Freedom of Speech, Censorship, and Lolicon: The First Amendment and You

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So if a guy is aroused by little shildren and has child pornography and blahblahblah, would he not go out and check out the little kids in the playground and shit? What's stopping him from grabbing and doing what he wants with some toddler, other than fear of getting caught.

If I knew some pedophile was hanging around a school or park or whatever that my siblings (or any kids) were attending, I would tell him to gtfo. And if he didn't comply I'd be scraping bits of his face off my knuckles later.
I'm fashionably late to these sorts of threads but the disgust within me at certain people is at an all time high.
^Same. I don't even dig loli, but I am hardcore Constitution.
So if a guy is aroused by little shildren and has child pornography and blahblahblah, would he not go out and check out the little kids in the playground and shit?
That really depends on the individual doesn't it? Yes, it does. Loli != child porn. That's like saying someone has a crush on Bugs Bunny and you are afraid they are going to go out and **** rabbits. Highly unlikely as the subject matter only has varying and slight degrees of realism. Have you ever even seen manga/anime? :rolleyes:

What's stopping him from grabbing and doing what he wants with some toddler, other than fear of getting caught.
Oh gee, I dunno, a conscience? A brain? The ability to distinguish between right and wrong? Fear of prosecution (Oh I missed where you said this one)? Respect for the well-being of children?
Pick one, or I could go on.

If I knew some pedophile was hanging around a school or park or whatever that my siblings (or any kids) were attending, I would tell him to gtfo. And if he didn't comply I'd be scraping bits of his face off my knuckles later.
Ok, terrific. Tell me how you would find out this person is a pedophile then justify your assault and explain how will you defend yourself in court from assault charges.
Zomg! Pictures that somewhat resemble young people and a strange foreign language! Ban!
^Same. I don't even dig loli, but I am hardcore Constitution.

That really depends on the individual doesn't it? Yes, it does. Loli != child porn. That's like saying someone has a crush on Bugs Bunny and you are afraid they are going to go out and **** rabbits. Highly unlikely as the subject matter only has varying and slight degrees of realism. Have you ever even seen manga/anime? :rolleyes:

Oh gee, I dunno, a conscience? A brain? The ability to distinguish between right and wrong? Fear of prosecution (Oh I missed where you said this one)? Respect for the well-being of children?
Pick one, or I could go on.

Ok, terrific. Tell me how you would find out this person is a pedophile then justify your assault and explain how will you defend yourself in court from assault charges.

I didn't read the thread, I just read that last page with all of rakuraitenjin's posts about kiddie porn. That was probably my first mistake.

oh, I didn't realize your whole post was directed towards me. oh well, I don't give a ****.
Trust me mate, I like loli, and I would never think of doing anything to a child, it's just wrong.
Loli just happens to be one of the many subcategories of hentai that I enjoy.
'TECHNICALLY', I'm CP myself. :D
I didn't read the thread, I just read that last page with all of rakuraitenjin's posts about kiddie porn. That was probably my first mistake.

oh, I didn't realize your whole post was directed towards me. oh well, I don't give a ****.

You may not care but at least realise you're wrong and generalising to a stupid degree.

This is rediculus, he never ever harmed any child, its all drawn from a hand and a pencil. He never intended to harm a child, actually, this is the one thing that might be keeping him from it. Child porn is illigal in order to save children from sexual abuse, however, no sexual abuse is present in lolicon, not even real children. Lets say i draw a little girl with a dick up her ass, i havent harmed anyone. Only I have seen it, no other person in this world is aware of it. How does that harm anyone? Why should i go to jail for something i do in my own house that doesnt involve anyone at all? What are they gona do next? illigalise the very THOUGHT or TALKING about lolis?
I think a few people are being a bit black and white in their views (on both sides), but I'm not going to go out on a limb to debate it as, well, I don't really wanna. However, I will say this.

Lolicon is an alternative to real child porn. I'm not saying that everyone who likes lolicon has never looked at real child porn, or has never had sexual thoughts about real children, or has never had the urge to act on them - however, that's not relevant to what I'm trying to say. However unnatural you might find their urges, you have to acknowledge that lolicon can act as an outlet for that, just as people here constantly argue gaming does. And, more importantly, it's an alternative in which no one suffers, no one is exploited (except maybe the artist, but **** them). Moreover, for someone who makes a conscious choice to look at lolicon instead of real child porn, it expresses an ability (or at least a willingness) to seperate fantasy from reality, which indicates they're most likely rational enough to know the difference between fapping to lines on a page and molesting a real, flesh-and-blood child. That's a pretty large distinction, as much as you might want to think otherwise. Again, I'm by no means speaking in absolutes, but I'd wager this makes up a good percentage of those who view lolicon as opposed to real CP.

As for pedophiles being 'treated,' it's not really that simple as some are stuck with it for life (to the point where it transcends a fetish and becomes like a sexual preference, even), but I do think more can be done about awareness and breaking down the taboo around it so that, if nothing else, real pedophiles who are suffering with their urges could seek help to control it.

Also fake edit - toaster just totally summed up everything I just typed like two posts above so wow this was pointless. THANKS. :(

Real edit - Also as well, the 'A' in pedophile can go suck an elderly clitoris. PAY DOUGH FILE sounds stupid, so **** english anyway.
I too was glad to have been prematurely agreed with. It was validating. <3

Also fun fact of the day: lolicon is completely illegal over here. D:

Run away with me, KA. Let's elope, and fap until our bellends grow blue and bulbous.

Okay maybe not that last part, but still. Any law that makes Australia more progressive than us is ****ing sacrelige, to say the least.
I really couldn't say I expected such a vast number of level-headed people on regarding this subject (and speak up, no less). I'm really proud of you guys and proud to be a part of this community.

I guess America's recent hate stigma for pedophiles over the years has really distorted my view that there are indeed intelligent people still around who don't buy into irrational hate and ignorance.

<3 you guys. (and girl) (but not in like a romantic way) (well okay I do love you in a romantic way but that's not what I'm referring to here)
If you people see anything wrong with somebody mentally who COLLECTS and IS AROUSED by images of children (drawn or not) then I don't know what to say. That's some ****ed up values is all.

This man should be charged for committing idiocy.
I really couldn't say I expected such a vast number of level-headed people on regarding this subject (and speak up, no less). I'm really proud of you guys and proud to be a part of this community.

I guess America's recent hate stigma for pedophiles over the years has really distorted my view that there are indeed intelligent people still around who don't buy into irrational hate and ignorance.

<3 you guys. (and girl) (but not in like a romantic way) (well okay I do love you in a romantic way but that's not what I'm referring to here)

Personally hatred for pedophiles is totally rational irrationality, you know what I'm sayin'?
So guys, I've got 300+ loli pics, who wants to have a go?
Your collection is weak, young man. You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance against me.

If I died, who would draw more loli/shota for the people? No, I must live on.
Well then you've got to draw some loli for me!
I'm serious!
Do it!
You're assuming that I only have those drives. Laptop, externals. Lots of externals. I hooked that one up because we were specifically talking about loli.

Protip: that hard drive isn't labeled Porn 01 just because I think it sounds cool. It's a designation of what's on there. There are several such drives.
External drives are fail unless it's E-SATA or a NAS. I couldn't be arsed plugging things in all the time so having a storage available over gigabyte lan is handy.
Well this debate took a turn for the awkward.
All my drives are sata.

At some point I plan to merge all these drives on one machine. Get myself a few drivezillas.
The depressing thing about this thread is that the freedoms you Americans take for granted, by condemning the authorities in this instance, are already dead in Britain. From January, fictionalised 'extreme images' like the stuff this guy is being prosecuted for will simply be illegal under the letter of the law. The logic of this, or absence of logic, apparently didn't matter to the legislators.

Brass Eye's Paedogeddon special highlighted perfectly the wrongheaded thinking of our authority figures in this, as well as the overblown hysteria endemic to our cultures: (first couple of minutes deals with 'offensive images')'s been subject to a raft of poorly judged, kneejerk legislation on issues like this, such as amendments to the Sexual Offences Act which criminalise consenting 15 year olds as heavily as, say, a child molester. The Home Office deals with this by saying 'lol don't worry we won't use the law like that.' :/

I agree with toaster, in saying that the hysteria and stigma over this does nothing to help protect children. Most significant, IMO, is that all this legal toughness and political posturing is designed to prevent the TINY fraction of child abuse that is perpetrated by the stereotypical bogeyman child rapist on a street corner. The vast majority of child abuse offences are committed by family members or people known to the child, so in creating enjoyable reading for the average Daily Mail reading moral authoritarians, our politicians are in fact sweeping the real issues under the rug - oh and destroying basic freedoms, but that never seems to bother the great British public.
Hey guys, let's all compare our hard drive sizes, lol!
Holy shit, really? Fuuuuuuuuck.

NZ and Australia are the same in that regard. Any and they mean any representation of a child in a sexual manner is illegal. Not that I care, hell the authorities are only interested in distribution of real CP.
Only porn portraying the missionary position should be allowed, anyone who likes other stuff is a sick bastard.
If you people see anything wrong with somebody mentally who COLLECTS and IS AROUSED by images of children (drawn or not) then I don't know what to say. That's some ****ed up values is all.

All I can say is:

But when groups that hold your opinions start forcing through legislation that makes me a criminal for doing something in my own home that hurts no one? That's ****ed up.
Well it's pretty obvious you're not serious so no. If you really did get off to little kids then I don't even have words to describe how sickening of a human being you are.


Its a drawing. For a guy who sticks up for gun and drug freedom you really don't seem to like freedom of art. Nobody here is saying that being a pedophile is "okay", but it doesn't mean you want to rape children. Especially since pedophiles cannot help there sexual attraction, anymore than homosexuals, or people who screw animals.
If you people see anything wrong with somebody mentally who COLLECTS and IS AROUSED by images of children (drawn or not) then I don't know what to say. That's some ****ed up values is all.

All I can say is:

I'm not saying you can't voice your opinion on it. But when groups that hold your opinions start forcing through legislation that makes me a criminal for doing something in my own home that hurts no one? That's ****ed up.

Irony is so delicious.

Wow it's in no way unreasonable to infer based on a collection of child sex drawings that the person would have sex with a child. It's common sense. It might NOT be true but more than likely it is. Just like someone who has a lot of books on Jihad, bomb making, and urban combat might not be planning to do anything, it would be common sense to infer they would.

It's quite unreasonable to make that assumption when you have no information about the individual in question, no psychological training and are jumping to a baseless conclusion without evidence. It's also unreasonable to dictate that lolicon = real children, they are two completely different things.
Or gun fetishists?

Don't forget marijuana fetishists.

Also that's a good drawing Darkside.

Edit: And since other people did it:


Note the size vs. number of files and folders.

C:\ is mostly pictures and comics while S:\ is mostly JAV.

C:\ would be a lot bigger if I hadn't had space problems for years... I don't really know what percentage of it is actually loli, but... I'd say at least 1/4. (on C:\)
Wait wait wait. This guy is arguing for investigation just because of a large collection? From what I read here, he himself has a 'large collection' of weapons and/or weapon related paraphernalia. I suggest he be investigated immediately as its probably damn likely he would kill a person when presented with the opportunity!

Oh, but I suppose he would be all against that, what since it involves him now.
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