Fortress Forever Update



For those that do not know yet, Fortress Forever is a team fortress conversion that promises to take the very best features of Team Fortress Classic and make them more friendly to the average user. As usual, their media releases always please. This Easter's is just as exciting, if not more so than previous installments.[br]</br>If you bought Half-Life back in 1999, chances are that you have many fond memories of playing TFC, and specifically, the assassination map, Hunted. Well good news! A remake by the Fortress Forever mappers is in the works and they have a few pictures to showcase to the general public.[br]</br>The first picture shows the Ruins Sniper Resupply. The picture next to it shows the Sewer Exit.[br]</br>In addition, after the great reception to the pictures of Crossover, they have released an update on many of the familiar places on Crossover. [br]</br>Last, but certainly not least, another great skinned model from Sev and Decs has been completed. The Pyro's Napalm grenade. [br][br]If you would like to join the Fortress Forever community, please go to their forum and become a member, or just leave your input.[br]</br>To simply visit their website and learn more, click here.
As a short time supporter of this mod I have to say it's going to KICK ASS!!!

Only thing is that all their models seem very high-poly/detail and I'm wondering how demanding this may be.
Very nice, I like how much detail is being added to all the maps.
Can't wait for this mod :D

Loved TFC to bits, and still do... this is just going to rock.
*opinionation*This is hands down the best mod being released on the Source Engine!!!!*opinionation*
Simply amazing. How the hell do you map with such perfection? I need to learn how to make all those perfect circular curves.
Yeah, this mod looks amazing, but, as frenchtoast noted, how graphically intense will this be?

These maps look detailed.
It's possible they are releasing screenshots of ultra-high poly versions of the models and will 'dumb them down' before release, or there might be an option to use slightly lower-poly models. It shouldn't be much more taxing than HL2 though, I would think; some of the models in HL2 are very high-poly.
Terrific mapping crew that this mod has.

I have to commend these guys. Teams based around "OMG *Insert Software Dev here* left out *Popular Game Component Component here*" are in my experience some of the worst teams in the buisness. I can't help but like this mod, which even seems to bring its own style along for the ride: If valve were making TFC2 (and for the sake of all that's holy, I hope that they're not because I don't want to see this mod die) it wouldn't look like this does. Perhaps it wouldn't even look fantastic.

Incidently, last time I loaded up TFC, I hated it. That's put a damper on my enthusiasm for this superb looking mod ^^
I realize most of you are from Europe, but if you feel like playing TFC with some blokes here are some servers I admin:

[GoW]Odin's Graveyard (league rules server - be sure to read the rules before playing here)

[GoW]Odin's Graveyard (no set rules here)
The mod looks realy nice, and the maps... very detailed.
This mod will be great. :cheers:

I played TFC/TF1.5 alot and its still one of the best team based mods out there.
Great to see a mod with such professional work and artistic talent!
Wow this is looking awesome. I wonder what will happen if TF2 is released? or maybe it will be very different gameplay wise since Valve haven't stopped this yet?
kupoartist said:
I have to commend these guys. Teams based around "OMG *Insert Software Dev here* left out *Popular Game Component Component here*" are in my experience some of the worst teams in the buisness. I can't help but like this mod, which even seems to bring its own style along for the ride: If valve were making TFC2 (and for the sake of all that's holy, I hope that they're not because I don't want to see this mod die) it wouldn't look like this does. Perhaps it wouldn't even look fantastic.

Incidently, last time I loaded up TFC, I hated it. That's put a damper on my enthusiasm for this superb looking mod ^^
As far if I heard, TF2 is not going to be a remake of TFC (like this mod), but a new game with more realistic gameplay.
Whoever used those toilets needs to see a doctor. :D

Nice maps. :imu:
It looks great. But, once they get some dustbowl screenshots up, I mught have a true orgasm. Dustbowl is still my favorite TFC map. :D
ray_MAN said:
It looks great. But, once they get some dustbowl screenshots up, I mught have a true orgasm. Dustbowl is still my favorite TFC map. :D

Mine too. I worked on a Dustbowl remake but since theyre already making one... why waste my time :)
Insane said:
As far if I heard, TF2 is not going to be a remake of TFC (like this mod), but a new game with more realistic gameplay.
Note my wording: "If Valve were making TFC2". They are making TF2, so why would I be saying "If?" and why would I be calling TF2 "TFC2"?
Majestic XII said:
Mine too. I worked on a Dustbowl remake but since theyre already making one... why waste my time :)
Exactly the same thing I did. :E
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
Yeah, this mod looks amazing, but, as frenchtoast noted, how graphically intense will this be?

These maps look detailed.
They don't seem to much more complex than hl2dm maps, really. Besides, many of these maps are based off the originals, and didn't/probably-won't have many large open continuous spaces.

Obviously the weps shown are view models... in game wont be that level of detail.
kupoartist said:
I have to commend these guys. Teams based around "OMG *Insert Software Dev here* left out *Popular Game Component Component here*" are in my experience some of the worst teams in the buisness. I can't help but like this mod, which even seems to bring its own style along for the ride: If valve were making TFC2 (and for the sake of all that's holy, I hope that they're not because I don't want to see this mod die) it wouldn't look like this does. Perhaps it wouldn't even look fantastic.

Incidently, last time I loaded up TFC, I hated it. That's put a damper on my enthusiasm for this superb looking mod ^^

Well if Valve decides to make TFC:S it will mostly likely resemble a direct port then a total remake like FF is going to be. And Valve had all but given up hope on TFC, since they don't update it anymore and haven't done so for a long time. Last update was with the steam update when we got the TP'ers etc. which might have brought a new string of life to TFC allthough most longtimers to TFC like myself did not appreciate the TP since it wrecked most aspects of maps that was not adapted to TP'ers. But anyway if Valve does make TFC:S one day. It will surely only be a shadow of what FF will be.

And we will probably have played FF for year(s) when TFC:S is released so almost no one will be very keen to switch to TFC:S then I think.

Plus FF will be free while TFC:S will most likely have to be bought like a retail. So why pay for something that's less then something that's free.
Wait, Is Valva releasing TFC2 or TF2, or TFC:S, or TF:S, or what?
Can comeone clarify this for me?
WritingARequiem said:
Wait, Is Valva releasing TFC2 or TF2, or TFC:S, or TF:S, or what?
Can comeone clarify this for me?
AFAIK, valve is not releasing anything other than the long(long long long)-awaited Team Fortress 2, and is not producing a source version of TFC.
TF2 and TF:S would mean essentially the same thing since TF2 will be on source. It will likely be a stand-alone product though.
no, there was TF for quake. It had nothing to do with Valve, btw.
We cant forget the awesome Quake III Fortress.

Good job guys, Looking great. Definately paying homage to the original maps.
Team Fortress software made Quake World Team Fortress. Valve then hired some of the members of TF software to make TF2. TF2 was meant to be a free mod/add-on for Half-Life, but they eventually decided to change its scope and also make it a seperate game in its own right (rather than a free addon). TFC was then created for the HL engine as a stopgap and to appease those who had purchased HL in the anticipation of playing TF2 as a mod/add-on.

Valve now holds the TF copyrights and stuff as a result.
Thanks, I never knew that. Can't wait to play both games!

BTW, who writes your news posts? I think he should lay of the crack.

I look forward to reading FriedBunny's little ode's as much as i look forward to seeing the media!

"—he had it on his garden wall, and my auntie—"

Top stuff.
Love the curved architecture. Makes the maps so much more interesting. Must kill compile times though.
Mess said:
Love the curved architecture. Makes the maps so much more interesting. Must kill compile times though.

I steer clear from complex geometry because it screws with the compiler. Kudos to the FF mappers, they're seriously talented :thumbs: