Forsaken Update


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Forsaken Mod has just released a media update, 1 of 3 leading up to the release of Half-Life 2. This update focuses on player models.[br]
For a port urban warfare game, the textured head is very clean.
Forget D3 and far cry....this mod really sets the benchmark of Plastic!
I really dont see what the point is of releasing half finished models. These renders dont really look that good right now, even though I know that (if the head is anything to go by) they will look great when finished.

These guys should wait until they are done and show us then in-game so that they can really impress people, otherwise they might project the wrong impression of the quality of there art.
I disagree.
I think its good that they atleast produce player models and show them off. Then people can complain about anything, and they might change them abit.
But you probably think releasing un-skinned weapon models also is "wrong".

Varsity, they do got water, so they can probably clean themselves?

And there is stil 2 parts of this update left :D
Indeed; it might be after the apocalypse, but the military personel indeed would have strick levels of cleanliness.

The unskinned player models are released for two reasons; to reward the fans who frequent the site checking for updates :P and so that the team can collate some feedback on the model. :)
In my opinion models should be finished and skinned before they are shown to public. People may not know much about how the game graphics are made so it's possible that they get the wrong impression.

I think it's definitely better publicity for a mod if they only show finished artwork, or well, not necessarily *finished* but at least farther done. You guys are hurrying too much :(
There is great value to present WIP material to the public. It generates ongoing interest by allowing the mod developers to release periodical updates. Which in turn, develops a fan base, and from there, loyal followers. This community can help the developers with suggestions, motivation, support, and even guerilla marketting, all without any real extra effort from either parties.
Whats good for the people is good for the mod, and in turn, the reverse holds true.

And BESIDES, most people do get that these are unskinned, WIP models...which look great I might add. Those that don't realize this, and dismiss the mod right now, will hear about it later on from the ever-growing, devout fans ;)
Thanks for the kind words and interest in the Mod guys :)
Keep your eyes on this mod people, it will not let you down, and no, I don't work for 'em. :)
This mod looks absolutly beautiful, if I had any skills that they could use I would definatly try to join em, but unfortunatly all I know is M$ Word.
Thanks for the positive feedback guys :)

More to come soon of course!
Part 2 of our update is out... if you're interested in a more detailed look at our weapon models check out our new animated 'fly-arounds' ... part 3 "coming soon" :)