Forget zombies... what about the Revolution?

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Stolen from Gen[M]ay

It's 3:30pm CST. President Bush declares a state of emergency in <insert large urban city here>. The National Guard is called up, but some do not show up. Mobs of people are demanding <insert some form of governmental action on a divisive issue>. Panicking, the government declares a state of martial law, sets a curfew, arrests and detains without warrant anyone that is deemed "a domestic terrorist threat" and closes down Whataburger.

That's right. No. More. Whataburger.

It's infinitely more likely that, eventually, Americans will decide to get pissed off at something of more consequence than the latest missing/brain-damaged/murdered photogenic white girl and decide to overthrow the Man.

What weapon do you reach for? What's your stockpile to defend your home and join the Revolution?

Assuming I've purchased it by then (well it'd be generations into the future if at all ever, so let's talk my planned future stocks),

Olympic Arms AR-15 .203 :cool:

If I have my class III license, looking towards probably some Russian guns, debating though, that would all depend on the availability of ammunition. 7.62 is very available at least here, but with military action moreso taking place there'd be lots of rounds out there.

Probably a SAR-1 AK47
I don't plan on stepping on American Soil during this revolution, so ICBM for me!
I don't plan on stepping on American Soil during this revolution, so ICBM for me!

Me too. 10 nuclear warheads for each Intercontinental Ballistic Missle.
15357 said:
Me too. 10 nuclear warheads for each Intercontinental Ballistic Missle.
Don't hit Boston plzthx.<3
probably a pistol and a baseball bat. I'm lethal with a baseball bat.
I'll just stay were I am and wait for the refugeees to start pouring in after the government denounces the consirators of the revolution as terrorists and steamrolls over them

bloody insurrection over within a week. Perpetual Martial law imposed the following day, the bills of rights is suspended indefinately and unlawful arrests will become the norm guys dont stand a chance

but if they try to cross over to canada ...well then that's when stern busts out the old flamethrower
2 Berettas and plenty of clips, light, plenty of ammo, look badass.
man, i just keep waiting for the day, i personally prefer unconventional weapons and like to get in close, stuff like aerosol cans and lighters or hedgeclippers, weedwhackers, and pens.... but i can also use ranged weaponry if necessary, its just so much more satisfying ramming a Livestrong bracelet down someone's throat to choke them, and its ironic, and i love irony
CptStern said:
I'll just stay were I am and wait for the refugeees to start pouring in after the government denounces the consirators of the revolution as terrorists and steamrolls over them

bloody insurrection over within a week. Perpetual Martial law imposed the following day, the bills of rights is suspended indefinately and unlawful arrests will become the norm guys dont stand a chance

but if they try to cross over to canada ...well then that's when stern busts out the old flamethrower
Chances are sections of the armed forces are with whicher cause it be, anyone touching the Bill of Rights would be turned on by their men immediately.
(these are cool even for people who are pro gun control just because of their nature so watch either way. Haha)

And that's just an example of how our civillians are armed, state National Guards would most likely end up siding with their governor's in said scenerio, which goes to whatever side said state is on. Harhar
Haven't we already stated before that Kent State was a totally different situation?
how? how is that any different ..the soldiers in question felt they were being threatened unarmed students could do that I dont know ...they opened fired on an unarmed crowd ..surely firing on an armed crowd is much much easier

in many soldiers eyes those students were unlawfully protesting the war, and I believe they held that against them going in ...they were looking for a confrontation
I'd probably pack my bags and head for canada before Stern could break out the flamethrower.
no, no, refugees are welcome's those pesky neo-cons that I'm saving my kerosene for
actually I might already be there since I plan on moving to canada as soon as I can.
CptStern said:
how? how is that any different ..the soldiers in question felt they were being threatened unarmed students could do that I dont know ...they opened fired on an unarmed crowd ..surely firing on an armed crowd is much much easier

in many soldiers eyes those students were unlawfully protesting the war, and I believe they held that against them going in ...they were looking for a confrontation
Raki is talking about a nation wide uprising.. Maybe you missed what Raki was trying to state...or it could be me missing his point. Britian even thought the same during the revolutionary war..."Oh we're gonna steam roll over those bloody chaps and be home in time for tea". We even thought the same during the Vietnam war...and we lost (As did the British and French.). Bigger they are the harder they fall.
CptStern said:
how? how is that any different ..the soldiers in question felt they were being threatened unarmed students could do that I dont know ...they opened fired on an unarmed crowd ..surely firing on an armed crowd is much much easier

in many soldiers eyes those students were unlawfully protesting the war, and I believe they held that against them going in ...they were looking for a confrontation
Kent state, from the national guardsmen point of view, was a confused shooting. Not to mention that was an unarmed protest group who had NO idea what was about to happen, not prepared rebels. If you want to think of a historical example of Kent State, look at the Boston Massacre. Difference between a crowd who's bunched up and doesn't expect to be fired upon than a revolution in the works :smoking: :sniper:
either way it wasnt all that difficult for those guards to pull their triggers ...that being my point
Tr0n said:
Raki is talking about a nation wide uprising.. Maybe you missed what Raki was trying to state...or it could be me missing his point. Britian even thought the same during the revolutionary war..."Oh we're gonna steam roll over those bloody chaps and be home in time for tea". We even thought the same during the Vietnam war...and we lost (As did the British and French.). Bigger they are the harder they fall.

I'm aware of rakurai's point ...but you underestimate the government you think they'd take this lying down ...or could they possibly do their utmost to win back the people, denouce the rebels as terrorists and traitors and reign in those that would cause troble ...sorry but an armed uprising is not going to happen ...the government will nip it in the bud before it ever goes national

you guys just like thinking that way cuz without that the second amendment is meaningless
The most dangerous thing in my house is an axe. Will that do?
It's not like the entire military will be anti-rebellion. There are many good men in the US Military, most of whom would throw away their career and risk their lives supporting a rebellion IF THEY THOUGHT THE REBELLION WAS DOING THE RIGHT THING. A lot of rebellions have lost causes, and a lot of people automatically label rebels as righteous fighters, but a lot are in it for bad causes and ill temperance.
oh come on ...have you people been listening to the media for the last 3 years? ...anyone who disagrees with the war is a traitor and un-american easy do you think it would be for the government to persuade the citizens of america that the rebels are in fact terrorists ...I'm sure fox"news" would back them up
And what about rebels? Are they voiceless to their people? It would take some god damn convincing evidence to turn me against America, but if it was there, I'm sure Fox would be labelled "evil" to the rebellion.

Boy, don't you love right and wrong? It's so fun.
CptStern said:
oh come on ...have you people been listening to the media for the last 3 years? ...anyone who disagrees with the war is a traitor and un-american easy do you think it would be for the government to persuade the citizens of america that the rebels are in fact terrorists ...I'm sure fox"news" would back them up
It's not quite as propogandized as you think. lol. That's not really how opponents of the war are played to be, wouldn't make sense, because that's a portion of Congress. Either way we're talking something really big, hypothetical sitatuation, Bill of Rights removed etc. People aren't always as sheepish as it may seem, they'll go for a righteous cause. Liberal, conservative, whatever won't matter once it reaches that point, it'd be a fight against the face of tyranny and everyone would be united as rebels.

And you guys are supposed to choose your armaments like the zombie thread! Post those too!
Any kind of armaments?My choices are:

Rifle:Ak/m16 variant
Pistol: Colt .45
Optional weapon: M40A3 sniper rifle

Those are my realistic armaments.
I'd also have quite an array of explosives set up. Nothing fancy or sophisticated, but enough to get the job done. Assuming I'd still be in this area I'd head south to either the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, AZ Or to Luke Air Force Base, to stock up on ammunition and armaments unless those stations were hostile and not in friendly hands.

These would also be optimal if we could gather some pilots. Not necessarily fighter (probably might help if we ended up with some) but at the very least helicopter and other planes that can serve very well in logistics and supplies.
I've got some sort of old snubnose .32'll do me fine, I think.
Nothing, I would run away as the tanks roll over everything and nerve gas kills those remaining.

Modern weapons is just so much more deadly (and expensive) then those during the american revolution.
HunterSeeker said:
Nothing, I would run away as the tanks roll over everything and nerve gas kills those remaining.

Modern weapons is just so much more deadly (and expensive) then those during the american revolution.

Ye have little imagination.

No force is unstoppable, no force can't be counter-acted. They are men, they bleed.
HunterSeeker said:
Nothing, I would run away as the tanks roll over everything and nerve gas kills those remaining.

Modern weapons is just so much more deadly (and expensive) then those during the american revolution.
Guerilla warfare, witha righteous cause and spirit. You can't crush that force. You can win a conventional war through force only. To crush guerillas you have to have a legitimate reason to make their peers see they're not justified. In the case of a revolution happening in a situation like bill of rights being infringed, you can bet people are going to feel they're justified.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Guerilla warfare, witha righteous cause and spirit. You can't crush that force. You can win a conventional war through force only. To crush guerillas you have to have a legitimate reason to make their peers see they're not justified. In the case of a revolution happening in a situation like bill of rights being infringed, you can bet people are going to feel they're justified.
IE: Vietnam war.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Guerilla warfare, witha righteous cause and spirit. You can't crush that force. You can win a conventional war through force only. To crush guerillas you have to have a legitimate reason to make their peers see they're not justified. In the case of a revolution happening in a situation like bill of rights being infringed, you can bet people are going to feel they're justified.

It depends on how many you are prepered to kill, biological weapons can be very devestating. What to do if you cannot get out and get food/water?
I'd get a virus that turns everyone else into zombies.
Ennui said:
I'd get a virus that turns everyone else into zombies.
And this is when's Zombie Survival Squad comes to power, being the only ones specialized in anti zombie warfare. ;)