Fragmaster's reply to my request for him to visit these boards and talk with us


Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, congratulations on going to Valve! Did you notice the headcrab hiding near the ceiling? It was in the reception area with the chairs, above the overhang, to the upper left of the wall with the fishtank.

Thanks for the offer and I do enjoy reading those forums from time to time, but this thread
contains about all I have to say. Well, that and the delay editorial slop,

I realize that there's nothing I can say that'll convince some people that I'm right. And that's cool. And I do like reading's forums not only for the anti-Me hilarity, but also because you guys are REALLY enthusiastic about the game.

I also realize that telling people about the delay makes them upset. Sorry about that. I've tried to limit my activity to the forums recently and not the front page.

I'm not sure what else to say. I'm a huge fan of Half-Life and have been for years, sure, sometimes I act like a total asshole, but that's only because I'm still just another fanboy in a lot of ways. I will be VERY glad once this delay nonsense is over.


-Kevin "Fragmaster" Bowen
Community Site Manager, GameSpy Industries
PlanetHalf-Life -
PlanetUnreal -

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 2:32 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Discussion request

As per request of many users on, we would be most appreciative if you visited our forums to have a discussion regarding the release of Half-Life 2. We would like to discuss our different views in a civil manner. All of us are interested to hear your thoughts and opinions. Please come chat with us. Sincerely,



Well folks he did apologize...I have to give him that...and he was cordial to me. Take it for what you will
You would have too many 12-year-old fanboy assholes flaming him to death. A civilized discussion would be very difficult.
Originally posted by not28
You would have too many 12-year-old fanboy assholes flaming him to death. A civilized discussion would be very difficult.

Yeah I was sort of biting my tongue to fend off the impending laughter while writing that hell people on here wouldn't insult the shiz nitz out of him

Ooh, try and convince him to come :D
Yes, some people are like "YOU ARE THINKING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAT ME, YOUR (mistake on pourpose, it's you're, youuuu aaaaare) AN RETARDED IDIOT!!!"

Please, try to be respectful with the other people points of view and opinions. You can disagree in a polite manner. As for the release date thing, I hope VALVe makes to the release date this time, but I will not insult anyone who think they aren't going to make it.
Wow amazing, maybe Spit could ask Arafat to resign and remove Kim Jong II from power!
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Wow amazing, maybe Spit could ask Arafat to resign and remove Kim Jong II from power!

I'd rather have Bush resign
Originally posted by Rafael
Yes, some people are like "YOU ARE THINKING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAT ME, YOUR (mistake on pourpose, it's you're, youuuu aaaaare) AN RETARDED IDIOT!!!"

Please, try to be respectful with the other people points of view and opinions. You can disagree in a polite manner. As for the release date thing, I hope VALVe makes to the release date this time, but I will not insult anyone who think they aren't going to make it.
It's not just that Fragmaster has a different opinion; it's that he claims something to be true without having substantial evidence to support his claim. He doesn't say that he THINKS the game is delayed, he says he KNOWS the game is delayed but has nothing to show to support it.
I wasn't really bothered until I found out the reason for his claims. Now I think he's a raving ass hat that's been trying to convince us of his strong opinion based on nothing official, provable or credable.
God damn...why can't Fragmaster just pick something and stick with it?
He can't both offend me and act level-headed and civil at the same time!
Now I don't know what the hell to think.
Originally posted by Direwolf
God damn...why can't Fragmaster just pick something and stick with it?
He can't both offend me and act level-headed and civil at the same time!
Now I don't know what the hell to think.

He's a tricky conumdrum of a character, isn't he?
On my "ok" side now, was on my really good side. The info from Valve prevented you from going to my totally bad side ;p
IMO it's about time the board gets over its FragMaster obsession and this thread isn't helping much.

So the guy isn't in the position to substantiate his claims; treat them as the next rumour and we'll know soon enough if there's any truth to them or not - that's all there should be to it.
Call me weird but his reply to your email has actually boosted the level of respect I had for the guy. Perhaps he isn't such a bad chap after all ;)
Originally posted by D33
Call me weird but his reply to your email has actually boosted the level of respect I had for the guy. Perhaps he isn't such a bad chap after all ;)

For me the same.
Now wait a minute Xvector, you don't want to upset the little hobgoblins; you see they behave exactly like japanese school girls, following every fad, trend as if their lives depended on it: right now they are hellbent on crucifying fragmaster and glorifying another goblin. You must be careful around here, if you say something that they don't want to hear, they will bite!
Let the hobgoblins bite at my bullet-proof armour, I have a feeling they won't enjoy the taste of their own sordid blood and broken teeth.

I am the X-Assassinator!
I'll only say Fragmaster is correct if the release date is past 3 months, like into next year which he says it may slip to. He'll still be wrong if its just 1-2 weeks after the 30th, even later... but that later date is kinda a middle ground I dont want to get into.
I don't hate him for his proof and assurance that HL2 will be delayed. I hate him for the way he presents this information. He is a asshole, plain and simple. If he were nice, perhaps people would listen.

(not talking about the e-mail, but rather the posts on his forum)
I had the laugh when I saw this thread...
good idea, but ain't gunna happen.
Holy cow... Look at all these sentences good spelling, grammar. Wow... I am impressed. Very.

Fragmaster (masta?) has is opinions, and I cannot remove his right to voice his opinions. Plus its nice having some one on the opposite end of the spectrum so we can get a bigger picture of what people think.

I think a lot of people believe what he does, but are not bold enough to post on any forums because they are scared of the flaming and bashing they shall receive from people that know about the topic less then them-selfs.

I am marveled by Fragmaster (masta, again) courage or ignorance.

My grammar is not so good. Sorry in advance.
You know, he's right in some ways.. vavle does need to stop being so evasive. No one knows shit about mp either.. let alone how much of a problem the release date is. I just wish they[valve] had thier shit together. :(
I'm pretty angry, especially after spending atleast $900 in upgrades.
Originally posted by nsxownzme
, especially after spending atleast $900 in upgrades.

Those upgrades will definetely pay off dude...just wait
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Hey, congratulations on going to Valve! Did you notice the headcrab hiding near the ceiling? It was in the reception area with the chairs, above the overhang, to the upper left of the wall with the fishtank.

Thanks for the offer and I do enjoy reading those forums from time to time, but this thread
contains about all I have to say. Well, that and the delay editorial slop,

I realize that there's nothing I can say that'll convince some people that I'm right. And that's cool. And I do like reading's forums not only for the anti-Me hilarity, but also because you guys are REALLY enthusiastic about the game.

I also realize that telling people about the delay makes them upset. Sorry about that. I've tried to limit my activity to the forums recently and not the front page.

I'm not sure what else to say. I'm a huge fan of Half-Life and have been for years, sure, sometimes I act like a total asshole, but that's only because I'm still just another fanboy in a lot of ways. I will be VERY glad once this delay nonsense is over.
My first reaction when reading this was: it's interesting that he feels he has to point out that he's been to Valve too. It's like he wants spitcodfry to feel "less special" about it or something, or he’s jealous of the attention he’s getting over it. This also relates back to other comments he's made about spit's trip (I can't remember where I read about them, but it was discussed in another thread). It seems to me that 'Kevin' has some feelings of inadequacy that he has to make up for by not only very publicly saying, basically, “I know something you don’t know!”, but also by attacking people who disagree with him. (just listen to that hl2delay mp3 file).

Also, he didn’t really apologize. He said “I also realize that telling people about the delay makes them upset. Sorry about that.”

“Telling people about the delay”? Even in this personal e-mail he has to point out that he KNOWS there IS a delay, not just that he thinks there will be one. He needs to learn the difference between evidence and proof. What he has is some evidence supporting the possibility of a delay. It’s a far cry from actual proof, so maybe he should accept the possibility that we’ll see the game on time.

This e-mail didn’t give me any more respect for the guy, It’s pretty much what I’d expect – a nice, kindly worded e-mail that still subtly points out a few of the things that he normally would have been a lot less tactful in saying.

I know it might seem like I keep attacking the guy, but someone in his position should be a bit more open minded about an issue that the fan community sees as so important. Instead of saying “These are my reasons for believing the game is delayed, but with Valve maintaining a Sept. 30 date, it’s still possible we’ll see HL2 on time. You decide.”, he’s acting like he’s Moses himself, sent upon the HL2 community with the word of God. He’s been very arrogant about the whole thing, and he comes across as being very immature, which would be fine if he wasn’t abusing a position of such importance in the community.

Fragmaster: If you’re reading this… it was that delay mp3 that was the last straw for me. A pathetic attempt at humor that was clearly an attack on those who disagree with you – a good portion of the community you supposedly represent by running a site like PHL. Try to be a bit more professional about the whole thing.

As for my views on the delay: I believe it is quite possible that the game won’t come out on time. Considering Valve’s insistence on September 30, though, it’s still very possible that it will. I’ve heard strong arguments both ways, but nothing actually proves either to be true. If the game is delayed, Fragmaster will no doubt enter “I told you so” mode, proclaiming that the delay has been known about all this time. It’s all a conspiracy, you know.

Edit: I suppose it's good that he can acknowlege that he acts like an asshole sometimes. The thing is, in his position, he should never act like one in the first place.
My first reaction when reading this was: it's interesting that he feels he has to point out that he's been to Valve too. It's like he wants spitcodfry to feel "less special" about it or something, or he’s jealous of the attention he’s getting over it. This also relates back to other comments he's made about spit's trip (I can't remember where I read about them, but it was discussed in another thread). It seems to me that 'Kevin' has some feelings of inadequacy that he has to make up for by not only very publicly saying, basically, “I know something you don’t know!”, but also by attacking people who disagree with him. (just listen to that hl2delay mp3 file).

Good guess ;-)

But the reason he says that stuff about the valve building, is trying to point out things in places nobody would think to look and therefore have them not be able to prove whether or not he has been there. It's to make people think that he HAS been there, to make himself feel MORE special, not spit to feel 'less' special. He knows he hasn't been there, he knows he's just a peasant without any connections or a clue.

Heh, actually he has been there. I gotta dig up that thing again.
But anyway, I hate to sound like a fragmaster fanboy here, but I laughed long and hard at the hl2delay.mp3, 'WE TIGHT DAWG'.

Erm, anyway, don't take all this shit so seriously, what's this crap about 'being professional'?
It's a game site, and we're all humans, let's make it a fun time.
If everythings going to turn into a wankfest for people who like proper english, intelligent replies that have less humor than a cnn reporter covering the stock market, then count me out.

I always liked fragmasters ability to make everything a little less serious with his flash movies and jokes.

Anyway, I agree that it was stupid to say something like that, and mention some leaked email he can't paste, and then want everyone to believe him.
He should have just shut up instead, but yeah, when it comes down to it it's just another variable to add to the equation.
Thankfully, the 30th is nearing, and all shall be cleared.
Originally posted by SnowBall
You finally came!

Yeah and from the way Magnetichead says this place is, I want to leave.


Now what is it gonna take to get imagesigs?
Originally posted by Ghost Freeman
Yeah and from the way Magnetichead says this place is, I want to leave.


Now what is it gonna take to get imagesigs?
They just need more moderators.
Originally posted by coax
Erm, anyway, don't take all this shit so seriously, what's this crap about 'being professional'?
It's a game site, and we're all humans, let's make it a fun time.
If everythings going to turn into a wankfest for people who like proper english, intelligent replies that have less humor than a cnn reporter covering the stock market, then count me out.
I'm all for humor, and not taking anything too seriously, and I'm not pedantic about spelling\grammar. Some of my favorite sites, and some of the best communities I've been involved in, have been filled with humor far beyond the amount on PHL. Where things start to get unprofessional is when you start saying things that are likely going to offend a large number of people, just because they disagree. Whether it's all in fun or not, it's still acting like an asshole, and it clearly pisses people off.

I'm happy for you that you found the mp3 funny, and I'm sure a lot of other people did too, but the fact remains he's taking the piss out of a whole lot of people within the community he supposedly represents, and people generally don't take too kindly to that. Sure, it's all in fun, but anyone with half a brain can come up with humor that isn't going to piss off the people who are going to read\hear it.
Well, at least Fragmaster responded and in a rather civil tone than what we usually see him.

Meanwhile, he's getting chewed like no tomorrow at home base.

Edit: Should we make spitcodfry a mod?