Full script leaked !!??

So we're talking about the files that tell the characters' mouths how to move and tell the subtitles what to say, yes?

[EDIT]: And yeah, why would they delay it again?
he was joking about the delay :p

and yea, i think the text files are used in the lip synching. anyone know for certain?
Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if the CS:S preloading is a bit late because of this.
Okay, that was it, this is my last visit to Halflife 2 forums, until I finished HL2.

I CAN'T risk being spoiled, not with Half-life 2 ..

This is unbelievable, how valve manages to let this happen.. btw :\

well i still like them ;)
Ghost Freeman said:
Valve has one more shot to get their shit together before I call it quits.

Ha! I bet that REALLY concerns Valve. If you're not buying, they might as well bin the whole project. Infact, they should disband Valve and never look at another computer if you decide not to buy their product.

Having said that, Valve could delay the game all they want and you WILL still buy it.
All its gonna take is one doom obsessed anti-half-life fanboy to spam the place, its unbelievable that somthing so simple would be overlooked, unless the game is about to be released, which i see as unlikely.
hey got an update, valve have removed the script for hl2 from the cache file so hopefully this will end it.
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
hey got an update, valve have removed the script for hl2 from the cache file so hopefully this will end it.

That doesn't stop the people who already have the cache file.
Feath said:
That doesn't stop the people who already have the cache file.

At least it lowers the chance of some idiot getting hold of it and posting it all over the forums :O
I have read through this entire thread and I still don't know what has been leaked. What was it? A video file or something?

I don't see what all the fuss is about...as long as you don't go looking for the information, you're not going to find it.
It only takes a second to read the first words of a post before you close it.
Ok, here's what I would do if I was Valve. I know how anticipated my game is. I've known it for years. There's always going to be hackers and script kiddie fanboys doing all they can to learn anything they can about HL2, including poking around where they really shouldn't. So what do I do? I give them what they want, but I don't make it so obvious that it's a blatant plant. To me, this looks like Valve is setting up the community, plain and simple. How long do you think it would take to come up with a fake script? This is an FPS, not an RPG. There aren't 50 billion dialogue trees. They could have planned this since the source code leak last year, even going so far as to record some fake voice acting (if there are actual .wav files; from the sound of it, it's just a text file?) I wouldn't get too worried.

PS - If hackers/snoopers are busy spreading around false information, they're too busy to be poking around Valve's network. Makes sense, no?
czrsink said:
It only takes a second to read the first words of a post before you close it.

"Alyx dies"

"The G-Man is Gordon"

"Barney betrays you"

"You ally with Breen"

"The Combine are human"

"Eli commits suicide"

In all of the examples I've given above, it would have been too late for me to simply close the topic and shield myself from spoilers since I would have read such short revelations already.
Well, some troll already came on these forums and gave away a massive plot spoiler; from listening to the sound files in the beta :(
Hehe....don't read this thread if you don't want massive spoilers.

Oh...well... i guess you're here already. Hi there fellow forum buddy.
Immortal said:
The simplest exlpination is often the correct one.

So HL2 was delayed a year because of the code theft? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Think about this for a second. You're about to release part of your baby to the public. Don't you think you would have scrutinized every single file before letting people download? Getting your source code stolen because of a bug in third party software is one thing. I just really don't think these people are that dumb.
He was giving those as examples of possible spoilers to make a point. They are not true. And I really doubt HL2 will be delayed over this if it's an actual leak.
He was just showing examples...


Absinthe said:
In all of the examples I've given above, it would have been too late for me to simply close the topic and shield myself from spoilers since I would have read such short revelations already.
User Name said:
So, what does this all mean people?
Will Half-Life 2 be delayed?
And how exactly does something "leak"?
Is it really Valve's fault?

And this...

WARNING: I think these are spoilers...

As for you, Absinthe, I can't believe you would do such-a-thing! :O :hmph:
I swear to God, I hope these are not TRUE! ;(

If these are true spoilers, I don't think I will be visiting Halflife2.net anymore, unfortunately. Absinthe just ruined it for me. ;(
And if they are real spoilers, that member should be banned forever.

Haha, your reply made me laugh more than his pseudo spoilers!
Well, should anyone post spoilers, he should be permanently banned and the entire thread eradicated.
mortiz said:
Haha, your reply made me laugh more than his pseudo spoilers!
Yeah, it sure is funny, isn't it.

Look, I read that post thinking they were true spoilers. Then, I got all upset because I thought they were real. My bad if they aren't.

And how was I supposed to know if they were real spoilers or just ones made up?!
User Name said:
And how was I supposed to know if they were real spoilers or just ones made up?!

Absinthe said:
In all of the examples I've given above, it would have been too late for me to simply close the topic and shield myself from spoilers since I would have read such short revelations already.

That's how. He was also trying to prove a point. Try reading the whole post before jumping to such harsh conclusions.
Well I hope those are not real. LoL if they were that wouldnt be a good story. Gman is Gordon, cmon you beleived that one :LOL:
KagePrototype said:
That's how. He was also trying to prove a point. Try reading the whole post before jumping to such harsh conclusions.
Do examples necessarily mean that the "spoilers" are not true?
Absinthe should have put some sort of j/k, :LOL: , or sarcasm tag...for the people who do not know.
Well, if you had read the post instead of...

Whatever. I'm not pissed.
Oh forget it everyone.
If they aren't true...well...then that's very good news. :)
User Name said:
Do examples necessarily mean that the "spoilers" are not true?
Absinthe should have put some sort of j/k, :LOL: , or sarcasm tag...for the people who do not know.

Well, he was trying to say how posting spoilers in topic titles would be a bad thing, because it would spoil the game for people...it would be kind of hypocritical to say that spoiling the game for others is bad and then spoil the game in the same post...