Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)



"We've received quite a few mails asking us why Valve is waiting until the very last minute to say something about Half-Life 2's current status. The answer? That's just how Valve works. They're funny that way.
The game is missing September 30th. Anybody who knows anything about how game development and distribution works knows it's impossible for Valve to live up to their ECTS claim of a worldwide 9/30 retail release at this point. No, the game has not secretly already gone gold, and no, it's not going to be released on Steam 9/30. Come on, Steam has problems serving 24MB downloads of Deathmatch Classic at this point, even if HL2 was ready to go there's absolutely no way Steam could handle its distribution.

On the plus side, it does look like Counter-Strike Xbox is coming out this year for sure, and maybe even Counter-Strike: Condition Zero too. Finally.

- Fragmaster"
that sob wont stop will he- he acts like its delayed till next year. I just hope it comes out soon spo we can shove it in his face.
How is it so hard to understand a world wide release of halflife 2 on steam sep 30?
Originally posted by BoS
"We've received quite a few mails asking us why Valve is waiting until the very last minute to say something about Half-Life 2's current status. The answer? That's just how Valve works. They're funny that way.
The game is missing September 30th. Anybody who knows anything about how game development and distribution works knows it's impossible for Valve to live up to their ECTS claim of a worldwide 9/30 retail release at this point. No, the game has not secretly already gone gold, and no, it's not going to be released on Steam 9/30. Come on, Steam has problems serving 24MB downloads of Deathmatch Classic at this point, even if HL2 was ready to go there's absolutely no way Steam could handle its distribution.

On the plus side, it does look like Counter-Strike Xbox is coming out this year for sure, and maybe even Counter-Strike: Condition Zero too. Finally.

- Fragmaster"

For the sake of the game community I hope he's wrong.
did i detect some uncertainty in your post spitcodfry?? your our LEADER!!!!! keep up the morale!
Originally posted by BoS
"Anybody who knows anything about how game development and distribution works knows it's impossible for Valve to live up to their ECTS claim of a worldwide 9/30 retail release at this point."

What the hell does he know? He has never stated any sources, or any proof or legit articles regarding ANYTHING he has mentioned. He's such a whore.
This is actually a very bad point, I am not saying he is wrong or right but what he said doesn't make any sense. Sure, HL2 might be delayed, but the reason for it is not the fact it hasn't went gold yet. Many games go gold just 2 or 3 days before release and still make it. All CDs are not produced in the US, they can send the files over the internet to CD reproduction factories all around the world within a few hours, that way each factory only has to make a few thousand CDs. I personally think that HL2 will make the 30th or very close to that, if it wouldn't Valve would proably have said something by now.
If he's correct he'll take over the world and rub everyones face in it.
We will have to kill him.

If he's wrong he will be bombarded with hate mail, resign, and then someone with either kill him or he'll kill himself....

It's a win win situation really
Re: Re: Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)

Originally posted by spitcodfry
For the sake of the game community I hope he's wrong.
I hope that with you.
i already told you people valve has been acting like theyve been working on hl2 the game when in fact they plan to unveil half life 2 the snuff film. They plan to turn the porn industry number one and get gabe as many bitches as possible. Half life 2: What Men Spend Half Their Life Thinking About.
With all the crap he's stated about it being delayed, and if he is proven wrong, I would hope that he resigns. If your a MOD to any community, you should be optomistic. Inform the rest of your community. Don't say "Yea, im positive its going to be delayed. I have my sources.", and then NOT back up yourself with visible evidence. Nevertheless, he had to act like a total jackass about everything involving that stupid song he made up and the delay videos. He's just a poor Moderator, thats all.
Valve is going to upset alot of ppl if the game is delayed too long so I expect it to be out mid Oct at the latest if it doesn't make the 9/30 date. Of course no matter when it's released, it will sell millions, so let's just wait and hear from the all elusive guys from Valve who will say everything but that the game is... ahem... delayed.
I think we all know Fragmaster is unreliable when it comes to news. He just wants to crush people's dreams. But when the game hits shelves on the 30th, he'll be standing on the corner the cheap man whore that he is, handing out free copies of HL2. And I will be there laughing at him.
Re: Re: Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)

Originally posted by Goombatommy
What the hell does he know? He has never stated any sources, or any proof or legit articles regarding ANYTHING he has mentioned. He's such a whore.

He did state a source...but under the cover of a forum page...he claims he received a leaked e-mail from a press magazine back in July...stating that Valve's PR Director Doug Lombardi had informed the press magazines to push back their coverage of the game, because they thought at the time that they wouldn't make the 30th. Obviously this is not the case now...for that same PR individual said contrary at ECTS...which was in late August: "The release date is unchanged." Greg Coomer from Valve also confirmed this. Whether Valve informed the press magazines about a delay for marketing reasons is open to speculation...I for one believe that such a statement was made back in July...but only because Valve thought they wouldn't make it at the time...I have confidence in them that they'll make the 30th.
Originally posted by Killa_TJH
I think we all know Fragmaster is unreliable when it comes to news. He just wants to crush people's dreams. But when the game hits shelves on the 30th, he'll be standing on the corner the cheap man whore that he is, handing out free copies of HL2. And I will be there laughing at him.

Do you think he's actually gonna fall through? He's kinda slinky lookin to even act out as Gordon.
Come on. this post isn't that's about how i feel now, the old difference between Frag and i is that i still have hope, while he has lost it long ago.
Re: Re: Re: Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)

Originally posted by spitcodfry
He did state a source...but under the cover of a forum page...he claims he received a leaked e-mail from a press magazine back in July...stating that Valve's PR Director Doug Lombardi had informed the press magazines to push back their coverage of the game, because they thought at the time that they wouldn't make the 30th. Obviously this is not the case now...for that same PR individual said contrary at ECTS...which was in late August: "The release date is unchanged." Greg Coomer from Valve also confirmed this. Whether Valve informed the press magazines about a delay for marketing reasons is open to speculation...I for one believe that such a statement was made back in July...but only because Valve thought they wouldn't make it at the time...I have confidence in them that they'll make the 30th.

I know, I have confidence it will make the 30th also.
things are gonna get messy... especially in Fagmasters (sp? ;)) case come 9/30 :D
Originally posted by pHATE1982
If he's correct he'll take over the world and rub everyones face in it.
We will have to kill him.

If he's wrong he will be bombarded with hate mail, resign, and then someone with either kill him or he'll kill himself....

It's a win win situation really


i'll :cheers: to that m8
I'm not usually a violent person, but that s.o.b needs to get assraped by a mutant nihilanth with a giant set of monkeys ears!!
Fagmasters did the mistake of His life !

on the 30th of September he will feel a pain Like no other, and probably he will suicide....
yah, its going to be an interesting 8 days, nothing happens...then everything will happen at once if it does. by 9/30 we will all be playing or the boards will go crazy when its delayed.
Originally posted by scribblehead
I'm not usually a violent person, but that s.o.b needs to get assraped by a mutant nihilanth with a giant set of monkeys ears!!

in another worrds, his mom.:monkee: lol
Holy shit... already 2 pages! You guys posting fast lol!

Fragmaster could be right... If you know how it real works with dev. and ditribution of games you should note that it's nearly impossible to get HL2 in the shelves on the 30th!

You guys... burning, boxing and shipping will cost atleast 2 whole weeks... Valve at this time don't say anything about HL2 is going gold.
looks like he'll do anything to have a laugh with his SA goons.
if it delayed, it is. nothing i can do about it
He does make a point about steam though. I would expect the awesome servers which will be filling the bandwidth void come release date to have appeared by now, or something. They could be keeping them a suprise, but that's one thing that doesn't need to be kept under wraps.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
With all the crap he's stated about it being delayed, and if he is proven wrong, I would hope that he resigns. If your a MOD to any community, you should be optomistic. Inform the rest of your community. Don't say "Yea, im positive its going to be delayed. I have my sources.", and then NOT back up yourself with visible evidence. Nevertheless, he had to act like a total jackass about everything involving that stupid song he made up and the delay videos. He's just a poor Moderator, thats all.

he said he would resign if the game comes out 9/30,

Look, if Half-Life 2 isn't delayed I'll resign from PHL. I have not been misleading you guys, I've just been trying to warn you. No offense, but I simply have better information the other Half-Life fan sites. Why? Well, for one, I've been around. I was writing disturbing Half-Life fan fiction in 1998. I was posting news about Quake in 1996. I know what I'm talking about. Is that an arrogant thing to say? Yes. But unfortunately it's somewhat true.

It would have a been a lot easier (and smarter) for me to just not say a damn thing about the delay. That is not my style and I think you guys deserve to know what the hell is going on. It's my job to inform, and a lot of you care about the HL2 release date. So I'm giving you the most accurate information, and that information is that the game is delayed. Sorry to disappoint you.

Now, if I'm proven wrong and the game isn't delayed, obviously I'm doing a really poor job and deserve to resign in shame.

However, there's nothing I can say that will convince some of you that the game is indeed delayed. You're just too unable to think for yourselves or not knowledgeable enough about how game development works. Or you're just really excited about the possibility of playing the game and you're not thinking straight. Which is cool. :)
Originally posted by scribblehead
I'm not usually a violent person, but that s.o.b needs to get assraped by a mutant nihilanth with a giant set of monkeys ears!!

I know something better... IF he is wrong he should be raped by black convicts in a prison haha :D
whether or not he will really resign is the question. i mean, he is on valve's staff and payroll (from what i hear), so i doubt he can really just up and quit. hes just confident in his beliefs.
what he says is incorrect, it is still prefectly possible to produce enough HL2 packages and distribute them, it could be done in about 3-4 days