Fox"news": "Kids are using a gaming device to access porn out of thin air"


May 5, 2004
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"Kids are using a gaming device to access porn out of thin air"

beware Parents!!! video games are magic!

fox"news" said:
Kids are using a gaming device to access porn out of thin air, even at school Kids like to keep secrets from adults, there's a kind of power that comes from knowing the adults are clueless.

You know the electronic games, the ones that seem to be in the hands of just about every kid. Those devices do more than play hockey or race cars.

Jeff Harris brought his new portable gaming device to school and then he pulled a stunt that got him grounded for a month, as well as an in-school suspension.

What mom thought was just a game is actually a very sophisticated piece of electronics that a clever kid can use to capture pornographic images out of thin air. In the school's library, Jeff was eager to show his friends his new Sony Play Station Portable, or PSP. On a dare, Jeff showed his pals how the PSP could magically display images of naked women.

where the hell has this guy been? living under a rock for the last 20 years? hey mr rigth-wing conservative guy I have a portable pron machine right here's called a laptop :O BANNN LAPTOPS!!!!
i wonder what will happen to that guys head when he finds out that the same has been done for years now on the humble mobile phone 0.o
hmmm, i'm just not sure even he'll believe that Playboy is considered magic but if "the PSP can magically display images of naked women" - hey stranger things have happened ;)

I love how there's no author's name attached to it.

And also, how there's no source for this claim:
Last month a 14-year old boy in Bismark, North Dakota got caught bringing porn into school on his PSP. The local authorities decided to make an example of the boy and charged him with a felony.

I find that VERY hard to believe that a 14 year old would get charged with a felony, and for something like putting porn on a PSP? Seriously now.
Heh, wow, there needs to be a "Worst Journalist Ever" awarded here. Its not the fact that its about video games, its the fact that he blatently did no research whatsoever to make a shock-report for parents.

He isn't saying ban PSPs, he is saying ban the internet. He is also saying that the school in quesiton has a shit content blocker, or a nonexistant one. On top of all of that, the school's wireless network is easily accessable and not password protected? Yay!

Lying Swarmy Jounalist said:
Its even been nicknamed the play station "pornable".
Who named it that lol?

An also fair point to mention is that cellphones with internet access also have access to porn... ANYWHERE!

Ban cell phones, ban computers, ban internets, ban PSPs, ban everything!
What is it with America and nudity?


Some people are really stupid.
more nonsense and misleading the audience

fox"news" said:
Some parents might be clueless, but lots of other adults are finding ways to cash in on the technology. We found numerous web sites that cater specifically to the PSP.

The FOX 9 Investigators tracked down the owners of one of these sites. Its run by two,19-year old brothers. Reporter: "Are you trying to target kids with this?"

Website Operator: "Not at all, because its really hard to get money, or advertising if you have only kids coming to your site."
His target audience, he says, is the over 30 crowd that owns PSP's.
Reporter: "How do you know you don't have some kid who's 10, 12, 14 years old going on to your website?"
Website Operator: "We really don't know their ages, or their gender."

he's leading the ignorant like a horse to water:

"Some parents might be clueless, but lots of other adults are finding ways to cash in on the technology. We found numerous web sites that cater specifically to the PSP" mean like Gamespot, Gamespy and Ign? funny how he alludes that all psp sites are about providing porn ...he even takes it a step further by "interviewing a psp site ...yet fails to mention whether this site is a legit gaming site or a porn provider ..he just lets the reader assume that it is ..especially by putting in this bit of alarmist crap:

fox"news" said:
The FOX 9 Investigators tracked down the owners of one of these sites. Its run by two,19-year old brothers. Reporter: "Are you trying to target kids with this?"

Website Operator: "Not at all, because its really hard to get money, or advertising if you have only kids coming to your site."
His target audience, he says, is the over 30 crowd that owns PSP's.
Reporter: "How do you know you don't have some kid who's 10, 12, 14 years old going on to your website?"
Website Operator: "We really don't know their ages, or their gender."

really bad journalism, which makes me think it was written by someone who's never been to journalism school (I can almost see the interview for the job right now "Interviewer: welcome to Fox"news", I have a single question: do you support Bush?, Potential Employee: "yes well..." Interviewer: no need to explain, you're hired!")
This is asinine. Anyone can see nudity on TV and movies, hear "inappropriate" language on TV and movies so what's the big deal? Hell, I was watching The Weather Man and out of nowhere is this chick with her shirt down bouncing on his cock, his daughters saying cunt while smoking underage, the cursing everywhere. Nothing is being kept secret anymore. Say penis, vagina, cock, pussy on TV and no one cares. Show one and people get hysterical! Yes, he shouldn't have brought that to school but goddamn, chill out.
I can magically create porn without any devices! Just whip off the pants and...
I don't understand the logic that goes on in this guy's head.

Why would anyone be against games?

Next thing you know someone will write an article on the evilness of walls or something. You can hang pictures of naked people on walls.

Maybe they should start a campain against all types of surfaces. Unless there's a camera checking that surface 24/7 that is directly linked to the pope.

I hope 'they' don't read this.

edit: don't do it phantomdesign! Step away from your pants.

edit2: I started thinking about camera's directly linked to the pope, and I got an idea: robopope.
My god, that's awful journalist. And I should know! I've got a qualification!

Meanwhile half America ignores the point that A. it's the kid's fault for looking at porn and B. if he's actively seeking porn then he's ready for it.

Element Alpha said:
edit2: I started thinking about camera's directly linked to the pope, and I got an idea: robopope.
Been done before. For quite a while now, actually. Nobody seems to have noticed.

Phones are great for pr0n.
I remeber where school children used to trade pokemon cards, now it's mobile phone pr0n.
Jesus, what's next: laptops? They can magically show pron out of thin air too. And kids prolly have those, since the school has a wireless network.
God. They need to have to type social security numbers or something to make them stop. Before they do, they should ban wireless PSP internet.

Note: I am not serious about banning PSP internet.
We should ban crappy journalists if anything. :|
fox"news" said:
Kids are using a gaming device to access porn out of thin air, even at school Kids like to keep secrets from adults, there's a kind of power that comes from knowing the adults are clueless.

You know the electronic games, the ones that seem to be in the hands of just about every kid. Those devices do more than play hockey or race cars.

Jeff Harris brought his new portable gaming device to school and then he pulled a stunt that got him grounded for a month, as well as an in-school suspension.

What mom thought was just a game is actually a very sophisticated piece of electronics that a clever kid can use to capture pornographic images out of thin air. In the school's library, Jeff was eager to show his friends his new Sony Play Station Portable, or PSP. On a dare, Jeff showed his pals how the PSP could magically display images of naked women.
It sounds like there making fun of themselves with that "magic porn out of thin air" stuff.
So what if the kid wants to look at porn? Is seeing a few pictures of naked women really going to corrupt him for life?
ugh... :x
society is slowly going to hell...mostly thanks to the fruitcakes who never seem to use their brain.
seriously, there should be a law against dumbasses reproducing. :frown:
I wish my psp was magic... could do with some magic thin air porn. It wouldnt be sitting under a pile of shit on my desk otherwise...

This is....psp..magical....occult mmorpgs....LIES LIES LIES :|
This is terrible news! I thought PSPs were only useful for viewing Stern's brilliant Politics posts! I mean with my PSP, I simply view Stern's posts on the fly, and share his brilliance with other people in the Boston area. I even suggested to Sony that they release a "Stern's Posts Viewer" that would work similar to the browser built into the PSP, but simply get you straight to Stern's brilliance!

<3 Stern. No sacrasm here.


  • SternViewerForPSPv1.0.jpg
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I like Fox news. Why do people keep bashing them? It saddens me. :(
That's nothing... I can make people spontaneously have sex.
Im amazed that even got published on the website. FOX news is a ****ing joke, and i'm shocked that people are thick enough to take it seriously.