Fragmaster posts his delay "proof"

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T Goush

Sorry for yet another delay thread, but with all the Fragmaster / PHL bashing going on, I figured people would want to see this.

From a Fragmaster post at PHL:

"I only scream about the release date so much because it's bullshit that the print magazines were told in July the game wasn't going to make it, and they haven't communicated that to their online fans.

I've said in the past that I "can't post any proof that the game is delayed", but that doesn't mean I don't have proof. I just can't post it. And even if I did, it's nothing that can be confirmed. Valve is never going to say "OH SORRY UR RITE DOOD THE GAME IS DELAYED AFTER ALL LOL!!!" Sure, I can post a leaked email from a major PC gaming magazine basically flat out indicating that Doug Lombardi told them at a Vivendi press event in New York in early July that they'd need to push the coverage back at least a couple of months, but nobody at Valve or the print magazine would confirm that they don't know how to manage their email.

If you don't believe Valve would favor the print magazines over the online fans, just look back at how they revealed Half-Life 2. Who got the first previews? Print magazines. Online fans got next to squat outside of crappy scans.

There's more, but I'm physically sick at the moment and mentally a little sick of Valve being jerks about the release date. It was fun for awhile, how they kept people in suspense, but enough is enough already. You know the game is delayed, you've known for a long while the game is delayed, stop being evasive and tell people what the hell is going on already."

Enjoy the whole thread here:
He's lost it.

Not long ago he was angry about Valve revealing the Steam Payment Plan to the fans on an "Obscure message forum". And now it's angry that they revealed Half-Life 2 to the press.

What does he expect? Of course Half-Life 2 is going to be revealed to the press first! That's how games get revealed.

I'm getting an error.
Besides, going to Valve is no big deal. I've been there too, I just don't feel the need to scream about that at every given opportunity. Spitcodfry probably used the bathrooms located to the left of the main entrance, and threw his towels into the trash receptacle situated in the countertop.

can spitcodfry confirm this?
Desperation springs to mind, Begging also.
Reason why print's get it first is because it reaches the wider audience....not everyone has ascess to the internet, but mostly everyone has ascess to a shop that sells magazines. Also some people dont surf the internet looking exactly for HL2, some people didnt even know about it and there always onlone. Magazines are the smart way to release information, becuase it reaches the wider audience and has greater chance of getting into the hands of those people who dont know about Halflife 2
Originally posted by lhauert
Doesn't sound good though...

What? That in July Valve thought it could be delayed?

Remember, at ECTS they told print magazines that the date was still the 30th of September. Valve have had plently of opportunities to say the game was delayed. Why would they hide the release date?

It's possible that it was going to be delayed but then Valve decided that there was no need for a delay. As a result Fragmaster has been posting out of date information for months.
I think this guy need some serious help. Maybe he's right, but its just a game ffs, not ww.
Well I was (and still am hopefully) looking forward to the 30th.
The funny thing is that the only news we get is from the forums / web site... Only release dates speculations.
You know, I don't understand why the magazines would keep it from us.

Why would the delay be so secret? It doesn't make sense.
bla bla bla its delayed because i say it and you have to believe me because bla bla...

a rumour is no fact and some X-Files mystery informations with no prove are worthless. The last offical told date ist Sept. 30. and Valve is aiming this date. If they fail to meet it, they will tell us soon enough.

BTW: Mags get it all first? Strange, I got all those HL2 Videos online first...
Originally posted by Feath
You know, I don't understand why the magazines would keep it from us.

Why would the delay be so secret? It doesn't make sense.

well if the game was coming out on time wouldn't the print magazines be promoting how they'll have reviews next month? my pc gamer didn't mention anything about it.
Originally posted by Slapwagon
well if the game was coming out on time wouldn't the print magazines be promoting how they'll have reviews next month? my pc gamer didn't mention anything about it.

Not all devs send out advance review builds, or even news of the impending release.
The magazines knew about HL2 before it was announced to the public (3 months or so earlier) but they couldn't say anything. (NDA)
Well, even though I hope not, Fragmaster could be right. It's kind of hard to tell at this point with the lack of information about the game but there is still a very good possibility that it will be delayed.
It surely WILL be delayed, unless it comes out on time... Doubt it though...
Why is this a big deal? Come on guys the game is on the way. Valve should easily wait with the release 2-3 month. Just be happy its so damn near!
Originally posted by Insert
Why is this a big deal? Come on guys the game is on the way. Valve should easily wait with the release 2-3 month. Just be happy its so damn near!

It's a big deal because most of us want to see Fragmaster suffer, or at least eat a collosal Humble Pie.

I know, it's petty--but we're invested in this now and there's no turning back. :cheers:
Originally posted by lhauert
It surely WILL be delayed, unless it comes out on time... Doubt it though...

HAhahah, best quote Ever.

"It's going to be delayed, unless it isn't".
What a whack job.

Guess he needs to keep up his name recognition up in the online fan community.

Again, what a whack job.

Seriously, there's 12 days left. Surely we can wait 12 damn days. If it isn't released by then, it'll be shortly after. Or valve will press release a big mea culpa and we'll see the game in a few months. This won't kill anyone. Will it stop Senor Whackjob (or me and you) from buying or playing the game? Nope. He's just twisting his panties in knots cause he has nothing better to do with himself.
I know one Fragmaster in the online gaming scene and he is one hell of a jerk... I doubt this other Fragmaster is totally different
Originally posted by Garp
It's a big deal because most of us want to see Fragmaster suffer, or at least eat a collosal Humble Pie.

And that's some hard living, playing an awesome game a month and a half before you thought you would. Oh, the humanity!
I still don't understand why it would be delayed 2 months since Valve has recently said they are just finishing up...
Originally posted by crumbles
And that's some hard living, playing an awesome game a month and a half before you thought you would. Oh, the humanity!

Touche, but he will suffer anyway--a man of such arrogance cannot bear to be wrong after such a buildup.
You know, I kind of agreed with him, even though I signed a petition against him. I'm sick of Valve treating us like ass crap too. He's right, they need to tell us. It's ****ing 2 weeks away. I hope we can either get, "it's going to ship!" or even a "it's delayed.'' I just feel like its about time to know the truth.

edit: After all I've spent literally atleast $900 in upgrades to get this game ..
Whatever you think of Fragmaster, a release in 12 days isn't making a whole lot of sense right now. Where's the press coverage? Where's the advertising? Where's the gold announcement? Where's the Steam eCommerce test they call "CS:CZ"? When are they going to retire WON net? Where's the multiplayer info? Where's the bandwidth for tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands, think of all the non-US people) of Steam customers to download ~2GB going to come from? They only have 1400 Mega BITS per second right now.

Do not try to pick apart that paragraph and make up situtations where each of those obstacles could be circumvented, I KNOW Sept 30th is _possible_. It's just not very likely. A release in 12 days would be a VERY unconventional release.
I would like to throw out the fact that Valve has never seemed that advertising just dont see that much of it for any of their games. Mostly because its incredibly unnecessary.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Whatever you think of Fragmaster, a release in 12 days isn't making a whole lot of sense right now. Where's the press coverage? Where's the advertising? Where's the gold announcement? Where's the Steam eCommerce test they call "CS:CZ"? When are they going to retire WON net? Where's the multiplayer info? Where's the bandwidth for tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands, think of all the non-US people) of Steam customers to download ~2GB going to come from? They only have 1400 Mega BITS per second right now.

Do not try to pick apart that paragraph and make up situtations where each of those obstacles could be circumvented, I KNOW Sept 30th is _possible_. It's just not very likely. A release in 12 days would be a VERY unconventional release.
I agree with you, but Valve still hasn't said it's delayed. You'd think that by now Valve would know whether they can make September 30 or not, so why don't they just tell us?
Originally posted by CommieX
I still don't understand why it would be delayed 2 months since Valve has recently said they are just finishing up...

but what tease is that people will start cry if it's not punctual on 30th.
Like we won't buy it or something if it's a few weeks late - ha! haha!!
Originally posted by dscowboy
Whatever you think of Fragmaster, a release in 12 days isn't making a whole lot of sense right now. Where's the press coverage? Where's the advertising? Where's the gold announcement? Where's the Steam eCommerce test they call "CS:CZ"? When are they going to retire WON net? Where's the multiplayer info? Where's the bandwidth for tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands, think of all the non-US people) of Steam customers to download ~2GB going to come from? They only have 1400 Mega BITS per second right now.

Do not try to pick apart that paragraph and make up situtations where each of those obstacles could be circumvented, I KNOW Sept 30th is _possible_. It's just not very likely. A release in 12 days would be a VERY unconventional release.

Actually it seems every time I refresh the bandwidth on Steam increases, It's 1575 Mbps now. Also I think 10s of Thousands is an overestimate. Not everyone is going to buy Half-Life 2 over Steam on the release day.

A few of these can be answered with things Valve have said:

1) They will retire WON once Steam is functioning as it's supposed to.
2) Gabe said (before E3) that they wanted to keep multiplayer "close to their Vest" until after they release. This is actually in a Gamespot video interview.

Any other answers would be conjecture.
Originally posted by CommieX
I agree with you, but Valve still hasn't said it's delayed. You'd think that by now Valve would know whether they can make September 30 or not, so why don't they just tell us?

Man, I used to be like you. But you know what, it's time to give up. Think about it, whats more probable? Release in 12 days or delay announcement within 12 days?
Originally posted by lhauert
It surely WILL be delayed, unless it comes out on time... Doubt it though...

lhauert, you are my new best friend...I haven't laughed that hard at a (serious) post in quite a while!

Anyways, I just think it's odd that it would seem like a fairly large group of people heard this announcement that coverage should be pushed back, and yet FragMaster is the only one making a big deal about it...It really leads me to believe that it is him, and not everyone else who has misunderstood what Valve said. Obviously, this is all speculation, but the whole way that he's handled this issue (very immaturely, imo) has reduced his credibility for me.

My own personal prediction is a gold announcement before the 30th, with a release date sometime between 9/30 and 10/15. I mean, who could be overly pissed at Valve if they knew the game was finished and on it's way out the door. That's the only way I can see Valve saving face with the lack of any solid release date news in quite a while...That, or just having the game in stores on the 30th and rewarding all of those who never lost faith...that'd be cool too!

EDIT: Obviously, my theory assumes that Valve knows what an issue this stuff is causing for their fans and cares about it which, I think, is a fair assumption, but not guaranteed.
my number one reason for wanting to see this game on 30th september is to see this cocklord eat his words.
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