FOX news

KagePrototype said:
Stern, we have a politics forum for a reason; keep it there.
The thread is about a channel that covers mainly politics and focuses mainly on a political show on the network, though, I think in this case it covers eh?
RakuraiTenjin said:
The thread is about a channel that covers mainly politics and focuses mainly on a political show on the network, though, I think in this case it covers eh?

We managed to avoid specific politicial discussions for 2 pages. Stern just wanted to start an argument because he saw the opportunity to derail the thread. Now please, keep it to the politics forum.
no that's not true

I was specifically answering RakuraiTenjin post were he said he agreed with most of the political commentators on fox"news" ..the video I posted was somewhat typical of some of the rhetoric that's often on display at fox"news" was a legitimate question
Glirk Dient said:
It's good you watch fox for laughter, instead of filling your head with anti-american propaganda from the other news channels. FOX may be biased like every single other news organization out there, but at least they don't hate the country they live in.

Yeah, damn those lefty organizations that just spend time bashin' on America. ****ing CNN. Bunch of ****ing America haters that... hate America... and stuff.
dont worry Stern, if worst comes to worst you can always goto Alaska and use HAARP to knock those fox news satelites dead. :D
CptStern said:
no that's not true

I was specifically answering RakuraiTenjin post were he said he agreed with most of the political commentators on fox"news" ..the video I posted was somewhat typical of some of the rhetoric that's often on display at fox"news" was a legitimate question
If it's the Coulter video (internet's going really slow having trouble opening web pages so I can't open video :[ ) then hehe, I agree with a lot of things the says but I believe she was trying to make jokes there. They were pretty cheesy though.

Also she's not a commentator, she was a guest on the show. The commentators on that show (if it was) are Sean Hannity (right wing) and Alan Colmes (left wing)
RakuraiTenjin said:
If it's the Coulter video (internet's going really slow having trouble opening web pages so I can't open video :[ ) then hehe, I agree with a lot of things the says but I believe she was trying to make jokes there. They were pretty cheesy though.

Also she's not a commentator, she was a guest on the show. The commentators on that show (if it was) are Sean Hannity (right wing) and Alan Colmes (left wing)

coulter wasnt joking when she said the US should steamroll over canada
CptStern said:
coulter wasnt joking when she said the US should steamroll over canada
Oh I agree that we would if there was some sort of conflict, we don't have any reason to though.

edit: reread, she said should. Then yes, she was joking ;p
I dont think she was ...actually I dont think there's a humourous bone in her cold/facist/white supremacist/Ilsa the Nazi Dominatrix body

oh and yes the US would steamroll over canada ..cuz we're so loved globally that we dont need to arm ourselves against imaginary enemies
CptStern said:
I dont think she was ...actually I dont think there's a humourous bone in her cold/facist/white supremacist/Ilsa the Nazi Dominatrix body

oh and yes the US would steamroll over canada ..cuz we're so loved globally that we dont need to arm ourselves against imaginary enemies
If you really, really honestly believe she was serious you're delusional :p.

You don't need to arm yourself because you're the immediate neighbor of and on extremely friendly terms with the sole superpower on the face of the planet. :p
RakuraiTenjin said:
If you really, really honestly believe she was serious you're delusional :p.

I'm at work so I cant view the video to give you direct quotes but some of her statements smack of personal opinion no, I'm not delusional

RakuraiTenjin said:
You don't need to arm yourself because you're the immediate neighbor of and on extremely friendly terms with the sole superpower on the face of the planet. :p

....because everyone is just gunning to take over canada :upstare: ..your protection doesnt help one bit cuz we dont have anyone to be protected from ..besides I'm sure you'd only interfere if you had something to gain
CptStern said:
..besides I'm sure you'd only interfere if you had something to gain
Wow, is that how you think about everything? You have a very low view on the US government then.
CptStern said:, their track record speaks for itself
Ya, because the US has never once done anything that they won't heavily benenfit from, ever.
I never said that ...but the majority have been self-serving
dumb ****s I was looking for a possiblity to watch FOX news over the net ..
now u stern turned in stupid left vs. right thread thank you

Kage plz close this thread it is mine after all.
oh quit yer crying

you invited the right/left discussion when you said this:

"I watch it all the time when Im in the US to laugh my ass off"

which led Rakurai to remark that people tend to dismiss fox"news"

also did you actually read the entire thread? almost every last post was political in nature

the thread was already dead but noooo you stern had to save the day and revive it
dead? i responded within 5 hours of Rakurai's post was only dead to you because you had already received the information you were looking for

it's a valid discussion just cant see it because it doesnt interest you ..but that doesnt mean other people cant discuss the issues
This is a good thread please don't lock it.

edit: On topic

It makes sense to be self serving, but not on the level of invading Canada :p Wouldn't really serve us either way.