Fortress Forever Media


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Fortress Forever, a spiritual successor and/or remake of the acclaimed Valve title Team Fortress Classic, shows that they're completely unphased by the news of Team Fortress 2 by giving us some delectable new media.[br]

Lastly, today we finished our third coordinated playtest in three weeks. What does this all mean, you might ask? It means we're on track to have a working Fortress Forever beta version ready during the first week of August (yes, August 2006). From that point on, all FF changes will be tweaks based on playtesting, bug fixes, minor model-related updates, additional maps, etc. More news to come on that later!

Stay tuned to, and you can head over to the Fortress Forever site for past media.
I will download this mod for sure, it's beautiful and more like the original from a design point of view if you compare with TF2.
I've been looking forward to this for ages. Slightly dampened by the news of TF2 I guess. I wonder if these guys will get this out before Episode2 is released?
I've been looking forward to this for ages. Slightly dampened by the news of TF2 I guess. I wonder if these guys will get this out before Episode2 is released?
Read the news post! "we're on track to have a working Fortress Forever beta version ready during the first week of August (yes, August 2006)."
Doug lombardi strikes again!

"uh wha ... oh, I said that? well I must have meant august 2007"

Fortress Forever will be great for a few hours though. At least till TF2 arrives.
Doug lombardi strikes again!

"uh wha ... oh, I said that? well I must have meant august 2007"

Fortress Forever will be great for a few hours though. At least till TF2 arrives.

FF will pwn TF2 ;)
TF2 will pwn this TFC remake - TFC was a freat game, but it failed for a reason. TF2 is new and innovative.

Oh, and another 'quick' update by the team - only two days late this time.
I still go back and play TFC every once in a while. Nothing beats watching them gibs fly when you snipe someone in the head!
I'm just going to play both FF and TF2 because I'm looking forward to both (and I'm getting Episode Two anyway).
how can you say tfc failed when it was THE largest game being played on the internet before cs showed up?
Not a fan of the old TFC feel but i will definitely download and play this. Give it a worthy try. Im many interested in their maps. The level design looks phenomenal.
how can you say tfc failed when it was THE largest game being played on the internet before cs showed up?

Firstly, it wasn't anywhere NEAR the biggest online game - it was pretty huge but there were many bigger games, such as Tribes, Diablo, even HL Deathmatch. Get your facts right

Secondly, I call it failed because no one plays it anymore. It's just about dead. There's a handful of servers and maybe a couple of hundred active players worldwide. Not to mention that every other TF game released since (all of which were basically remakes of TF or TFC with minor tweaks) have enjoyed short lived success. Something fresh needs to be done, which is what Valve is doing.
Mike.G, we're just gonna have to wait for the numbers when the mod comes out. Then you'll see. You'll all see!

*stumbles back on self while trying to point at everyone, runs out of room*
Oh god, we are gonna get FF fanboys in every TF2 topic now :|
wow. learn how to time scale. learn how to read.

tribes was before tfc's peak
diablo II was being played
and HLDM just has me laughing.

please. I'll concur with you about every other tf game (qtf2, etf) were monumental let downs, i wouldn't even call them short lived successes. thank you for getting at least one of your arguments correct.
wow. learn how to time scale. learn how to read.

tribes was before tfc's peak
diablo II was being played
and HLDM just has me laughing.

please. I'll concur with you about every other tf game (qtf2, etf) were monumental let downs, i wouldn't even call them short lived successes. thank you for getting at least one of your arguments correct.

Tribes was still strong during TFC's peak, and I would argue still more popular than TFC. When I said Diablo I obviously meant Diablo 2, and it was FAR more popular than TFC. And HLDM usually had more servers and more players than TFC at any one time.
Firstly, it wasn't anywhere NEAR the biggest online game - it was pretty huge but there were many bigger games, such as Tribes, Diablo, even HL Deathmatch. Get your facts right

Secondly, I call it failed because no one plays it anymore. It's just about dead. There's a handful of servers and maybe a couple of hundred active players worldwide. Not to mention that every other TF game released since (all of which were basically remakes of TF or TFC with minor tweaks) have enjoyed short lived success. Something fresh needs to be done, which is what Valve is doing.

Man.. you're such a flaming hipocrite it blows my mind. And every farking game "dies". You think anyone still plays Red Alert online? was that a failure of a game? hell no, it practically began the RTS genre. You know for a new guy you'd think you would be a little less of a jackass, bad reps arent a fun thing to have over your shoulders.
Man.. you're such a flaming hipocrite it blows my mind. And every farking game "dies". You think anyone still plays Red Alert online? was that a failure of a game? hell no, it practically began the RTS genre. You know for a new guy you'd think you would be a little less of a jackass, bad reps arent a fun thing to have over your shoulders.

Yes, because my e-rep is so important to me :rolleyes: The point isnt that it died, the point is that TF as we know it is dead, except to a small group of hardcore fans (who are not fun to play with if you're a newbie).
You sound a little too cool to be on an internet forum chief, maybe there are other places you could be?
Yeah whatever. When FF and TF2 come out in a matter of months between one another, we'll see how "dead" the TF genre is.
How the hell can you pass judgment between FF and TF2 as of right now? TF2 is not guaranteed to own FF, nor is FF guaranteed to own TF2.

And as for fanboys...FF is getting more TF2 fanboys than the other way around. We've had our share increase exponentially on the FF boards due to one single picture being released. I've been in the TF community for years, I'm more interested in gameplay than flashy 'revolutionary' looks for a game. Wait for the games to be released, then make a decision. To totally declare a camp now is just asinine.
Thats sentry gun looks so sexy i just creamed my pants. I think im catching a glimpse of the engineer behind it?!?!?! SWEET!
The amount of work and detail that has gone into this mod is nothing short of phenomenal.. although tf2 is scheduled to be released soon with ep2 i have no doubt that this mod will do quite well.

Im excited about both tf2 and ff and ill probably be playing them equally.
When I said Diablo I obviously meant Diablo 2, and it was FAR more popular than TFC. And HLDM usually had more servers and more players than TFC at any one time.
Don't forget Starcraft!!! That game still pulls up to 30 - 50 thousand people online at once.
diablo II was being played

So thaaaat's what I was doing.
Diablo 2 is the only awesome game I wish I had never bought.
I still haven't completed LoD.

Screenshots in the first post look nice.
i dont think this will suffer for the news of the official team fortress 2. afterall, valves new game takes the game in a new direction stylistically while this mod stays faithful to the style of the original if you know what i mean. i think theres room for both games
Oh cool, I have an account :)

Go to their media page, as they have put up at least 10 more from their playtesting.
I somehow got the impression that, since FF is basically a reiteration of TFC, and it's doing so well, Valve decided to take their project, TF2, in a different direction. The two will, one can assume, feature the same gameplay, since neither is trying to revolutionize the genre, and they're doing nothing innovative.

The two are just catering to two different groups of people. I know I'll play both of them.
I can't honestly say i'll play both often but I'll give them both a try and see which one I favor more.
I dont really give a shit about FF now that I've seen the TF2 video.
I dont really give a shit about FF now that I've seen the TF2 video.

...and your reasoning is? You just saw a video that didn't display any gameplay what-so-ever. It just showed you the characters. I love the TF2 video, but I wouldn't be taking sides just yet. But fine, go ahead and be naive and ignorant and rant and rave before you have anything that definitively proves your point. GG
...and your reasoning is? You just saw a video that didn't display any gameplay what-so-ever. It just showed you the characters. I love the TF2 video, but I wouldn't be taking sides just yet. But fine, go ahead and be naive and ignorant and rant and rave before you have anything that definitively proves your point. GG
you failed to quote:
and they're doing nothing innovative.
We have no idea of TF2's gameplay thus we don't know anything innovative in either.
I will definitely be giving both TF2 and FF a major workout before deciding which game to devote the majority of my time on. 2006 is turning out to be an exceptional year for pc gaming!