead-Inside said:
I have a question to those who played the leak, did any of you actually take down or see a strider go down? (Feel free to answer with spoilertags - Btw, I don't want to know HOW, if you need to type that DO use spoilertags).

Appriciate any answers :). Oh, and, shame on you! :p

The one who can resist but is well aware of where get such deliciousnesses as HL2,

didnt get to fight the strider. no script.. saw the same lvl from the video.. even blew up that overpass thingy.. but no strider..
I found the build to be a load of fun! It was really a great experience. It made me want HL2 more and more.
i even managed to play it with my old ATI Rage 128 pro with a max fps 26 :D
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