Fragmaster's reply to my request for him to visit these boards and talk with us

hes at

doom hose sucked!
He's been cursing this release for 3 months (I laugh when I think of his "proof'.) More annoying than anything.

His reply was very civil though, and he did say he was sorry for faning the flames, so whatever.

If he turns out to be right (by blind luck, I might add,) it will piss me off more than the actual delay.

Regardless, it's all speculation. I remain vigilant til the 30th.
Originally posted by RhapSidious
If he turns out to be right (by blind luck, I might add,) it will piss me off more than the actual delay.
Indeed. The last thing we want is for Fragmaster to be able to say "Told you so." :cheese: Then again, who really cares. As much as he'd like to think he knows everything, whether the game is delayed or not it has nothing to do with him or any information he thinks he has, so it's weird that it bothers us at all now that I think about it.

In fact, from this moment forth, I hereby don't give a crap about what anyone else thinks, or how anyone else acts. As long as I eventually get HL2, I'm happy :cheese:
That's a pretty reasonable reply, and since he's realised his mistake, (putting his opinions on the front page so often), I don't see any reason for further animosity towards him.
and yes i am thanks for noticing.... i dosed about 3 hours ago.....Halflife2 will not be delayed or we'll go Rodney King on the USA
Originally posted by GJaaGular
I am the needle in Frags veins!

I am Frags Raging Bile Duct.
I am Frags Inflamed Flaring Nostrils.
I am Frags Enraged, Inflamed Sense of Rejection.
I guess Fragmaster is doing all this just to piss off some people. And btw Doom house ruled...