Fragmaster's reply to my request for him to visit these boards and talk with us

Originally posted by Javert
Well, at least Fragmaster responded and in a rather civil tone than what we usually see him.

Meanwhile, he's getting chewed like no tomorrow at home base.

Edit: Should we make spitcodfry a mod?
Si. He seems like a mature responcible person. This forum needs more mods anyways.
Seems like a polite chap. Though still arrogant.

Still have some hope for a video of him dressed in an HEV suit...
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
I think this thread is finished. It has served its purpose.
Har har har...what? I thought this thread was locked...
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
For some reason, I thought this thread was a different one. =D Post on!

Will do.'s up out there?
*yawns* the forums are unusually boring tonight
Independent is better than moderate, at least. You know what a moderate is, don't you? It's a liberal whose too chicken to admit that he's a liberal.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Independent is better than moderate, at least. You know what a moderate is, don't you? It's a liberal whose too chicken to admit that he's a liberal.

LOL...well I'm certainly not that
IRT #Spitty Rotfl!!!

Yes let's get Bush to resign. Kim Jong Il and Arafat are much better world leaders. Let's keep a commusnist dictator and a terrorist and oust Bush. You are now officially in my idiot book. Even if you are a god to all of the other's on this forum for visiting Valve. Although I assume that as you grow up and actually learn something you will stop basing your world views and political opinions on what is trendy at the moment.

Your statement is somewhat retarded if you actually sit and think about it which I doubt you do too much. If you want to avoid these moderate flames in the future don't mix politics with a video game site too much.

I will now prepare to duck flames from anyone who wishes the USA to die.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I want my gold announcement

Me too, man. It's been so damn hard waiting the last 4-5 months, a delay now would be catastrophic.

Seriously though I wish we had that damn announcement so we could relax til the 30th.
Originally posted by Myself
Your statement is somewhat retarded if you actually sit and think about it which I doubt you do too much.

You got me...I can't deny it any longer...I'm Bin Laden in disguise. I had the world's premiere plastic surgeon to re-shape my undernourished Middle Eastern body into an overweight white middle American boy's. I can't hide from the charade any more. I now denounce my Combine status and prepare to slink back into the underbelly of forum society.
it's clear to me that your "combine status" was hard earned! as long as hard earned means makign a shitload of posts in a month (or less)

yes, you sir are indeed my hero.
Oh my bad, your combine status leaves me in awe, I hadn't noticed it when I posted earlier. A million apologies. If somone as important as an overweight American with combine status says Kim Jong Il and Arafat are a better option than Bush I must be wrong. My meager headcrab status or whatever the lowest is proves your superior judgement and reason. Once again I must reiterate that I worship your combine status and envy it so much. And don't worry I wont let your very witty secret out, especially since it was such a clever ploy to evade the subject of my original post.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
it's clear to me that your "combine status" was hard earned! as long as hard earned means makign a shitload of posts in a month (or less)

yes, you sir are indeed my hero.

Well it was the tour thread that contributed the most, I'd have to guess. But yeah, my only life for the last several weeks has been on here. I've learned to love this community.

Thanks so much for the kind words m8
exactly, just the last several weeks... and suddenly you think you're the king around here.

You know what, sorry bout all that spitty, I have had a little guilt trip here when I began to think that you probably don't have the highest self esteem and that this forum is a big part or your life so take everything back, except the political stuff.

I will now sink back into the obscurity granted by being merely a headcrab.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
exactly, just the last several weeks... and suddenly you think you're the king around here.


I'm beginning to think they may not have been 'kind words' exactly...
Originally posted by Myself
Oh my bad, your combine status leaves me in awe, I hadn't noticed it when I posted earlier. A million apologies. If somone as important as an overweight American with combine status says Kim Jong Il and Arafat are a better option than Bush I must be wrong. My meager headcrab status or whatever the lowest is proves your superior judgement and reason. Once again I must reiterate that I worship your combine status and envy it so much. And don't worry I wont let your very witty secret out, especially since it was such a clever ploy to evade the subject of my original post.

I didn't mention the Combine thing as an insinuation of dominance, not in the least, it was just to tie in with my joke. Any connection you tied in with me trying to make you seem inferior was incorrect. I meant no offense.

Besides, lighten up, dude. I could care less about politics anyhow...I'm only 19.

Oh, and I'm sure someone such as yourself is quite secure with your lot in life to assume so much about a person you've chatted with on the internet for so brief a time, whom you know next to nothing about.
I am somewhat secure in many things not so much in others but that is neiter here nor there. If you are not political don't say stupid things like you did. It may be in vogue right now to hate Bush or America but sit and think a bit. Where is you mighty Half-life 2 being developed? Oh that's right here. It would not be if Yasser or Kim were in power here.

I am done here, no hard feeling I hope, no sarcasm intended this time.
*yawn relax guys. All we all want in life right now is HL2 to be released. Simmah down now, ok?
Originally posted by Myself
I am somewhat secure in many things not so much in others but that is neiter here nor there. If you are not political don't say stupid things like you did. It may be in vogue right now to hate Bush or America but sit and think a bit. Where is you mighty Half-life 2 being developed? Oh that's right here. It would not be if Yasser or Kim were in power here.

I am done here, no hard feeling I hope, no sarcasm intended this time. hard feelings...truce?
How did this topic switch from "fragmaster's reply" to politics?
All I have to say is Fragmastaer can kiss my white fat ass.
As much as I want to decry him for his unprofessional manner, he *would* get flamed far too much, and it wouldn't at all be worth it for any of us to have him on the boards with such rampant attitudes.

That said, there shouldn't be any problems like this whatsoever: EVERYONE should be civil! Love, love, love!