Full Game Screenshots and Experiences.

What else can I do when dead? I wanted to play the campaign each time they died; I wasn't going to quit out of an Advanced game one chapter before the finale. I think you misunderstood what I meant - I was trying to tell them everytime the chapter started that they needed all of the team alive to be alble to get to the end and that Left 4 Dead was built on team work but low and behold they would keep incapping me whilst assuring me they would be able to complete the level with just the two of them. I would of thought after the second time they ran into a Tank within the first 5 minutes of the chapter that would catch on to how important me and Zoey were, but no...

I can't believe you find watching idiots die more painful then unloading ammo into them, even if they're dick****s. :P
You could quit, which was my point. If they want to play by themselves so badly, let them.

Although if you were getting your sadistic fun on, I guess it's totally understandable. : >
Was kinda hoping I could talk some sense into them so we could just knuckle down and finish the level, really. I was enjoying myself until then.
I had an odd experience in a game today, where my team just inexplicably started mocking me and cursing me. Didn't really bother me, but then they kicked me for no reason, kicked me 2 maps after my return, and then banned me.

Edit: At noon EST tomorrow I'll be playing either Dead Air or Blood Harvest on expert. BE THEEEEEEERE.
Campaign: Death Toll
Level: Finale

Through the first part of it, we did well. We didn't really take much damage. First tank comes around...one dies (Melanie). NO BIGGIE! We have 3 to go. Next wave comes through...nooo prob. Tank shows up...another dies (Taviow). It's me and oCyberManO. We run for the boat...sitting there with a moltov and gas can. We fire them up...WE'RE HOME FREE!!! CyberMan jumps on boat..great..lemme do that! Launches me onto dry land....I'm running for my life..not looking back for fear of seeing death. I shoot the 3-4 Zombies in front of me near the boat...I jump and land on the boat, 50 zombies running after me....we won...

My drunken heart was beating 500 bpm.
My drunken heart was beating 500 bpm.

That'll sober your ass up.

And at Antipop's story, I always hate running into dickweeds like that. They seem to be more plentiful on Versus, where they will mock the other team for getting 1 point less than they did. Then when you win on the next map they claim you cheated and either try to votekick your team, or just leave. If I could shoot at them through the internet I would. Save the rest of humanity by wiping them from the gene pool.
I played with two ignorant, racist, homophobic assholes today. The first I've encountered in the game since release, which is pretty good but shit, these guys were goddamn tools. I'm not going to rant, but just to give an example of their stupidity:

Tool 1: So how old are you?
Me: 19.
Tool 1: Hahaha, you're 19 and still playing this game?
Me: I--, you--, they--.... what?! The guys that made this game are older than me for a start!
Tool 2: Yeah and they probably don't get the 'pus either.
Me: ...
Me: So what will you be doing at 19, then?
Tool 1: Working, getting money and getting 'pus GUFAW GUFAW
Tool 2: Hyuk hyuk

and so forth. Christ.

The sad part is they were probably only nine years old.
And at Antipop's story, I always hate running into dickweeds like that. They seem to be more plentiful on Versus, where they will mock the other team for getting 1 point less than they did. Then when you win on the next map they claim you cheated and either try to votekick your team, or just leave. If I could shoot at them through the internet I would. Save the rest of humanity by wiping them from the gene pool.

Oh yes, seconded. There are a lot of idiots playing versus. Some people just join versus games to start votekicks for people. And the worst thing is that people usually tend to vote yes by default even if they don't really understand why someone is being voted out.

Another thing I hate are the people who call others noobs. Typically those people are total noobs themselves, completely unaware of how to play the game properly. They spawn as the boomer way before the survivors are even close - alerting them to his presence (belch belch burp burp), they attack a close-knit group of 4 survivors as a solo hunter thinking it will result in something else than a meaningless death, they never check what the others are doing (of if they're even alive yet...) and react accordingly etc etc etc etc. Yet they for some odd reason seem to think they can whine to teammates about them being "****ING NOOBS".

This is annoying especially when one spawns as the Tank. People have this weird conception that the Tank is a hulk-like war-machine that can easily bring down four green survivors solo, no problem. Obviously it isn't so. The tank either needs 1) survivors that are already hurt, or 2) other zombies wreaking havoc among the survivors. A solo Tank is a dead Tank. But whenever a Tank gets nothing done due to lack of help from the team mates, these jerks start lecturing to him about how much you suck at the game, most likely with the shift button firmly pressed down.

The next step is to votekick the player. It doesn't matter if the Tank played well, kept a distance, hurled boulders, waited for an chance to strike without being quickly mowed down by 4 green survivors with tier 2 weapons. I've actually found it worse if the Tank doesn't mindlessly rush the survivors, but keeping a safe distance and bouldering them while waiting for other infected to spawn to help. Then they really start bashing him. "WTF are you doing? Go kill them, you ****ing idiot. KILL THEM!!!! You ****ing noobs ruin this game, can't even play a tank..." And then comes the votekick... brilliant! :|

Oh yeah, I also ran into a guy who died mid-pounce as a hunter due to a well placed sniper round by one of the opponents. They guy went on and on about aimbot for 10 minutes with caps lock on, also constantly screaming at us, his teammates, on the voicecom before finally ragequitting as the rest of the players didn't care about the "obvious cheater". Yeah and I often get called a wallhacker when I blast Boomers through walls when they spawn wayyy to early. So I guess the cr?me de la cr?me of the CS-crowd has settled onto L4D, too.

Only in Versus mode, which is why you get 7 friends and shepherd them onto a Versus server. Alternatively, come into the HL2.net chats and kick up ruckus.
Yeah, usually if there is a big HL2.net game goin' on, I'm in it.
Mmmmm L4D....
Only in Versus mode, which is why you get 7 friends and shepherd them onto a Versus server. Alternatively, come into the HL2.net chats and kick up ruckus.

9 out of 10 times no one will be in the mood for it.
I'm always in the mood for it if it's someone I actually like suggesting to play.
Yeah, usually if I'm not doing anything previously, I'll jump on if invited.
I don't usually join the steam chat but after this friday I'll probably respond to invites most of the time.
I only play with at least two friends. This way we have the dominant opinion for votes on our team. Otherwise the game is only fun if the other people have mic's and know what they're doing.
Depends. But the times I've gone in chat looking there were rarely any Left 4 Deaders (except for Taviow, who is the most beautiful man in the world).
Too bad most of you L4D-playing hl2.netters seem to be American. :( Server/ping issues ftl.

Also too bad that my rl friends only play WoW (the bastards)...

I've made quite a few online friends all around Europe through L4D though, maybe 25+ or so, but even then it's sometimes really hard to get a game going among friends. Often when I have time to play, they don't, and so forth. So unfortunately most of the time it's just pubs/randoms for me, with maybe a friend or max two playing at the same time.

I gotta say, though, that L4D is probably the most "social" game I've ever played. It's as if the whole game was designed to create a true sense of togetherness among the players, especially when playing the Coop mode. My friends list on Steam has more than doubled after I started playing L4D. In those rare occasions when there are no griefers and everyone uses their mics etc, the game experience is pretty damn awesome, both in Coop and Versus. Just too bad those occasions are so uncommon for me.
My broadband is good enough to play with all you 'merican maggots, but it's the time differences that rape me.
You're awesome too Pitzy. Nothing warms my heart more than hearing your voice scream my name... occaisionaly :p

Also, Digi. Just saying his name gives me goosebumps.
Your voice makes me cum..hard.
One of my friends hated it after only playing it either by himself in single player, or with random people with no mics online. Now he refuses to play it anymore even with my friends and I... sucks to be him.
Haha, those too.


*Unloads autoshotty*
Oh look, me in the green and talking. Go figure.


Also, Nano's ass is being grabbed. I'm sending this to him. YOU'RE GETTING SUED.


nanopico said:
?nano: Nigga done stolemy ass

Played with Koola. Had extra pants handy. Needed them.

Best part: Dead Air, Con yard. Running up the skybridge to the Saferoom, and my friend Rosie starts remiscing about the time she got a tank in that skybridge. Walks into the saferoom.

Same as above, absolutely epic games, especially Dead Air where I finally got the Unbreakable achievement. Started the finale with 16 health, escaped on 13. Awesome.

So I had the perfect shot of Koola passed out on a toilet after he'd been trapped in a bathroom with the tank, but uhh, I forgot using print screen doesn't actually work in Source. D:

As a consolation prize, here's Bill totally chillaxing:

Sorry guys, anyone else manage to snap it? :(
Oh! I got that pic! I'll look through my screenshot folder.

Man, I don't even get that joke, and I'm the one who made it. :|
I had a shot of francis sleeping perfectly on a sleeping bag after Gordon911 killed me in spawn. Sadly, I burned it.
Here's some overall thoughts.
