Free Munro ??

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them lets change it by something more productive :E
Thats nice RJMC, aww its the happy couple above, joule and RJMC...awwwww back off RJMC, joule is my bitch 4eva. Its been 2 years now :D
15357 said:
no one knows, just "jump in the bandwagon" or whatever.
lol, it's not a bandwagon... for some yes, but mostly no...

but i'm not telling you what it is, so w/e : >
Crush, who's Murno? :laugh: ;)

Or maybe...

*cue X-Files theme tune*

Edit- Yeah I get it now. doh..missed the second line :o
:O It double posted
There should be something to prevent that...
first bandwagon i jumped on......because it was easy....

oooh the laziness...
Free munro? No. Lock him away forever and swallow the key.
and get your free " Free Munro " Avatar
Ermac said:
Munro is a gay guy.
He only has to snip his fingers to make you banned :D

And everybody knows a banned guy is worth two :rolleyes:
Down with Munro!

Munro is the imposter bastard who pretended to be Gabe back in 2003 right?
If so
Down with Munro!
Member17 said:
Down with Munro!

Munro is the imposter bastard who pretended to be Gabe back in 2003 right?
If so
Down with Munro!

I think it was Chirs_D

He asked to use Gabes account.

Edit: Ah, sorry, nearly right.
No, he created a duplicate account using Gabe's name and renamed Gabe's account to something.
I just changed mine to go along better with my new avatar <3
Death001 said:
....what the....?!?!
in response to your signature, Munro owns the site and is site director and head admin.
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