Full Game Screenshots and Experiences.

Classic Samon behaviour ;)
Just had an awesome game, we were on the hospital level, right at the lift, with 3 of our team inside, including me. We had just had the big fight so Zoey was a little worse for wear as she hobbled towards our open lift doors.
As she got right next to the lift, out of nowhere a hunter pounced on her, I shot it off but we were too late, she'd been killed.
It was truly like a scene from a horror film. Just goes to show what an awesome game this is.


I got over 100 a few times as Boomer. 547 sounds extreme though, didn't think a player could take that much damage even on the ground :eek:
Haha in no mercy nearly got to the sewers with no damage taken from anyone on our team (got the the part where you unlock the door w/ the mounted gun), Tank comes, team mate shoots me while trying to kill it, then the tank kills him and another guy, the last guy runs back to the trains where a boomer vomits on him. WHY SO MUCH DEATH?
Oh man, I had an EPIC game on versus just now.

It was the hospital level, number 4 on No Mercy I believe. My team was infected first. Then, right when the game starts, I spawn in as a tank! I was on the second floor, so I rush downstairs, and at this point the survivors had retreated back to the safehouse for whatever reason. Did you know the tank can force open the safehouse door? I swear I saw Zoey's eyes go wide when I burst in the room. Needless to say, everyone died.

It gets better. When my team starts as the survivors, a tank spawns right at the beginning as well. However, we've already got to the stairwell, and I managed to get behind the tank with an auto-shotty. In the end, we finished with all 4 survivors in good health.

A good time all around. Especially teaching the other team about bullet penetration.
Can anyone post more screenshots of the graffitied messages in the safehouses? They're hilarious!
Played it for the last like 3.5 hours straight. Lots of VS mode. The very first game I got into was one of the best. Everybody on my team had a mic and was really good at talking out strategies and keeping together. We CRUSHED the other team because they were disorganized as hell. We beat them 5.4k to like 200.

Also played in an HL2.net game which was a good time. I ticked Digi off by taking him out while he was still on that first roof in the No Mercy finale. Nobody could get back up to him to save him so he quit :P I also choked a few people out as the smoker that match. Regular boss kills are so much more satisfying than tank kills - even though it is pretty damn fun to send survivors flying off buildings :D
I hate you :(
Possibly the most scariest thing happened to me yesterday while playing L4D. I was in Dead Air on Expert and my team and I were just entering the cubicle offices. All of a sudden, a zombie just stumbles out of the doorway and it must have been glitched out. It looked like the game forgot putting a head on this woman! D: Like seriously it just stumbled drunk out of the doorway without a head. At first we were all like "WTF?!?" then it did the pissed off stance and somebody used a shotgun on her. They need to mod that because that was very scary seeing that. :cheese:
Sitting in the elevator on the way up to the roof of Mercy Hospital and Bill says something along the lines of "You call this a zombie apocalypse? This doesn't even hold a candle to The Great Infection (or something like that) of '57." and Zoey just replies "...W-what?"

Also, headshotting a Witch without even disturbing her. ****ing beautiful moment.
Poor Louis is in a world of hurt (this is what happens when you bind keys to inappropiate voice files)

I got over 100 a few times as Boomer. 547 sounds extreme though, didn't think a player could take that much damage even on the ground :eek:

I remember getting Nicky0123 assisted against (insertplayernamehere) x137 as a boomer once :D
/AI director revives dead zombie thread

First versus ever last night teamed up with (for the most part) 3ssence (<3) on the HL2.net server, No Mercy. Much fun was had. I joined the empty server and it spawned me as infected, which I found odd.

There were some really "oh ****" moments. The two of us got lost in the sewers and the AI director kept spawning hoardes, which didn't help navigate, not to mention the boomers and smokers attacking us the whole time. Also me (as Zoey) got to the saferoom at the entrance of the hospital, only to realise that both Bill-bot was incapacitated and 3ssence (Francis) was pinned by a hunter (oops). I went back and got them both on their feet and we got out. Thank god a smoker didn't show up.

Just remembered. When we started we were leaving the saferoom all reved up going "gogogogogo" and then we all got immediately hit by a boomer and were all like "BACK TO THE SAFE ROOM!!"

Knocking people off the roof as Tank is hard. Bill kept flying off at the perfect angle to JUST avoid falling off. My friend (who I was playing against) said later that when he spawned as Tank at that point the director spawned him in mid-air and he immediately fell, but not to his death. He was still alive and stuck at the base of the building and had to wait for the frustration meter to run out to play again.

Not sure whether I prefer playing smoker or boomer. I definitely did best as boomer though.

Francis-bot is awesome. He just walked straight up to a witch with the riot gun.
Francis killed the witch
Almost expected him to say "Merry Christmas."
He managed to die half way through the finale though, and neither me nor 3ssence had a clue as to why. Maybe he just fell off :P
Oh we had an incredible versus game today with... actually I've already said somewhere on the forums. But a point that really stands out is the 3rd part of Bloody Harvest

So we're running along the bridge to the final safehouse door, we've just cleared out the other infected, we figure we're home free - no time to respawn, see? So we're limping along, we set fires behind us incase they're gonna follow... and just as we hurl the last molotov, we hear something.

It's a witch.

Right in front of the ****ing safehouse door.

So we're all sort of doing our best to sneak past her, even though she's basically right in front of the door, and Reggie startles her. As she runs towards him, she shoves me and somebody else to the side slightly. That's enough leeway for a boomer to spawn above the safehouse, jump down, and explode, spawning a further horde of zombies that leap down and begin to bash to crap out of me and someone else. And of course there was a wall of zombies impeding our progress to the safehouse.

Reggie had somehow managed to get inside the safehouse and then Glenn ventured out to help the two of us fight off the zombies. Big mistake. Somebody leaped on him and started mauling him to death.

So Reggie shut the door, and left us to die. On the steps of the railcar safehouse.
Oh we had an incredible versus game today with... actually I've already said somewhere on the forums. But a point that really stands out is the 3rd part of Bloody Harvest

So we're running along the bridge to the final safehouse door, we've just cleared out the other infected, we figure we're home free - no time to respawn, see? So we're limping along, we set fires behind us incase they're gonna follow... and just as we hurl the last molotov, we hear something.

It's a witch.

Right in front of the ****ing safehouse door.

So we're all sort of doing our best to sneak past her, even though she's basically right in front of the door, and Reggie startles her. As she runs towards him, she shoves me and somebody else to the side slightly. That's enough leeway for a boomer to spawn above the safehouse, jump down, and explode, spawning a further horde of zombies that leap down and begin to bash to crap out of me and someone else. And of course there was a wall of zombies impeding our progress to the safehouse.

Reggie had somehow managed to get inside the safehouse and then Glenn ventured out to help the two of us fight off the zombies. Big mistake. Somebody leaped on him and started mauling him to death.

So Reggie shut the door, and left us to die. On the steps of the railcar safehouse.
That was one of the best moment i've experienced in Left 4 Dead.
And I'm the one who jumped on Glenn ^^
Speaking of railway car safehouses, I was playing Death Toll last week and we were just leaving the sewer towards where the safehouse sits on that suspended flatbed... or something, and a Tank is hurtling along behind a guest player on someone elses account. We're all screaming for him to hurry up, firing over the top of his head as the tank gets closer and closer in a Jaws-esqe fashion. The guest turns, fires frantically with his shotgun but the Tank bitchslaps the poor sucker, only for him to be thrown straight onto the railcar steps. He gets up, dusts himself off then...

... falls off the side of the railway. We just left him after that.
/AI director revives dead zombie thread

First versus ever last night teamed up with (for the most part) 3ssence (<3) on the HL2.net server, No Mercy. Much fun was had. I joined the empty server and it spawned me as infected, which I found odd.

There were some really "oh ****" moments. The two of us got lost in the sewers and the AI director kept spawning hoardes, which didn't help navigate, not to mention the boomers and smokers attacking us the whole time. Also me (as Zoey) got to the saferoom at the entrance of the hospital, only to realise that both Bill-bot was incapacitated and 3ssence (Francis) was pinned by a hunter (oops). I went back and got them both on their feet and we got out. Thank god a smoker didn't show up.

Just remembered. When we started we were leaving the saferoom all reved up going "gogogogogo" and then we all got immediately hit by a boomer and were all like "BACK TO THE SAFE ROOM!!"

Knocking people off the roof as Tank is hard. Bill kept flying off at the perfect angle to JUST avoid falling off. My friend (who I was playing against) said later that when he spawned as Tank at that point the director spawned him in mid-air and he immediately fell, but not to his death. He was still alive and stuck at the base of the building and had to wait for the frustration meter to run out to play again.

Not sure whether I prefer playing smoker or boomer. I definitely did best as boomer though.

Francis-bot is awesome. He just walked straight up to a witch with the riot gun.
Francis killed the witch
Almost expected him to say "Merry Christmas."
He managed to die half way through the finale though, and neither me nor 3ssence had a clue as to why. Maybe he just fell off :P

Ah man, much fun and lolage was had. Running around in the sewer going "wtf, are we running in circles" whilst getting continually molested xD

And damn Francis bot ! Me thinking we would sneak past it, had barely finished my sentence over the mic "witch, turn your flashlight off, slowl.........." DOH !

Then the finale with the tank, having no molotovs, running around the rooftops chasing the tank from above launching petrol cans at him and setting it alight.

I was the Boomer who totally owned you guys. :laugh: Yeah I was like "****! They are all gonna make it out." Then I saw the witch and thought it was my lucky day and I was a Boomer. So seeing the chance of screwing up the cr0wning of the witch, I spawned on top of the train car. Epic lulz ensued and more when Glenn decided to get out of the safe room and help out. I didn't think of screen capping it though. :( This is why we need Steam Cloud to record our games. Btw all of your previous games cannot be played back now. Robin Walker said they are lost with every update. Lots of people really hate Valve now because they have dozens of games like me recorded. I'm gonna keep mine still because I think Valve may release something for compatibility.
My friend and I (and, um, 2 bots) just finished Death Toll co-op on Expert.
5 hrs 14 minutes
29 restarts
44 deaths between my friend and I
7,571 zombies killed overall

god, why. Took us awhile to even get started because the dedicated server L4D always connected us to was in the UK, giving us huge pings, and my friend lagged bad cuz I had to run it locally on my machine.
Omfg I'm so raged even though my team won. It was like everybody never played the game before and just went into Versus. Even worse was the constant afk's only to be replaced by another afk.


One guy was even failing as a Tank so he started to snipe with the rocks and we still got him. Later I did the same thing and owned them using their same lame tactic. What a miserable game. :x
Omfg I'm so raged even though my team won. It was like everybody never played the game before and just went into Versus. Even worse was the constant afk's only to be replaced by another afk.

I think if someone is afk for more than 10 minutes they should be booted. If they're your friend they can join back, but if not, they're just a twat that needs to leave.
One guy was even failing as a Tank so he started to snipe with the rocks and we still got him. Later I did the same thing and owned them using their same lame tactic. What a miserable game. :x

Man, nobody can be as cool as me and my 1337 tank snipin' skillz.
I think if someone is afk for more than 10 minutes they should be booted. If they're your friend they can join back, but if not, they're just a twat that needs to leave.
If they don't do anything for half a minute, then I vote them out. When you join a versus game you should instantly start playing. There is nothing more annoying than a new player to join then sit there to get ready or something. If you need to get ready then let the AI do its thing, don't click to play then sit there.
If they don't do anything for half a minute, then I vote them out. When you join a versus game you should instantly start playing. There is nothing more annoying than a new player to join then sit there to get ready or something. If you need to get ready then let the AI do its thing, don't click to play then sit there.

I'm usually pretty quick about getting AFKers out. If they are AFK, you're more than likely going to get punished. Either you run ahead and a special gets him, or you need that one extra person to shove the hunters/smokers off....
Spent a bunch of games with some assholes on the other team who would immediately kill themselves when they were humans. ****ing ruined the game.
Yeah, I hated those guys. Still, killing us as humans wasnt the appropriate responce ;)
It would have been if you guys hadn't botched it up :P
Ah well, was fun when we got locked in that tiny room for like half an hour blowing countless zombies away before they realized that we were actually having fun and let us out.
I played with two ignorant, racist, homophobic assholes today. The first I've encountered in the game since release, which is pretty good but shit, these guys were goddamn tools. I'm not going to rant, but just to give an example of their stupidity:

Tool 1: So how old are you?
Me: 19.
Tool 1: Hahaha, you're 19 and still playing this game?
Me: I--, you--, they--.... what?! The guys that made this game are older than me for a start!
Tool 2: Yeah and they probably don't get the 'pus either.
Me: ...
Me: So what will you be doing at 19, then?
Tool 1: Working, getting money and getting 'pus GUFAW GUFAW
Tool 2: Hyuk hyuk

and so forth. Christ.

Other than that, I've finally started my way into playing Advanced now! I could never tolerate it because I don't have any pals that play the game with me, but after a little bit of searching you can find a room of guys who ask straight away whether I'm dedicated to all five levels and whether I use my mic. Sorted. Did No Mercy and half of Death Toll yesterday, then Dead Air today. The game is so much better when everyone is much more cautious and tactical. 'kin love it.

Gotta tell you though, it's scary as hell knowing that there's going to be Tank around the corner in every chapter at some point. I was on Death Toll, in the sewers, scouting ahead to see what the surface was like just before the train carriage area. I ascend the small ladder and there's a manhole cover you can push open with the top of your head. I must of gone up it facing the wrong way as I was looking over the paparat facing the wall, so I slowly turn and there's a Tank standing right above me! I yelled so f'kin loud, haha. He followed me down the ladder and chased me about in the little pillar underside room and in my frantic hops and ducks he never hit me once, giving my team enough time to quickly round the corner and start shooting him in the back just seconds before the Tank has me backed into a corner. Epic moment.
I played with two ignorant, racist, homophobic assholes today. The first I've encountered in the game since release, which is pretty good but shit, these guys were goddamn tools. I'm not going to rant, but just to give an example of their stupidity:

Tool 1: So how old are you?
Me: 19.
Tool 1: Hahaha, you're 19 and still playing this game?
Me: I--, you--, they--.... what?! The guys that made this game are older than me for a start!
Tool 2: Yeah and they probably don't get the 'pus either.
Me: ...
Me: So what will you be doing at 19, then?
Tool 1: Working, getting money and getting 'pus GUFAW GUFAW
Tool 2: Hyuk hyuk

and so forth. Christ.

You should have just repeatedly shot them.
And what is that?

You should have just repeatedly shot them.

Couldn't, they kept incapping me. I stuck around to watch them fail time after time as they thought they could take on the chapter/Tank by themselves. I would say they didn't know how to play the game, they would remark ''WELL LOOK WHO IS DEAD HUH, NOT US'' even though THEY killed me, I'd watch them die, and so on.
Why bother? Perverse glee? :|

Watching teammates get wasted is more painful for me, even if they're dick****s.