Fringe returns tonight friday 9/8c

I like how that article says that viewings from both Hulu and don't count. Can that network possibly be any more ****ing retarded. This is like someone complaining that their newspaper sales are down. YEAH, IT'S 2011, GET WITH THE ****ING PROGRAM.
Uh, Fox makes practically no money from them. No channel does. They only do it to squeeze out those extra pennies, and they obviously won't care if it gets a lot of internet views. Its why Comedy Central removed the Daily show and Colbert Report from Hulu for awhile, until they realized that nobody wanted to use CC's site to watch it. The significant money comes from advertisement revenue from the TV airing. Then the next best is probably their own channel's site, where they can get away with having three, maybe four ads in between the show. Hulu is probably the worst, they get no ad revenue because that all goes to hulu, and then hulu just pays a licensing fee, which probably isnt much since Hulu is practically broke anyways.
Uh, Fox makes practically no money from them. No channel does. They only do it to squeeze out those extra pennies, and they obviously won't care if it gets a lot of internet views. Its why Comedy Central removed the Daily show and Colbert Report from Hulu for awhile, until they realized that nobody wanted to use CC's site to watch it. The significant money comes from advertisement revenue from the TV airing. Then the next best is probably their own channel's site, where they can get away with having three, maybe four ads in between the show. Hulu is probably the worst, they get no ad revenue because that all goes to hulu, and then hulu just pays a licensing fee, which probably isnt much since Hulu is practically broke anyways.

I understand that they haven't planned for this sort of technological leap, but reacting the same way that the music industry did when Napster was created isn't helping anyone. iTunes has some shows offered for (relatively) cheaply. even allows renting of movies or shows online. There's no reason that Fox can't get onboard, and offer people an episode for, what, $2-3 a piece? Figure in most cases the total cost of a season (of about 24 episodes) is $50, so yeah, that sounds about right.

I'm sure it's not as much money as they'd get from having advertisements on TV, but they're fighting a changing paradigm. I don't have television service, I can't afford it. I refuse to pay $60 a month to watch Fringe and Breaking Bad. They can sit there and do nothing but whine about ratings all they like, and they'll lose a lot of shows that way. Fox needs to learn to be proactive and adjust their business model.
The only way that would work is if they sold the episodes themselves. The cut iTunes and Amazon takes from each sale is likely enormous. I agree though, I think soon enough we'll see streaming television through computers, rather than through dedicated cable tv lines. I mean, its pretty redundant the way it is now. In fact, I've been wishing for a long time now that networks would just offer online subscriptions to their programming and having new episodes up for download as soon as they begin airing on cable tv. Like, if I could subscribe to HBO, without having to buy a bunch of other bullshit from Comcast in a package, I totally would. Right now the best I can do to support HBO shows is buy the Disked set after the season airs, which doesnt help much either.

Either way, right now, its very obvious that internet based viewings of a show don't do anything to help the survivability of any show.
The only way that would work is if they sold the episodes themselves. The cut iTunes and Amazon takes from each sale is likely enormous.

Oh, definitely, but if anyone has the resources to be able to do it, I'd think it would be Fox.
So I've seen ads for this on TV and it looks really stupid. Isn't it?
I'm sure it would look stupid if you hadn't watched it for the past season and a half.
It's actually really, really good.

It shares some similarities with shows like The X-Files but it's quite a bit different than that these days.
A group of people who work for the FBI have basically been dealing with two realities collapsing in on eachother.
It's actually really, really good.

In my opinion it's the only sci-fi tv show worth watching right now. Also I think it's actually better than the X-Files, since this show actually provides answers/explanations, and it has well thought out story arcs. Unlike the convoluted mess that the X-Files was.
The first season is incredibly weak, and definitely starts off feeling like a bad X-Files episode, but Seasons 2 and 3 are really excellent.
Yah season 1 starts a little slow, but I found myself really starting to get into it about 10 episodes deep. And since then it has been better episode by episode. Anyone who was a fan of X-Files, Lost or Half-Life should really enjoy this show. It's more satisfying than Lost though because they are constantly answering questions while at the same time remaining mysterious.
Fringe is an excellent show (after the first season is over).

It's a common problem for ads of sci-fi shows to make the shows look stupid. I mean, remember the promos of the later seasons of Lost which looked incredibly stupid to everyone who had never seen the show?
Well, try describing Fringe to someone. Its going to sound stupid. Without seeing the consecutive episodes, its going to seem like a really dumb show.
Today Fox will decide whether or not the show will be renewed.

Think positive people.
Of course it's going to get canceled. FOX has been trying to sabotage it since day one. From constant delays to slot changes. That's what you get for having your show on FOX. I wouldn't pitch a show to FOX if my life depended on it.

Joel Wyman says it is not canceled. Does he mean "Not yet"?

Yeah he said that as response to a rumor that Fringe was already canceled. It's not canceled and it's not renewed yet.

If it does get canceled, it's not going to end well as Season 3 is ignoring cancellation threats and going for a cliffhanger/setup of S4.
No news regarding renewal or cancellation. Not sure what came out of the meeting that was supposed to take place 2 days ago. But John Noble confirms (spoilery interview) that it's fate will indeed be decided this week.

I'm assuming that they're waiting to see the ratings for this Friday as it was up against basketball last week (when it hit a series low).

So if you do enjoy this show and want it renewed (as it's definitely reached a creative peak) it's CRITICAL to watch it LIVE this Friday. NOT DVR. DVR NUMBERS DO NOT HELP AT ALL.

Fringe Fridays on Fox at 9pm eastern/8 central.
My god, I can't even begin to understand why the **** this happened.

I mean, the ratings ARE unsatisfactory.

Make no mistake, I am insanely happy, but it just makes no ****ing sense.
My god, I can't even begin to understand why the **** this happened.

I mean, the ratings ARE unsatisfactory.

Make no mistake, I am insanely happy, but it just makes no ****ing sense.

Hmm, FOX doesn't have anything else remotely scifi or fantasy currently in its lineup, amirite? Maybe that played a role? And the show's also become something of a critical darling recently. None of those factors would normally outrank ratings but they'd have to have helped.
Even though their ratings indicate likely cancellation, the fact that Lie To Me and The Chicago Code repeats are on Fox’s summer schedule has me keeping them as “toss ups” for renewal.

As I noted recently, there may or may not be a single slot for an existing marginal drama (Fringe, The Chicago Code, Human Target, Lie To Me) on next Fall’s Fox schedule. There won’t be two.


So it was up against a lot of stuff. I'm honestly very happy and surprised.
This is ****ing glorious news.

FOX must be under new management or something, this is so god damned unlike them.
Truly excellent news. I'm very happy and excited.

The pickup comes despite last Friday’s episode hitting a series low 3.85 million viewers. Fox, however, points out that the show still ranks as Friday’s No. 1 series among adults 18-49.

You'd think that Fox would therefore understand that people don't really watch television on Friday nights.
You'd think that Fox would therefore understand that people don't really watch television on Friday nights.

This is something I seriously don't get. Is there some unwritten rule that all americans must go out on the town every Friday night or something?
It's the end of the week.
For the working man, you bet your ass we go out and unwind.

But, I'm usually back an hour or so before Fringe comes on.
I was under the impression that some Fox higher up was a big fan of the show. If that's true, it might have been a factor.
This is something I seriously don't get. Is there some unwritten rule that all americans must go out on the town every Friday night or something?

Essentially. Generally speaking, "winding down" during the week consists of having dinner, watching TV, and going to bed. When Friday rolls around, you don't have to be up Saturday morning, so even if you don't always go out on the town, it does afford you more options for evening plans.
I was under the impression that some Fox higher up was a big fan of the show. If that's true, it might have been a factor.

I recall there's some higher ups that are fans of the show. Not to mention Anna Torv is the niece of Fox owner Rupert Murdoch. There is definitely something going on in the background as knowing Fox, they could not possibly have been happy with Fringe's ratings. Hell, they even picked it up for 22 episodes. Generally networks pick shows they are uncertain about for only 13 episodes, but they just picked up Fringe for 22 episodes right away, as if the show was doing great.

So it's still very important to watch it live on TV despite this renewal, as the show is definitely not immune to cancellation, the ratings remain average and we will certainly run into problems again next year. I think we were just very lucky this year.

But well, who knows. Maybe they really are happy with it's ratings?
Great episode.
But, I'm unclear as to what nature the Observers are serving... are they trying to bring balance to the two universes or connect them both?
And what's the deal with the blood sample? I know it must have something to do with Peter's DNA and maybe the device but... eh.
All reaction I've seen to this latest episode has been very positive.

Either way, I have not seen it yet.

Just wanted to warn you guys that Fringe is taking a 3 week break, it's returning April 15th and it should air without interruptions from the 19th episode until the finale.
When will the ratings for tonights show be available? I'm curious to see if it did better.
In like 2 hours at most. I'll post them here when it happens.
Excellent news. I've really been enjoying this season. The whole world 2 stuff and occasional flip flop adds a lot to the show.
The ratings were about the same as last week. Slightly (~0.08 million) higher.
Oh sorry I completely forgot to post them before :p

But the ratings were much higher this week.

A night after its season four renewal announcement, Fringe bounced back to a 1.5 adults 18-49 rating, up two tenths (15%) from its series low 1.3 rating last week.

It's still definitely somewhat low but hey, Fringe did 1.5 like 4 weeks in a row already. At least it wasn't 1.3 like last week.
What a great episode.
I wonder the deal with the machine is, Walternate used Henry's(the baby) blood to activate it and yet on our side when Peter goes to try and get into it he gets knocked on his ass.
Also, Sam Weiss is back!
Dear God.
Just when I thought I had a handle on what was going to happen for the finale... they go and do a 360.

The finale and the rest of the series should be gorram awesome.
Just to make sure that I got that right...

At the end did Peter get transported into the future? Since the new world trade tower was finished.