For those who may or may not remember me...


Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
I'm finally back after my year long self imposed exile! :|

I've finally finished my exams and school, so I thought I'd make a return. Since I left, I've become a well-known semi professional trumpet player, done well in school, gained a slight obsession with Warhammer, and fell in love (nawwwww) with the most wonderful girl ever. :P

Here's hoping that I can somehow reintegrate with this... place... and that I can get by without someone like Willie or Candlejack finishing me o

Tdc got shutdown. Yes big problem. There is a new one tho. I expect to see high quality articles on Numbers desk tomorrow morning. Is that clear?
I remember you, certainly noticed your absence around here.
I remember you!

And willie doesnt post as much for some reason anymore. But plenty have stepped up to take his place, so keep your bumhole tight.

Warhammer Fantasy or 40k?
I just looked up his threads and saw his 40k army thread. Looking at it now.

But I was under the impression that he gained his obsession over his hiatus.

Holy shit, I used the word hiatus, whoo!
And don't ask to see them either. My computer had an NTLDR error so I can't get at any of them until I upload them all off my hard drive... :P

Nah. I started 40k when I was here. But my obsession has started since then. Now I've got 2 armies. (Necrons and Daemonhunters) both verging on 2000 points and I'm just putting down the plans for starting a mechanised Tau force. To be started as soon as I've finished painting the last of these inducted guardsmen and chimeras. :D On top of that my painting has picked up immensely since the thread... my terminator inquisitor looks awesome, as oversized as his hammer may be...

I'm finally back after my year long self imposed exile! :|

I've finally finished my exams and school, so I thought I'd make a return. Since I left, I've become a well-known semi professional trumpet player, done well in school, gained a slight obsession with Warhammer, and fell in love (nawwwww) with the most wonderful girl ever. :P

Here's hoping that I can somehow reintegrate with this... place... and that I can get by without someone like Willie or Candlejack finishing me o

We've never met, but HAI!

Your avatar is amusing to me :|

Also, I used to be a Warhammer player myself. Last December, however, I quit because the new Empire figs where...ass. Just absolute ASS.
And don't ask to see them either. My computer had an NTLDR error so I can't get at any of them until I upload them all off my hard drive... :P

Nah. I started 40k when I was here. But my obsession has started since then. Now I've got 2 armies. (Necrons and Daemonhunters) both verging on 2000 points and I'm just putting down the plans for starting a mechanised Tau force. To be started as soon as I've finished painting the last of these inducted guardsmen and chimeras. :D On top of that my painting has picked up immensely since the thread... my terminator inquisitor looks awesome, as oversized as his hammer may be...


Awesome. I had enough Space Marine models that they could be fully used at 4000 points, or as 3 custom designed armies based on who I was playing. Plus I had a 2k Tau army that I loved. Unfortunately I moved away and ended up selling my Space Marines. I still have my Tau army though, but its at my parents house still. Planning on having them ship some/all of it to me soon though, because I want to do some 3D fan art based off them.
I remember your presence but not your substance. Oh well hi!

Were you that guy who was always talking about how high he was? Or am I thinking of another <adjective>Wolf?
I certainly remember you, but like others said, not your personality, but that you are a member. And I certainly remember that avatar! Wooo!
Sweet another trumpet player. Well, welcome back to a person who plays trumpet.
I'm finally back after my year long self imposed exile! :|

I've finally finished my exams and school, so I thought I'd make a return. Since I left, I've become a well-known semi professional trumpet player, done well in school, gained a slight obsession with Warhammer, and fell in love (nawwwww) with the most wonderful girl ever. :P

Here's hoping that I can somehow reintegrate with this... place... and that I can get by without someone like Willie or Candlejack finishing me o

Don't remember you.

But here's to our future anyway :cheers:
I certainly remember you, but like others said, not your personality, but that you are a member. And I certainly remember that avatar! Wooo!

weeee! I'm about the same way :p
Welcome back! But...
gained a slight obsession with Warhammer, and fell in love (nawwwww) with the most wonderful girl ever. :P
You must be lying about one of these. You surely cannot have both in one lifetime.
Lol heya Darky, nice to see ya back again!

I know where you live...

Though if you play empire I have some of mine remaining.

Gameplay wise, it's at its best edition. Fluffwise, it was probably best in 1980s-1990s. I have an actual, tournament legal Fimir army. And a bucketload of the Tyranid models released with the first ever 'nids codex, back when Carnifexes were scary things that ate people, rather than gun platforms, and when squats ran free and nobody bought them.

-Angry Lawyer
Gameplay wise, it's at its best edition. Fluffwise, it was probably best in 1980s-1990s. I have an actual, tournament legal Fimir army. And a bucketload of the Tyranid models released with the first ever 'nids codex, back when Carnifexes were scary things that ate people, rather than gun platforms, and when squats ran free and nobody bought them.

-Angry Lawyer

Oh, I was talking about Warhammer Fantasy. I liked 6th Edition fluff. 7th Edition Gameplay is fine, but the new Empire fluff makes me want to go :|, and I did.