For those who have finished the game, Did it live up to your expectations?

Did Half-Life 2 live up to your expectations?

  • Yes, It was what I expected

    Votes: 30 32.3%
  • No, I expected more

    Votes: 18 19.4%
  • It was far better then I could have even imagined

    Votes: 45 48.4%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
It not only lived up to mine, but shattered them. I however tried to control my hype a few months before the release so the HL universe seemed fresh.
NO, but, so close, i feel the stiders where a bit of a let down as well as the story, although i still think its one of the best games of any genre and and any platform ever made.

i didnt once see a person get 'spiked' by the strider nor did i see it fire that pulse cannon i saw in the binks, nor did i see it blow apart any building, not even the scene in the binks was included, but as i said its still an amazing game, the rest of the game definatly meets the hype and at points exceeds it :)

Cant wait to see what kind of mods people are going to make :D
24Gamer said:
NO, but, so close, i feel the stiders where a bit of a let down as well as the story, although i still think its one of the best games of any genre and and any platform ever made.

i didnt once see a person get 'spiked' by the strider nor did i see it fire that pulse cannon i saw in the binks, nor did i see it blow apart any building, not even the scene in the binks was included, but as i said its still an amazing game, the rest of the game definatly meets the hype and at points exceeds it :)

Cant wait to see what kind of mods people are going to make :D

I agree here. I think maybe if i hadn't seen the e3 videos I would be more amazed. But as it stands, it seems like they tried to make the e3 videos more than what was really there.

Don't get me wrong, this game is still pure genious compared to anything out there, but i cant help but feeling like there was potential for something more.

half-life 3, am i right?
Absolutely blown away. Every time I started to think things were gearing down something amazing happens!

Except the ending. Like Halo2 it's almost like it stopped mid-game!
Exceeded. I honestly did not know what to expect
The striders weren't the greatest, but still cool. The game was nothing like the binks for the most part, I was totally surprised. I loved it all.
I havnt finished the game yet but HL2 is still proving to me to be better than any other.

Its cool how the events change in different ways depending on what you do, reload and change ur tactics and the enemy changes. I think though to get all the "special" effects youd have to play the game a couple of times and maybe on thew highest difficulty
I saw the Striders use their cannon, skewer a resistance member and destroy the scenery.
The destruction of the scenery is all scripted anyway. However, i saw the Strider use the instant kill cannon once, incidently, I died as well. (resistance blocked me.) I also saw it skewer a resistance member, once mind you. It seemed totally accidental. But the poor sod was being carried around with it. Incidently, I died soon after by said Striders machine gun.

Though, I do agree; the Striders are the biggest letdown. Very sloppy, not very smart. The battles with them seemed more tedious and annoying, rather than intense and action packed.

The enemy AI also disappointed me, and fails completely in opposition to Halo 2's A.I. enemies.
Combine had trouble running from grenades I had thrown at them, even though yelling "GRENADE!". Whereas in Halo 2, all nearby enemies make a run for cover.
The Combine soldiers also seemed to not realise that burning drum, or that sofa hovering in the air, prone to hit them.

Incidently, the physics engine didn't come of much use or importance and combat situations seemed to only be able tackled on a simple basis of shooting the enemy. Unlike in the "Traptown" BINK video.
Even though it was Normal mode, it felt like easy with the A.I.'s poor "reaction" skills. They mainly exceeded at team combat, and the only time I was killed by Combine soldiers was when I was rushed, I.E. Nova Prospekt.

It didn't quite meet my expectations. It was enjoyable, there are one too many sections that I really wouldn't want to play again, for the fact of tedious annoying sections. Like Ravenholm, that failed to fright, but succeeded to annoy.
The weapons all have a poor sense of accuracy, even using single shots. Should've taken a note from Counter Strike: Source's handbook.
It was far better then I could have even imagined.

Yeah, I've been extremely disappointed by several recent sequels like Thief 3, Deus Ex 2, and PoP:WW. I was hoping for the best and fearing the worst during HL2's development. I'll admit I always over-hype a game in my mind, and then when it comes out and is not every bit as amazing, I'm let down, and it's my own fault.

However, incredibly, I did the same with HL2 and my expectations were actually surpassed. I've put some 20 hours into the game now and my jaw drops every time.
I also thinkt he striders were a big let down. They also had the worst death animations. They made that stupid noise and then turned a darker color. It seemed so cheap. I'd rather they tried toppled on top of me or something and I jump out of the way just in time. There was nothing rewarding about killing them. Infact killing them was annoying because you had to listen to that stupid sound.
Definitly exceeded them.
As for the physics comment, it most certainly did make use of them as in the Traptown vid. You just have to be on the lookout and little more creative. :D I know many a combine soldier fell due to things other than direct fire for me.
Have to be honest and say I expected a bit more.

It's a great game, but I thought it would be better based on what we have seen and been told for the last year and a half.

I think all the binks and statements about what "Source" would do, and what the AI would do, and what would be in the game...vs what really is there...aren't exactly equal and that was a bit of a let down for me.

It's kinda like getting excited after seeing commercials for something and when you buy it, it's not quite the same thing. It's still good, but you wanted, and expected, what was in the commercials.
Exceeded my expectations? That term isn't strong enough.
Half Life 2 blew me away.
I couldn't have expected how incredible it was/is.
The intense rooftop fights with striders, which gave me such an adrenaline rush, I was shaking as I sat in my chair.
The creepy gloom of Ravenholm, as I took another sawblade and shot it through 5 or 6 more zombies (YEAH!)

And the most incredible part. The citadel. The most amazing thing I've ever seen in any game. The sheer awesomeness of the size...the efficiency of the mechanical systems, the power of the armies contained within. Then the end of the game was more than I could have asked for. I just wish I knew what the heck the gman was up to.
24Gamer said:
NO, but, so close, i feel the stiders where a bit of a let down as well as the story, although i still think its one of the best games of any genre and and any platform ever made.

i didnt once see a person get 'spiked' by the strider nor did i see it fire that pulse cannon i saw in the binks, nor did i see it blow apart any building, not even the scene in the binks was included, but as i said its still an amazing game, the rest of the game definatly meets the hype and at points exceeds it :)

Cant wait to see what kind of mods people are going to make :D

Play the scene again the striders blow shite out of the bank AND out of surrounding building I was amazed watching buildings get vapourised and shite was amazing!

ALSO i Never saw anyone get spiked but i looked after my squad and we pissed on the striders like the little bitches they are
Yes and no.

The begining was absolutely amazing :)

However, the fighting was a little easy/dull and often there seemed to be little reason for your actions. For a story driven experience there was very little actual story.

Even so - the polish, the physics, the visuals, the neat little touches, all make HL2 a sweet experience. What a cool game :)

(if the whole game had been like the first 2/3 levels it would have been almost too good :))
Warbie said:
The begining was absolutely amazing :)

However, the fighting was a little easy/dull and often there seemed to be little reason for your actions. For a story driven experience there was very little actual story.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I looked at it just about the opposite. I suppose the setting you played it on probably had to do something with it, but I've had to play many of the battles (on Hard) again and again and again just to get past them, which is great fun. If you thought it was too easy, I'd definitely encourage replaying on Hard. As for how easy it is on Easy, I would agree that Valve maybe was too lenient.

Other games like Doom 3 and Far Cry and still quite challenging on Easy, whereas HL2 is cake.

As for the beginning being the best part, I'd also disagree. Though it was incredible, for me, the game got even better as it progressed (as you collect more guns and discover new tricks).
As an individual sci-fi game: No

As a techdemo for the Source engine: Yes
Pulling off a headshot against a combine soldier with the magnum... a little slice of gaming heaven.

The magnum is my fav. weapon, by far. The model, the sheer power, the reload animation, ALL of it rocks! :P

Anyone else agree/disagree?
Phalanx114 said:
Pulling off a headshot against a combine soldier with the magnum... a little slice of gaming heaven.

The magnum is my fav. weapon, by far. The model, the sheer power, the reload animation, ALL of it rocks! :P

Anyone else agree/disagree?

It is good - but I love the shotgun. Double blast, up close, in the head - oh yes :)
I don't want to compare this game to FarCry, they're both great games. But there's one aspect in FarCry that i really liked and helped add to the immersion. FarCry's levels were absolutely huge and allowed for many creative ways to go about a certain level (for the most part). Half-Life 2 on the other hand, there really wasnt a whole lot of 'wide opened ness' at least compared to FarCry. There's pretty much only one path to take.

thats all I'm going to say on this matter. Do you guys agree?
Its was alot more than i have expected Good Job Valve. Now lets get on with Half Life 3 =D
It was far better then I could have even imagined

It surpassed everything i thought a game could possibly have. I mean i knew it would be the best game of all time. I knew it would be perfect. But this is just simple insane. My jaw droped at so many parts of hl2. I couldnt believe my eyes. I mean how can you posibly think of some of that stuff. I am very sad the game finish but i am also very very happy. I got to play Half-Life 2 and beat it. Now we all wait for Half-Life 3 the finial chapter. I love the story i love valve for thinking of this great trilogy. I cant possibly imagine how valve will top Half-Life 2 off. We will wait and see.