Fox News


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
First of all, i want to say i don't favour ANY political party.
And i Live in Sweden. :thumbs:
(My english is far from perfect)

I saw a program about Fox News, and i't horrified me and made me also think about City 17 and Half-life2. I don't really know how many Americans there are on these boards, but i know there are some.

How can the country, "The Land of the free", accept a "News"-Channel like fox? I know the program was in the "other" side's point of view. But the message was clear. Fox is propaganda. When they showed clips from Fox's "News"-casts i laughed, i thought it was pathetic!

Is it true that Fox News tells the americans that all is "fine" in iraq? Well, i read and watch Swedish, Americans and Arabian news, and what i can tell is that IRAQ ain't "fine".
Same about the American economy.

The worst scandal, and it suprises me that everyone seems to accept this is the election of 2000.
Where it was a tie in florida, but FOX says that Bush in the winner, and the other networks follows. It makes me as a person that belive in Democracy sad that the "greatest" democracy in the world works like this.

Do the world a favour, all politicans are bastards, but vote for a "less bastardess" (my own word ;P ) person.

Vote Kerry, or that other guy, but don't vote bush!
And do America and the rest of the world a favour!
w0w I luv people that bash Fox (espically people who r europeans :) I luv it when people forget about all the other networks that I dare say are "liberal"... CBS,NBC,ABC,CNN,CNNBC,MSNBC have all showed their true characters this election year... I luv it when europeans tell us how to vote...
i love when people claim the media is liberal.
figge said:
Is it true that Fox News tells the americans that all is "fine" in iraq? Well, i read and watch Swedish, Americans and Arabian news, and what i can tell is that IRAQ ain't "fine".
Same about the American economy.


The worst scandal, and it suprises me that everyone seems to accept this is the election of 2000.
Where it was a tie in florida, but FOX says that Bush in the winner, and the other networks follows. It makes me as a person that belive in Democracy sad that the "greatest" democracy in the world works like this.

Where do you get your information wrong? All of the major news stations were equally wrong. They used misguided exit polling strategies amont other flaws. All major networks are too blame

Do the world a favour, all politicans are bastards, but vote for a "less bastardess" (my own word ;P ) person.

Vote Kerry, or that other guy, but don't vote bush!
And do America and the rest of the world a favour!

Stuff like this makes be want to vote Bush that much more. I'm an undecided voter by the way. :thumbs:
I love people who can spell...

...and i'm more intressed in this election than any other.
This election concerns the whole world. (All do, but this concerns the world more than the "average" country)

Do you think a "reporter" that tells a person to shut up because the reporter and the person have diffrent views is a good reporter?

political scale:
Communism                                              Republicans
                        |                          |
                     Socialists               Liberal

Can't se why "Liberal" is a bad thing, and LIBERAL, does not that word come from the word: Liberty?
hahah CBS ABC NBC liberal? they dont allow nipples! how can they be liberal?
figge said:
Can't se why "Liberal" is a bad thing, and LIBERAL, does not that word come from the word: Liberty?

Republican comes from the word, get this, Repulic. :O
blahblahblah said:
Republican comes from the word, get this, Repulic. :O

You miss the point.

The Democrats call the Republicans Right-Wing nuts...
...and the Republicans call the Democrats liberal?
And using it as it was something bad...
figge said:
You miss the point.

The Democrats call the Republicans Right-Wing nuts...
...and the Republicans call the Democrats liberal?
And using it as it was something bad...

I've been called things much worse that Right-Wing nut. People call me conservative and say it's a bad thing... :O
Your diagram is a bit off. It goes like this:

Communism | Socialism | Democrat | Republican | ? | Fascist
Narcolepsy said:
Your diagram is a bit off. It goes like this:

Communism | Socialism | Democrat | Republican | ? | Fascist

Actually it goes

Socialsim, Democrat, Republican, Laissez Faire

Communism, Fascism, etc. have no place in a democracy.
Narcolepsy said:
Your diagram is a bit off. It goes like this:

Communism | Socialism | Democrat | Republican | ? | Fascist

Though mine was a better scale ;P

I've been called things much worse that Right-Wing nut. People call me conservative and say it's a bad thing...

To me a conservative is:

Stay with the old and despise the new... ;P

blahblahblah said:
Actually it goes

Socialsim, Democrat, Republican, Laissez Faire

Communism, Fascism, etc. have no place in a democracy.

If the people votes to have communism or fascism ain't that democracy?
figge said:
If the people votes to have communism or fascism ain't that democracy?

Socialism abused by the government is called communism. Fascism is just another subset of dictatorship.

How can you classify those as a form of democracy?
blahblahblah said:
Socialism abused by the government is called communism. Fascism is just another subset of dictatorship.

How can you classify those as a form of democracy?

Socialism and comunism ain't even close (closer than communism and liberalism but still)
Democracy is from the greek words Demos (the people) and Kratos (dunno the right spelling on that) = rule
So the People Rule, and if the people want a Communism, how is that not a democracy?

And dictator ship is not always a bad thing, the romans used it when the senate could not agree, and it worked really well, untill Julius Ceasar made himself Dictator for lifetime... ;P

(Didn't find anything on the defenition of facism though, but don't think that Facism = dictatorship)
I think Facism may have room for a small ruling group without a central dictator, but not matter how you slice it it isn't democracy.
figge said:
Socialism and comunism ain't even close (closer than communism and liberalism but still)

And dictator ship is not always a bad thing, the romans used it when the senate could not agree, and it worked really well, untill Julius Ceasar made himself Dictator for lifetime... ;P

(Didn't find anything on the defenition of facism though, but don't think that Facism = dictatorship)

Don't they teach you anyting in schools?

Communism was intended to be a perfect form of socialism. That means the state runs everything. However, Corrupt people would take advantage of the communist system and it would turn in to USSR or China. Communism in its purest form intends to be good, but because of human nature, always turns out to be evil.

Fascism ( definition) - A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Doesn't really fit into the terms of a democracy know. The parts about have stringent socioeconomic controls is something that far, far right wing conservatives hate.
(To be totally overpicky, democracy is a country that is ruled by people, the the only thing that aint a democracy is a country ruled by robots, rats, ants or something that isn't "people")

(/ end of overpickyness /)
figge said:
(To be totally overpicky, democracy is a country that is ruled by people, the the only thing that aint a democracy is a country ruled by robots, rats, ants or something that isn't "people")

(/ end of overpickyness /)

de·moc·ra·cy Audio pronunciation of "democracy" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-mkr-s)
n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies

1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
2. A political or social unit that has such a government.
3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
4. Majority rule.
5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.
In short:

Communism: A totally "class"-free society
- Revolution

Socialism: want all classes to be equally treated
- Reforms

Don't seem to be the same...
...and i live in a "socialist" coutry (but i don't like this gov ;P )
Socialism and Communism are ideas. There are many interpretations as always.
figge said:
In short:

Communism: A totally "class"-free society
- Revolution

Socialism: want all classes to be equally treated
- Reforms

Don't seem to be the same...
...and i live in a "socialist" coutry (but i don't like this gov ;P )

com·mu·nism Audio pronunciation of "communism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kmy-nzm)

1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
2. Communism
1. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
2. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

so·cial·ism Audio pronunciation of "socialism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ssh-lzm)

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.

Socialism and communism are fairly close in definitional terms.
Close and Same... aint the same thing...


Back to the Topic:

Do you blahblah think that Fox news are somewhere near a news station that are somewhat impartial?
Do you blahblah think that Fox news are somewhere near a news station that are somewhat impartial?

This is 2 year old, but it confirms my thought about americans:

Among 18- to 24-year-old Americans given maps:

87 percent cannot find Iraq

83 percent cannot find Afghanistan

76 percent cannot find Saudi Arabia

70 percent cannot find New Jersey

49 percent cannot find New York

11 percent cannot find the United States

And here is the Quiz:
First of all I think there's difference between liberals as they see it in the US and liberals as we see it in Sweden. Basically the same words mean two different things. Atleast that's the impression I've been given.

And conservatism doesn't mean you despise new things. Conservatism means you oppose radical changes to society. You want to let society evolve naturally.

Anyway... I'm not a US citizen, and hence not allowed to vote for the US president (duh :)), so the election doesn't concern me. It does affect me though, but that's a whole different story though and I'm sure you've all heard it a million times before.

Besides, show me one news station or journalist that is impartial and I will eat my hat. The problem is not partial journalists, it's dumb people buying their lies. If more people would think for themselves then the problem would solve itself naturally.
"11 percent cannot find the United States"

.......ROLF!!!!! hahahah thanks that was funny .......but it cant be true can it?
CptStern said:
"11 percent cannot find the United States"

.......ROLF!!!!! hahahah thanks that was funny .......but it cant be true can it?

3% of the swedes didn't know where sweden was, so yes, i can be true... ;P
figge said:
Do you blahblah think that Fox news are somewhere near a news station that are somewhat impartial?

This is 2 year old, but it confirms my thought about americans:

Among 18- to 24-year-old Americans given maps:

87 percent cannot find Iraq

83 percent cannot find Afghanistan

76 percent cannot find Saudi Arabia

70 percent cannot find New Jersey

49 percent cannot find New York

11 percent cannot find the United States

And here is the Quiz:

I scored 19 out of 20. I missed the question on religion. I thought it was Islam. That is what I learned in school nearly 8 years ago.

I don't think Fox News is impartial. I think it is biased. However, I rather be aware of its baises than watch a news station that pretends to be impartial.
blahblahblah said:
I scored 19 out of 20. I missed the question on religion. I thought it was Islam. That is what I learned in school nearly 8 years ago.

Same here, but i also missed the population in USA... ;P
Thought it was bigger than it apperantly was...
Damnit, I missed Argentina (Knew it was south America, but not where)
And I put the population one bigger than I thought.
figge said:
Socialism and comunism ain't even close (closer than communism and liberalism but still)
Democracy is from the greek words Demos (the people) and Kratos (dunno the right spelling on that) = rule
So the People Rule, and if the people want a Communism, how is that not a democracy?

And dictator ship is not always a bad thing, the romans used it when the senate could not agree, and it worked really well, untill Julius Ceasar made himself Dictator for lifetime... ;P

(Didn't find anything on the defenition of facism though, but don't think that Facism = dictatorship)

Actually, dictatorship was one of the reasons for the downfall of Rome. Senate giving imperium to a single person was a stupid idea.

And socialism and communism are close. Communism has more limits to free trade and just eliminates the rest of the private sector.
For some reason quizes like that always attract the dumbest percent of the population. :D
Edit: Nailed em all except for the Christianity one...surprised me.
I got them all right except for Sweden... which made me feel dumb after I saw the map.. it was a "duh" moment :d.

And this is sruprising. Regardless of what nation has a higher percent right, those numebrs are shocking.. on most of them, all the countries score lower than 50% correct. Sad.
psh, 20/20, i'm one of them fancy, smart americans.