Fragmaster Makes A Good Point (PHL)

If this is the case, then an announcement would need to be made no later than next tuesday (the 22nd) for it to be sent by the 30th via Steam.

I just went to re-read what Spitcodfry said and he basically thought that tomorrow (tuesday) was the 22nd, when, infact, it is not.

So I rescind my previous announcements to let it be known that the real announcement will probably be tomorrow instead....
it's really alot easier to say its delayed, you get to say I told you so when it is, but you get to play HL2 on the 30th when it isnt and change your screen name

you're just a buncha slackers!
Guys, even if (and I hope like hell not) Fragmaster turns out to be right and all, we can still hunt him down and beat on him with a crowbar simply for being arrogant and generally overbearing, right?


Gabe, if you're reading, get the game out and help him make an ass of himself. Please?
wasn't valve supposed to make some kind of announcment today?

Originally posted by Iconoclast
I find it amusing that everyone hates Fragmaster for posting valid opinions...
Like my daddy always says, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it."
Originally posted by Baal
wasn't valve supposed to make some kind of announcment today?


The day isn't over and there is still tomorrow....
Originally posted by Arcticfox
So you believe Valve when they say the game will be avalable on shelves and on Steam the same day, but you don't believe Valve when they say the release date is the 30th? ;)
On the contrary. I am a vocal proponent of the "September 30" theory, mainly because it is the only consistent date we have.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
On the contrary. I am a vocal proponent of the "September 30" theory, mainly because it is the only consistent date we have.

Well said. me too.
Originally posted by DaveKap
I just went to re-read what Spitcodfry said and he basically thought that tomorrow (tuesday) was the 22nd, when, infact, it is not.

So I rescind my previous announcements to let it be known that the real announcement will probably be tomorrow instead....

Uh...I never said tuesday was the're quoting someone else. I'm aware today's the 22nd cause my fall quarter of college began today. Not a date I'd forget.
Cooper I had previously stated within this thread that "we should all wait for Valve to make an announcement later today" being that today is the 22nd. However, I got that idea because of a post spitcodfry made, except in his post, he mixed up the day "tuesday" with the date "the 22nd", so I was taking back my messages about an announcement being today, since it will be tomorrow instead.

Yeesh read the entire thread please ;)
Originally posted by DaveKap
ok spit, i'll go link you to your own post, BRB

edit: OK I'm back and with a link to the post that YOU made

my quote IS from you, if that isn't you, then the entire community has been lied to

my bad...I was thinking about it being one week from tomorrow that the game is supposed to come my tuesdays and mondays mixed up...sorry bout that.

It's okay spitcodfry, I just wanted to state the facts and retract my statements about an announcement being today. All is forgiven :afro:
Originally posted by Spiffae
the old difference between Frag and i is that i still have hope, while he has lost it long ago.

Exactly as Fry on Futurama said:

"You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless. You gotta hope even more and cover your ears and go 'blah blah la la la la...'"

Of course, the show got canceled anyway. Damn fox...
Weee! Speculation is fun.

I think Valve can make the 30th release date, at least on Steam. And yes, I know they've said that it will be a simultaneous Steam and retail release, but they've also said they have no control over the game getting into stores. It's quite possible that if it looked like the game was going to be delayed getting to the stores, they'd put it up on Steam on the 30th anyway, unless they have some sort of contract with Vivendi preventing them from doing this. (Which would suck, but is also quite possible)

I'm hoping we get an announcement today (what time is it where Valve is now? 3pm or something?), but I'm not counting on anything. The wait for the 30th is becoming excrutiating though. :)
spitcodfry, sorry I have to correct you again, LOL, but it's 5pm PST, not 6pm PST. :dork:
Originally posted by DaveKap
spitcodfry, sorry I have to correct you again, LOL, but it's 5pm PST, not 6pm PST. :dork:

Jesus I'm on a roll
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Judgement Day for me. If Valve doesn't say anything then I'm gonna assume it's delayed and have all my hopes and dreams crushed.
Originally posted by droper
:sniper: :bounce:
That is possibly the most obscure Simpsons reference ever.
Originally posted by CommieX
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Judgement Day for me. If Valve doesn't say anything then I'm gonna assume it's delayed and have all my hopes and dreams crushed.

Yeah that pretty much goes for all of us :eek:
Yeah, tomorrow or wednesday or maybe thursday should be gold dates. But until we have concrete news all we can do is hope that VALVe is pretty much done the game.

See you guys tomorrow .....
Gabe has never said anything other than sep 30.

That is all.
when should we expect the annoucment if its not going to be today? i mean as in timewise (hours)(the time)
Originally posted by |\/|oDdiC(_)$
so we still got an hour for a possible gold announcement???

I'd expect an announcement tomorrow. If we don't hear ANYTHING at all by Thursday.....then I'll start worrying.
Originally posted by |\/|oDdiC(_)$
when should we expect the annoucment if its not going to be today? i mean as in timewise (hours)(the time)

I don't know if there's an industry standard as far as the time of day goes for making press announcements...but I'd have to guess between noonish PST to around 6:00 pm PST
Heh, when's the SDK coming out, they said it was gonna be before. If I got the SDK on the 30th and the game later I would be satisfied
I'd like to mention somthing here....

Suppose HL2 is infact delayed. According to spitcodfry's interview with Gabe, "it will be close", right? So let's pretend HL2 really is delayed. Guess what? It's delayed for like 3 days, maybe a week. If there's a delay, I highly doubt it will be any longer than a month and that's going WAY out there.

This is all merely speculation, but seriously, if it was delayed any farther/further than a month, I'm pretty damn sure Valve wouldn't keep saying "it'll be close" "we're hoping for the release to be on" blah blah.
A month is close when you consider 5 years of development :) So, I see there was no announcement and I am sure there won't be one today. I am starting to prepare for an early November release.