From CS:S to BF2


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hallo peeps!

I've got really bored with CS:S lately and I might buy BF2 tommorow :D

Is BF2 considerably more enjoyable then CS:S?

(I know the question is a bit vague)
Um, yes...? I could never really get into CS. Then again, the first FPS I played a lot of was BF1942, so I'm probably biased. Remember that BF2's gameplay is considerably more complex, what with all the vehicles, player classes, squads and having a commander. I'd say go for it. Good times, especially with the HL2.Net guys. :) :sniper: :cheers: :thumbs:
Yeah, that is what appeal to me. The fact that you have to work as a team and your classed and stuff.

Is it particulary hard to play?
It's very different from CS.
It's quite complex, not really too hard to play. It can be a bit daunting when you first start. I personally do a lot better in BF2 than I ever did in CS, so I don't know. Get the demo if you're not sure. If you get it (the full game), add me to your xfire (get it if you don't) and I'll play you some time (my computer is having heating problems, so I can't play for very long, as it gets unplayable with all the artifacts...). My xfire is Canadian Gunner (i think, haha)
you have to have more than just the ability to place a crosshair on someone's head in a split second
that's why BF2 is so much better
you have to have more than just the ability to place a crosshair on someone's head in a split second
that's why BF2 is so much better


Killing some poor sucker with a difribulator (sp?) is so satisfying (and challenging).
and there is no nooby AWP - one shot kill sniper in this game.
The maps are A LOT bigger than CSS were alking.... about 6 de_dust2's or maybe even more!

Actually i've played about 250 hours of BF2 (according to xfire) so CSS is actually refreshing to play for me since it is quite simple: Here's your gun, go get 'em Tiger =]
I just bought the game and have been a CS:S player (a pretty good one) for a long time. It can be really frustrating and the old spawn camping is present, when everyone dies and you only have one spawn point they just spam it with artillery or aircraft which is really lame. A lot of the time I just die and don't even know where my attacker was which is partly my noobness. The vehicles are alright, the chopper and jet is hard to fly to start with.

The accuracy is a lot worse than CS:S, in most situations when people see each other they drop straight into prone and fire. Vehicles are really powerful, so steer clear of them if you aren't anti tank. Follow orders, join a squad and help your team capture points. I strongly recommend you play offline for a while so you can get used to the classes, buttons, vehicles and maps. It can be more enjoyable, you get more playtime if you suck and can get lots of cheap kills. It can also be frustrating and I love the simple nature of cs.
Yeah BF2 is a brilliant game, i played CS mainly over the years since 1.3, but the BF2 demo (which you should download to see how it feels), got me addicted to the nature of the game. The variety of the game appeals to me. Infantry fights, Vehicles fights, Dog Fights, Ground to Air, Infantry to Vehicles etc. With all those classes, lots to learn, but lots to enjoy too.
The demo is basicly a crapy build of the game. Dont judge it by the small things in the demo, the only thing that stays true to the game is the actualy gameplay.
Unless you're in scrim-clans, CS(S) doesn't offer any teamwork at all. And even then, it's limited. In BF2, you share a chopper with another person (best done with a friend) and once you start clicking there are very few games that offer the satisfaction of working together and dominating a game. BF2 has the teamplay element that's sorely lacking in CS(S), that game just feels like you're playing to get higher scores. I specialize in the attack heli and it's great when you have a gunner you can count on, and vice versa. I've played a lot with a friend of mine (augiep1, which some people here know) and it's incredibly satisfying when we dual other clan-members in attack heli's and beat them until they give up using the heli. ;)
Note: Grenades are deadlier than they are in CSS. And everyone has several of them, and that is the first and ONLY weapon 90% of people use lately.
Note: PLEASE don't abuse the grenade launchers. They make me cry on the inside... and scream on the outside :(
JNightshade said:
Note: PLEASE don't abuse the grenade launchers. They make me cry on the inside... and scream on the outside :(

n00b tubes suck now, there's nothing to abuse <_<
DreadLord1337 said:
Note: Grenades are deadlier than they are in CSS. And everyone has several of them, and that is the first and ONLY weapon 90% of people use lately.

Yep, 90%, sure. They are sometimes abused (the enemy jumps around throwing nades at you), but exaggerated facts ftl.
Well I bought it this morning and I am now waiting for the patch to finish downloading. (Taken bloody ages)
Speaking as a former CS:S junkie, yes, BF2 is awesome. It's WAY more enjoyable than CSS, especially if you end up with a good squad that cooperates and helps each other out.
Yeah, I was addicted on BF2 for a solid 6 months (played it since the demo) and it is definitely worth it. Only problem is, my computer can't run it too well (it used to, and then one day it couldn't be ****ed).
Unfocused said:
Yep, 90%, sure. They are sometimes abused (the enemy jumps around throwing nades at you), but exaggerated facts ftl.

Yeah, because I was completely serious.

My point is, grenades are spammed to absolute hell in this game. It's annoying, and needs to be fixed.
First day of playing and OMFG! I was hooked for 6 hours straight. This game is so involving and amazing that it blows CS:S out of the sky :D

Everything about it works so well, I'm just amazed! I love the fact that you can be attacked from anywhere and that working as a team is essential to win.

I'm getting some upgrades for my pc just to play this game better.

Pure Sex.

(Could someone explain this ticket system?)
PsychoFreak said:
First day of playing and OMFG! I was hooked for 6 hours straight. This game is so involving and amazing that it blows CS:S out of the sky :D

Everything about it works so well, I'm just amazed! I love the fact that you can be attacked from anywhere and that working as a team is essential to win.

I'm getting some upgrades for my pc just to play this game better.

Pure Sex.

(Could someone explain this ticket system?)

Hehe I remember when I first started, the game was pure bliss then (when you don't care / notice all the annoying little things).

The ticket system works like this, when a team controls all capturable Flags, then the enemy tickets starts to drain. Everytime a person is killed without being revived, the team loses a ticket. If the person is revived, no ticket is loss. When a team runs out of tickets, the team losses.
DreadLord1337 said:
Yeah, because I was completely serious.

My point is, grenades are spammed to absolute hell in this game. It's annoying, and needs to be fixed.
Lol, the other day I had over 20 kills in the first 2 minutes in Karkand. All of them grenades. :p I felt kinda noobish, but hey, I got lots of points that round.
Should be getting new pc parts soon.

How well would the game run with..

7600GT PCI-E
AMD 64 3200+
Quite splendidly. You'll be able to put everything on high. ;)
Everything... except Textures. You need at least 1.5 gigs of RAM to handle High textures, otherwise you'll stutter a lot after the first load.
Do many people still play Battlefield 1942? I really want to play that game for some reason.
I HATE the fact that you can be punished for some idiot on your team running over your mines, god it sickens me.
I keep hearing BF2 is so good, but I don't think my pc would be able to run it well. :(
Shamrock said:
Do many people still play Battlefield 1942? I really want to play that game for some reason.

Yeah, BF1942 is still quite heavily populated.
Although if you play BF2 constantly, and try to go back to BF1942... the way the game plays just feels so... wrong.
Shamrock said:
Do many people still play Battlefield 1942? I really want to play that game for some reason.
lol I had that same urge a few weeks back...and fulfilled it. I reinstalled and got the 1.6b patch and fired it up. Still very popular, over a 1000 people playing at alll times and later on at night can hit 3000. But like Lucid said, the game is very bland and actionless at times. Wake is so barren its like fighting on nothing but beach. Infantry combat is nowhere near as good and there's no squad coop (as if there's any in BF2 :p). Regardless of those points I still enjoyed going back to it and its still a spectacular game.
For me, having played BF1942 to death until mid-2004, and the demo of BF2 for about a week total, 1942 is unplayable for me. Yes, the planes are actually fun to use, but it's so bland and lifeless even in the midst of combat. For me, it's BF2 or bust, and I really need to pick that game up once I upgrade my computer.
I still remember when I played '42 how bad the infantry combat was, not to mention there was so much downtime in that game. :/

Also, since there are no helis', it takes out a huge part of my game.
AiM said:
I still remember when I played '42 how bad the infantry combat was, not to mention there was so much downtime in that game. :/

Also, since there are no helis', it takes out a huge part of my game.

Good times though.
I just watched that macinima video that the Pentagon was lookin at. This game looks freakin awesome.
I never really looked at it before. o_o
If I'm not mistaken you're a big CS:S player? BF2 is a very big change of pace, the game's very much like CS(S) in that there's a constant love / hate relationship. Except for me, the ceiling for the love part is MUCH higher, and it's much more enjoyable to play it with buddies / friends compared to CS:S.
CS:S is starting to agitate me greatly. I dunno what it is but I can't seem to focus when I'm getting blasted by completely random around corner shots.
It's creating stress inmylife.
That's the exact same irk I have with CS:S, the completely whack netcode. I do however, love the "feel" of the game overall, it just feels polished. Only thing is, once I've played with Helicopters, Tanks, APCs, Jets, Blackhawks, Humvees, Buggies (I love zooming around in these), etc etc on big wide open maps, playing CS:S just feels like the little kid brother to BF2.