France says "non"


Dec 16, 2004
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Nice to see there's a country thats not afraid to tell europe where to cram the EU constitution

It was to be expected, very much the attitude of france, good on them!
My respect for them has gone up.
the_lone_wolf said:
Nice to see there's a country thats not afraid to tell europe where to cram the EU constitution


From what a lot of people are saying, it was more a point of the French people telling the French politician's to shove it, rather than the EU constitution. Voting on an item for reasons that have nothing to do with the item.
I second short recoil, this was very much expected, and its nice to see. Now Denmark, britan, and poland, I am sure are going to "say shove it!". the EU won't work. Did you know their constitution is 300 pages long? Most people haven't even read it. and their gonna vote on it.
Razor said:
From what a lot of people are saying, it was more a point of the French people telling the French politician's to shove it, rather than the EU constitution. Voting on an item for reasons that have nothing to do with the item.

It was a bit more than that. People were actually against the Constitution for valid reasons, you know.
Feath said:
It was a bit more than that. People were actually against the Constitution for valid reasons, you know.

I know, their biggest problem was the move to a more open market but a lot of French businesses are quited disappointed with the no vote.
I fail to see why people would respect France more for rejecting the E.U. constitution. It's not as if the constitution required 1000 babies to be killed every year or anything.
lePobz said:
Vive la revolution!

"Vive la revolution!" yea sure, and then you place Napoleon as emperor! :dozey:

Feath said:
Erm, they didn't say no to the EU. They said no to the new EU Constitution.

oh, come on! don't pretend to be stupid!?
Boo, I'd vote yes on this. Telling politicians where to shove it by screwing everybody over is ****ing immature. Congratulations France, I like you even less than I did before this thing. The concept of elections is to tell politicians where to shove it, not a matter of the entirety of Europe...

Geez x_x
Kangy said:
Boo, I'd vote yes on this. Telling politicians where to shove it by screwing everybody over is ****ing immature. Congratulations France, I like you even less than I did before this thing. The concept of elections is to tell politicians where to shove it, not a matter of the entirety of Europe...

Geez x_x

You should realise that the French no campaign actually had some valid arguments against the Constitution. Not everyone in France is stupid. It wasn't just against Chirac's Government.
Kangy said:
Boo, I'd vote yes on this. Telling politicians where to shove it by screwing everybody over is ****ing immature. Congratulations France, I like you even less than I did before this thing. The concept of elections is to tell politicians where to shove it, not a matter of the entirety of Europe...

Geez x_x

I used to like french too but they proved to be morons afterall! you french pretend to be mighty and want to be important, but you just can prove it! don't force me to post the "French millitary defeats" list again!
jverne said:
oh, come on! don't pretend to be stupid!?

Please, show me where it says that this referendum was about withdrawing from the EU. France is one of most pro-EU countries in Europe. You can't just say "Oh, they don't want to be in the EU anymore."

Even in Britian, a lot of 'no' campaigners WANT to be part of the EU, but don't think that this Constitution is the way to go about it.
By the looks of it, with 70% turn out and a 10% margin they were definately against the Constitution. I dont really know anything morew than that though.

I think Feath is right. you shouldnt look at it as the French saying no to the EU.
Feath said:
You should realise that the French no campaign actually had some valid arguments against the Constitution. Not everyone in France is stupid. It wasn't just against Chirac's Europe.
Yea..not everyone.About 90% stupid and 10% smart.. :p

Sorry had to get a french joke in here while I could. :D
Feath said:
You should realise that the French no campaign actually had some valid arguments against the Constitution. Not everyone in France is stupid. It wasn't just against Chirac's Government.

I understand that there were some very valid points made, and obviously something this big will need to be looked at time and time again before everybody is happy. Even then, there will still be a little complaining.

But this was not the time to push anger against a party, regardless, and I think without that feeling, this would have actually passed.
most people are overlooking the fact that french people are from another universe. Seriously.
It was the turn-out that was high, not the vote percentage. :eek:
70-80% turn-out 54.5% vote no?
SimonomiS said:
It was the turn-out that was high, not the vote percentage. :eek:
70-80% turn-out 54.5% vote no?

yes...and? whats your point? are you trying to say the french are biger dickheads than they really are?!

edit: sorry for the grammatical mistake "...than they already are?!"
jverne said:
oh and another thing (sorry again, but i'm really pised off)...because of your egocentrism (the 60% of voters) you destabilized the whole f****** country had much to gain from a powerfull EU, at lesat we'd have more jobs and opportunities!

Where do you live?
The only reason the rest of Europe wants France in the EU is so they can use France as a human shield in their conquest of the world.
Go France. Anyone know where I can read the constitution? I'm going to get my claws into it, all I read is biased crap and I want to know what its all about myself.

What is my country doing ? Europe is the way to go, it's the future, united we'll be stronger. I know we have big big problems in France, saying NON is not going to change anything.

They voted no against the goverment, not against Europe. Sometimes, I wonder what wold have happened if Lepenne had won.
gh0st said:
The only reason the rest of Europe wants France in the EU is so they can use France as a human shield in their conquest of the world.

Obviously. It's actually written in the Constitution you know.
Adrien C said:

What is my country doing ? Europe is the way to go, it's the future, united we'll be stronger. I know we have big big problems in France, saying NON is not going to change anything.

They voted no against the goverment, not against Europe. Sometimes, I wonder what wold have happened if Lepenne had won.

Well, don't worry. Holland is expected to vote no as well. And it's pretty certain that the UK will give a no vote (especially if the Yes camp don't improve).
oldagerocker said:
Go France. Anyone know where I can read the constitution? I'm going to get my claws into it, all I read is biased crap and I want to know what its all about myself.

Check the European site, I think it's

few options for Chirac here:

sack the government, replace them and hold another referendum
renegotiate some parts of the treaty (has been done many times in the past with previous treaties, especially on CAP)
replace the government and pass the treaty anyway without a yes vote
The godamn treaty should have never been called a Constitution anyway.

I don't mind very much about my own country so I would definitly say yes to an United Europe.

The problem with the EU is that it is used, like the UN, as an escape goat too many times by politicians. The truth is that both these organizations do a lot more for the World than any of the bastard politicians.
Sprafa said:
The godamn treaty should have never been called a Constitution anyway.

I don't mind very much about my own country so I would definitly say yes to an United Europe.

The problem with the EU is that it is used, like the UN, as an escape goat too many times by politicians. The truth is that both these organizations do a lot more for the World than any of the bastard politicians.

You see, the view other here is more leaned towards "Bloody Europe, interfering with our laws". Britain is a lot more Euroskeptic.

And surely you mean scapegoat?.


oldagerocker said:
Go France. Anyone know where I can read the constitution? I'm going to get my claws into it, all I read is biased crap and I want to know what its all about myself.

HA! Good luck. I tried to found myself fighting with paragraph just as this:

The Union shall also have exclusive competence for the conclusion of an international agreement when its conclusion is provided for in a legislative act of the Union or is necessary to enable the Union to exercise its internal competence, or insofar as its conclusion may affect common rules or alter their scope.

It's not really written very clearly.

Also I found this rather scary:

The Union shall have competence to carry out supporting, coordinating or complementary action.
Such action shall, at European level, be:

(a) protection and improvement of human health,
(b) industry,
(c) culture,
(c)a [sic] tourism,
(d) education, youth, sport and vocational training,
(e) civil protection,
(f) administrative cooperation.

So, obviously, I'm sure that anyone who has played Half-Life 2 will be against the constitution.
Feath said:
You see, the view other here is more leaned towards "Bloody Europe, interfering with our laws". Britain is a lot more Euroskeptic.

And surely you mean scapegoat?.

hehe, bad spelling. And the French are pretty hammered up economically right now and are basically blaming it all on the EU. Like that Czech plummer bussiness that they claim is ruining their shit and then the Bolstein (sp??) plan that, again, they claim is trying to ruin France. And there's that whole scandal about Durão Barroso, who spent a couple of days with a Greek (RICH) friend of his in a yatch. Durão Barroso is not a good man but saying he can't be with his friends is just ludicrous...
Sprafa said:
hehe, bad spelling. And the French are pretty hammered up economically right now and are basically blaming it all on the EU. Like that Czech plummer bussiness that they claim is ruining their shit and then the Bolstein (sp??) plan that, again, they claim is trying to ruin France. And there's that whole scandal about Durão Barroso, who spent a couple of days with a Greek (RICH) friend of his in a yatch. Durão Barroso is not a good man but saying he can't be with his friends is just ludicrous...

Wasn't it a member of UKIP that drew attention to that?

EDIT: And I think you mean Jose Manuel Barroso.
Feath said:
Wasn't it a member of UKIP that drew attention to that?

EDIT: And I think you mean Jose Manuel Barroso.

I think it was.
Doesn't matters really, it's just shit thrown to the fan.

And I like his old name. Muddy Tough Guy :D = Durão Barroso. It was the name he used when he was my Prime Minister :upstare:

What's up with people trying to correct a Portuguese national about his own ex-PM's name ?