Fox"news": "Kids are using a gaming device to access porn out of thin air"

CptStern said:
"Kids are using a gaming device to access porn out of thin air"

beware Parents!!! video games are magic!

where the hell has this guy been? living under a rock for the last 20 years? hey mr rigth-wing conservative guy I have a portable pron machine right here's called a laptop :O BANNN LAPTOPS!!!!

god, the media is so stupid. Just plain stupid.
el Chi said:
Channel 4 isn't like like the Fox-type tabloid broadcast, and it's certainly not right-wing in the slightest. It's the televisual equivalent of The Grauniad, for pity's sake.

I was talking about the constant re-runs of American sitcoms
jondy said:
I was talking about the constant re-runs of American sitcoms
Ah! Apologies :)
Yeah, they're good at doing that D:
Channel four, Fifth Gear and "John Cleese Goes Inside a Pig Rectum"

Great watching
TollBooth Willie said:
It would make his head explode in a shower of crimson and brain matter.
"omfg that tv is alive is paganism!"
*write a article about paganic tv's that disturb the people in theyr houses*
TollBooth Willie said:
I have no idea what the Hell you just said.

No one ever does. Just nod your head.
I think everyone overlooked a critical feature:

Yer mum can make pron out of thin air, ban her!
I forgot this:

Gh0st said:
those arent news reporters. those are columnists and opinion writers, like limbaugh. thats like me judging msnbc on scarborough or something.
They're part of the whole thing. Their names are writ large across the Fox News website. They're unavoidable. They can only be considered part of the network. It's not like there's a 'these are not the opinions of the station' disclaimer or anything.
Sulkdodds said:
I forgot this:

They're part of the whole thing. Their names are writ large across the Fox News website. They're unavoidable. They can only be considered part of the network. It's not like there's a 'these are not the opinions of the station' disclaimer or anything.

Yeah, when the article was still up, it was definately not presented as an editorial or op-ed or anything.
I think thats a major part of the problem with Fox news, the way that some guy like O'Reilly will have his show where he goes on about his own opinions without any way of disconnecting him from the station. Looks like most TV channels in the US do it though. The only opinions that get expressed on news channels in the UK are those of people totally unconnected with the station.