Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)

Originally posted by hudson
Holy shit... already 2 pages! You guys posting fast lol!

Fragmaster could be right... If you know how it real works with dev. and ditribution of games you should note that it's nearly impossible to get HL2 in the shelves on the 30th!

You guys... burning, boxing and shipping will cost atleast 2 whole weeks... Valve at this time don't say anything about HL2 is going gold.

Originally posted by Arcticfox
Anyone who is an IGN Insider, check out the PC General Board. NeoMaxims (VIP from Black Widow Games who already has the Source engine and is creating a HL2 mod) said:

Officially I can't tell you anything of course, but I can absolutely quote Gabe and allow you to draw your own, fairly obvious conclusion correct?

"In countries like England, where the retail product will be available either simultaneously or close to the US release (we don't control those dates, only the Steam dates),"

He then goes on to say:

Vivendi has been firm about their date. They own retail distribution rights.

Valve controls Steam dates. They have been firm about their date.


NeoMaxims knows a lot more about HL2's release date than Fragmaster.

Hmmm, interesting. THat would kind of suck if HL2 retail didn't come out till November. Isn't that when Vivendi told some retailers it would come, resulting in a lot of sites giving the Nov. date? I'm certainly not going to buy it on Steam, but I don't want to wait. Blah! that would suck, but oh well. Maybe if Valve releases it on Steam that'll force Vivendi to speed up the retail release so they don't lose profits to the Steam release. Who really knows....
I don't have any problem with Fragmaster's opinion (I agree with it). He just needs to quit posting 1000 variations of it over and over and over. I thought he'd resigned himself to not post on it again, which I think would be a good idea at this point.
Fragmaster's opinion has no place on a news (FACTS) delivery website. Wether HL2 is delayed or not, all the news he has posted (geiger counter, editorial and many news) about the delay over the past few months have absolutely NO PLACE on He can state his opinion on forums, IRC, talking to his friends, family etc... but NOT on PHL.

All I want from PHL is real news, and by that I mean FACTS. Rest is just random rubbish.
If the game ends up being delayed, that'll burst the bubble, so to speak, for the Alcatraz event on the 30th unless the announce a definitive and very close release.
I'd give it three more days.. If we don't see the gold announcement by then, don't expect Half-Life 2 on the 30th.

Jeremy Dunn
Originally posted by Kleptomaniac
Man, it would hilarious if [Fragmaster] is actually right.
Right or wrong, the guy is still an asshole. It is possible for one to be right without behaving like a pretentious prick.
Originally posted by Arcticfox
Anyone who is an IGN Insider, check out the PC General Board. NeoMaxims (VIP from Black Widow Games who already has the Source engine and is creating a HL2 mod) said:

Officially I can't tell you anything of course, but I can absolutely quote Gabe and allow you to draw your own, fairly obvious conclusion correct?

"In countries like England, where the retail product will be available either simultaneously or close to the US release (we don't control those dates, only the Steam dates),"

He then goes on to say:

Vivendi has been firm about their date. They own retail distribution rights.

Valve controls Steam dates. They have been firm about their date.


NeoMaxims knows a lot more about HL2's release date than Fragmaster.

Except Valve has said it will be released to Steam and retail the same day.
We will all know tomorow. its as simple as that.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Except Valve has said it will be released to Steam and retail the same day.

I forgot about that. Man, this is all so confusing. I guess we'll knwo the truth soon, either fortunately or unfortunately, depending on what's gonna happen. But at least we'll know. This lack of true info is killing me with suspense.
I say its not gonna make the 30th. It just looks impossible now. I say at least a week after the 30th it should be out.
For all we know, Valve could be waiting on the word from QA testing on the status of the game.. I suppose that could explain why they didnt look busy when Spitcodfry paid them a visit. Whether the game is delayed or not doesnt really matter much.. It wont be delayed by much time, as I dont think that Valve is the kind of company that would delay a game so they could slow down the pace of their work. If it wasnt close to completion, I think they would have announced a delay by now. As things stand now, they're gunning for the 30th and are probably waiting on QA to give them the go-ahead ;)
I find it amusing that everyone hates Fragmaster for posting valid opinions that are looking more and more completely correct by the second.

You're doing the same thing on the opposite side of the argument, but clinging to the belief that September 30th was proclaimed by God and cannot possibly be wrong.

A few people here are the only people in the world who still firmly, truly, do not doubt the 30th.

The game is clearly not going to be on shelves in a few days, and Fragmaster's point about Steam is entirely valid.

I'm not saying it couldn't come out on Steam in a week's time - but it's getting stupid to the point of hilarity that most of you still won't admit that it's very unlikely at this point.
People tend to havew a problem with Fragmaster because he's being a bit of an ass about it (something he admits), but also because hes in such a position of power thats easy to abuse.
The way I see it, if they DON'T release HL2 they will instead unload a bunch of goodies onto steam. Either way the public is going to get something...
but clinging to the belief that September 30th was proclaimed by God and cannot possibly be wrong.

it was proclaimed by God. (well near enough) :bounce:
Originally posted by Demonmerc
The way I see it, if they DON'T release HL2 they will instead unload a bunch of goodies onto steam. Either way the public is going to get something...

dont count on it.
Originally posted by Direwolf
People tend to havew a problem with Fragmaster because he's being a bit of an ass about it (something he admits), but also because hes in such a position of power thats easy to abuse.

I understand that - but (and i'm NOT saying this applies to everyone) the majority of this board are being equally as moronic about their belief that the game is somehow going to be out on the 30th.

It's sad.
Originally posted by Iconoclast
I understand that - but (and i'm NOT saying this applies to everyone) the majority of this board are being equally as moronic about their belief that the game is somehow going to be out on the 30th.

It's sad.

We could say that your belief that it won't comeout on the 30th is moronic. Who's the moron now, moron?
I do have to say that I agree. There are some people here that aren't any better. But theres plenty of people who are too, they just dont show up in these threads because they're sane.
Originally posted by Killa_TJH
We could say that your belief that it won't comeout on the 30th is moronic. Who's the moron now, moron?

Please learn to read.

"I'm not saying it couldn't come out on Steam in a week's time - but it's getting stupid to the point of hilarity that most of you still won't admit that it's very unlikely at this point."

I never said it couldn't, I said it was unlikely.

EDIT - Direwolf makes a good point about reasonable people not going near these threads. I usually don't either, but lately that seems to be all the board is turning into. Understandable, to a point, this near to the alleged release.
Personally, I think that while we might not get it on the 30th, a date a week or so later would be possible. As state earlier in the thread, I really don't think Valve will announce a delay so close to the release, think of the damage it would cause to the customer relations.

Now, a week delay because of a bug / needing more time to press it / ect. wouldn't make them lose face -nearly- as badly as a month and a half delay less than a week before the game is delayed. Lots of games have gone gold a week prior to their release and made it out on time. I say if we haven't had an announcement come Thursday at the -latest- do not expect the game next week, perhaps the week after.
I think he is exactly right. Reality has set in. BUT it will hopefully (I think) be out the second or third week of October.

That is a good thought about releasing cool stuff over Steam on the 30th for the fans. Gabe and Valve are cool enough to do that.
I myself do think that a week or two is perfectly reasonable. But delaying till November has to be for some other reason than a bug or technical issue.
To be honest, I find it amazing that they're refusing to comment in face of all of this rife speculation. At this point they must know if it's not going to make it or not. They're just annoying people by declining to comment.

Sure, they might announce something tomorrow. But tell me that that hasn't been what you've been thinking for a couple of weeks now and the silence continues. We'll see.
fragmaster is a raving moron. that's the plain and simple truth.
This is brilliant on Valve's part and I applaud them for it. It's marketing genius at it's finest. They're probably skimming these boards, because face it people, we're marketing the game for them. We are building the hype.

As for the reason for a longer delay needing to be more than a simple bug, I agree. I think a delay of a month or longer would have to be something that would really be a showstopper, as it were.

Besides people, don't you think that they've already got most of the stuff ready to go? My bets are on the fact that they already have the boxes / manuals / CD inserts printed and waiting to go, so all they're waiting on is the pressed CDs.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Except Valve has said it will be released to Steam and retail the same day.

So you believe Valve when they say the game will be avalable on shelves and on Steam the same day, but you don't believe Valve when they say the release date is the 30th? ;)

We are no more certain about the release date today than we were last week or the week before that, so how is it that today so many people are sure the game wont make it out on time. It is still possible for the game to go Gold and be ready by the 30th, and until that becomes impossible, there is no proof the game wont be out on time.
Originally posted by Burnout
This is brilliant on Valve's part and I applaud them for it.

To be honest, it's annoying me more and more by the minute. I don't think it's brilliant at all.

Will it be a fantastic game? Most likely. But at the end of the day it's just another FPS, one that a lot of people are spending some serious cash to upgrade for.

Pissing off your customer base is not a wise move. Neither is making release date predictions that you stick to that you don't make (if they, in fact, do not).

And, yeah, I'm sure all the boxes etc. are printed, but distribution for what is supposedly a worldwide release is probably more of an issue at this point. It's funny - I'm in the UK and the 30th isn't even a Friday so there's no way in hell it WILL be out here then. Heh.
Originally posted by Arcticfox
We are no more certain about the release date today than we were last week or the week before that, so how is it that today so many people are sure the game wont make it out on time. It is still possible for the game to go Gold and be ready by the 30th, and until that becomes impossible, there is no proof the game wont be out on time.

Exactly. I say we'll have an announcement later this week. Either it'll be a gold announcement, or something along the lines of "The release date has been pushed back a week, but Half-Life 2 -will- be on the shelves such-and-such date."
Originally posted by Iconoclast

And, yeah, I'm sure all the boxes etc. are printed, but distribution for what is supposedly a worldwide release is probably more of an issue at this point. It's funny - I'm in the UK and the 30th isn't even a Friday so there's no way in hell it WILL be out here then. Heh.

Gabe did state they did not control the overseas date, but I would assume that -if- it makes it here the 30th, you wouldn't have long to wait. Besides, public stating they have always said the 30th. We can't get upset with them for -not- saying anything else. Even if we haven't had a gold date for the moment, that's not saying we won't see one tomorrow, or wednesday. Or hell, maybe they'll announce it as gold Monday and say it's already shipping to retailers and you should see it Tuesday or Wednesday on store shelves.

We don't know, and we're just continuing to build up the hype. I think Half-Life 2 will be an amazing game. The first one was awesome, and I have to admit it is the number one reason why I went out and got a new computer system for it.
Originally posted by Burnout
Gabe did state they did not control the overseas date

Sure, I was just saying it's funny because a great deal of the audience of the game won't be getting it for several days after the 30th regardless of release etc.

At the end of the day I don't really care, even if the November thing turns out to be true that's only a few weeks.
Originally posted by Iconoclast
At the end of the day I don't really care, even if the November thing turns out to be true that's only a few weeks.

I think thats the right attitude to have. Because I could almost guarantee that the game won't be delayed until 2004. Why? Holiday Season. Valve does not want to miss the Holiday season here in the states. One of the biggest shopping seasons of the year and they're best product not be out? Give me a break.

So, if it's delayed for a few weeks or a month. -Shrug- I've got Jedi Academy to hold me over, Max Payne 2 is coming out, Halo for PC will be out. Enough to keep me occupied since I can actually -play- the new games with my new rig.
Just wait for the announcement by Valve later today, jeez.
^^What're you talking about? You and Homer have said that now, but how do you know about some announcement? Me thinks you guys are just being cock-teases.
Originally posted by pHATE1982
If he's correct he'll take over the world and rub everyones face in it.
We will have to kill him.

If he's wrong he will be bombarded with hate mail, resign, and then someone with either kill him or he'll kill himself....

It's a win win situation really

f*ck it, lets kill him anyway :cheese:
Ok, remember when Spitcodfry came back and said "OMFG I forgot somthing! Valve is gonna send HL2 over steam a week ahead of time. Gabe said Valve would make an announcement on the 22nd concerning this."

I'm not a cock-tease and I'm not trying to say I'm smarter than other people, I'm just stating what I've read from Spitcodfry. If anything, blame him for my misinformation if Valve really doesn't say anything today.
ohhh, I had forgot about that. but what amkes you think the announcement would come tonight (at midnight I'm guessing?) Did spitcodfry say that time as well?