


I have not been able to play ! I load the game and it seems as if it loads fine. I have established a Steam account and the Steam files says it has been updated. A screen that says "decryting Steam Files" comes up and that takes about half hour to do. The screen after that says "preparing to play game." Next screen says"updating Half Life 2, ready to launch in __ minuites __ seconds." The game than goes to the Value screen , next a screen that is very blurry that looks like a city. The loading box is in the right hand corner. After two to three minuites it crashes and turns to a bright blue. Once I click on the bright blue my desktop wallpaper appears.
I have reviewed the help and support pages on Steam but I it is to technical for me and I am at a loss. Can anyone help me?? I am at the point of returning the game of which I have waited to play for so long. I need step by step instructions that I can understand! Help me please.
Update drivers? The same thing happened to me in Doom 3
Right click on the icon in steam and click on properties, i bet its only at 96% or so, if it is just leave it for a while...
This thread belongs in the Game Support forum.

In anycase, updates take time guys, just let it roll..
If its only at 96% why did it start loading... :O
Same thing happened to me when I tried the demo...