
Peabody McFee said:
Do you think there will be a frisbee in the game?

THIS is the reason I visit this site....


No but someone could probably make one.
There will be plenty of rotary saw blades,. those are like frisbies :D

Ooh, that could be a good game! Saw blade frisbee!
whoa man ... you're whacky ... yeah man ... i want a good old WHAM-O frisbee baby ... with spikes ... :LOL:
frisbee???? Why would there be a frisbee in a full release of a FPS game? IT would be funny if someone added it to the game (like a MOD) but it would honestly ruin the game if Valve added it
soccerdude21490 said:
frisbee???? Why would there be a frisbee in a full release of a FPS game? IT would be funny if someone added it to the game (like a MOD) but it would honestly ruin the game if Valve added it
Tron 2.0 had one. :rolleyes:

Anyway...any thread for the trash can.
soccerdude21490 said:
but it would honestly ruin the game if Valve added it
dont you think thats a little bit of an overstatement? its not like it would be a nessisary object. Just something you could pick up and throw..

It will be interesting to see how the saw blades fly, but I do get the feeling that Source/Havok would require additional coding to get proper aerodynamics.
soccerdude21490 said:
frisbee???? Why would there be a frisbee in a full release of a FPS game? IT would be funny if someone added it to the game (like a MOD) but it would honestly ruin the game if Valve added it

It could just be in a park or something and you can use the manipulator to pick it up and throw it.

It wouldn't be a selectable weapon or anything.
The Thing said:
Ricochet: Source!

That's not proper frisbeeing.

I want to play with Alex. <-- You should put that sentence in the context of the first and not read it separately!!!
Someone could creat a map called frisbee where there are a bunch of saw blades all over and you all throw them at each other. If you can't throw them, you the manipulator. :)
i can't believe no-ones made the obvious reply:

Do you think there will be a frisbee in the game?

(gabe voice): no, but you could mod one in.
By the way, how the hell did you think of a frisbee in HL2? Could you possibly have been watching Slackers on Comedy Central when the guys throws the frisbee at that guys face? :p
you know the only reason he has to say that is so the people dont think that source is crap.

i dont get why almost every one that plays ut2004 is a moder while almost none of you all are... its like im all alone. :(
u know how in some games you can pick up objects in your hand and when you primary fire your guy throws it, they should add a frisbee like that, except with fullon proper frisbee throwing/flying animations

it should also be instant headshot kill against striders
"You could do it in a mod"

Which makes me wonder. Exactly HOW easy is it to mod in HL2? Or HL1 for that matter? I'm curious. Is it dumbed down enough to where even I, the master of nocode could do it?
If you want to make a mod, at the bare minimum, you'd need some programming skills.
Anything somewhat complex would require good programming skills, art abilities (modeling, skinning, animation) sounds, etc.
Although modding is getting easier, it's still not something you can just pick up and do in an afternoon. However, if you're interested, the only way to learn is to hop in and get your feet wet.
soccerdude21490 said:
frisbee???? Why would there be a frisbee in a full release of a FPS game? IT would be funny if someone added it to the game (like a MOD) but it would honestly ruin the game if Valve added it

I'm guessing Tribes:Vengance's buckler doesn't count?
anyone remember the basketball in deus ex? haha.. "sign him up for the nicks!":LOL:

Think fast!
*Throws a frisbee into ownzed's face* :p