Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

"When my oldest son was just 3 years old, my gay brother asked if he could take a walk with him. Now as far as I know my brother has never molested any children. At first I didn't find the request strange and let my son go with him. After all they were just taking a walk around the neighborhood. While they were gone though, I got this terrible feeling. It may have been the Holy Spirit giving me warning or just maybe my over sense of protectiveness. But I decided that if they were not back in a few minutes I was going after them. They did come back in just a few minutes, but I never got over that feeling. I determined right then and there that I would never let my young son alone with him. Now, if I could feel that way about my own brother, who I love, then something is just not right. I just don't trust gay men to not try and molest little children."

rofl @ his own paranoia and bigotry being an explaination for his "Holy Spirit" feeling AND his only reasoning behind distrusting his own brother.
Ennui, if you ever plan to do it again I am with you.

In fact, why don't we get together a strike force? Go and invade a forum. They can't stop sheer numbers.

We can use the people from the politics section as our elite force, already battle-hardened after many long forum debates.

That sounds like fun. Pointless, but fun.
I'm in.

Bah, but seriously... if I had my way only people I knew (or thought I knew... > >) would breed.
I'll make another thread about it. Lets make our battleplan there.
Talking about scary places. This is a place filled with people who believe they can be zapped away into Heaven at any moment, because the Rapture will come soon!! (queue hallelujah music)

But not without a few conditions of course, only if you have lived by the rules of the Invisible Man in the Sky:

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Have you ever used God’s name in place of a 4-letter filth word? Even Hitler’s name was never used as a curse word. If you have ever used God’s name in this manner you are a blasphemer and will not enter the Kingdom of God.

Oh, goddamnit.

Seriously, read that first post, what a fear-mongering retard, it's scary to think that these people have any kind of power in this world at all.
The mods will crack down on it here, but we must avail!
Aye, we will. Halt, we can't have associated in any forum attacks.

However, what you choose to do outside of is your own business, you just can't plan it here or have us affiliated.

None of us are in anything and I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you. PMMMMMMMMMMMMM
haha, go ennui go

these kinds of attack things are destined to fail though.. live and let live, you're not exactly going to convince any christian to stop believing
haha, go ennui go

these kinds of attack things are destined to fail though.. live and let live, you're not exactly going to convince any christian to stop believing

We can convince them to try to keep an open mind about things, such as gay rights.

I have no intention of trying to convert them to athiesm.
We can convince them to try to keep an open mind about things, such as gay rights.

I have no intention of trying to convert them to athiesm.

I do :)

Well, not really... but I would like them to at least consider the possibility, cast off social conditioning for just one thought process.
people are machines

belief systems are very very deep down buried things in people's mentalities, they're definitely not going to change their minds just because someone comes and tells them to on a message board. the people who are open minded have probably already browsed enough on atheist sites and about gay rights, while the narrow minded ones sit and pout in their corner of the internet and the world.
well, i enjoy fighting with them anyway, despite however pointless it is or is not
I wouldn't say that it's totally pointless. There's always the chance of you appealing to that one guy who deep who is intelligent and open minded, but deep down knows better. I'm sure that there's people like me who just need that little bit of a push to help them break free of their social conditioning and self imposed mental barriers.

That said, I doubt that there are many of those on fundamentalist Christian websites.
people are machines

belief systems are very very deep down buried things in people's mentalities, they're definitely not going to change their minds just because someone comes and tells them to on a message board. the people who are open minded have probably already browsed enough on atheist sites and about gay rights, while the narrow minded ones sit and pout in their corner of the internet and the world.

Belief systems are very deep... and hard to get people out of them. However I don't think the gay scenario is one of the hardest ones to uproot people from. I used to be against gay marriage... and now I am completely accepting of it. Not so much of people convincing me though, as it was a case of me realizing it is pointless to keep people down for such a stupid reason.
We cannot do this alone.

*goes to /b/ on 4chan and /i/ on 7chan*
Originally Posted by crazy fundy #265,834
"The fallacies of gravity

just curious if anyone can explain these errors that many people are aware of when it comes to the theory of gravity

number 1. the way gravity reads, scientists have you think that objects of larger mass would have more of a gravitational pull then objects of smaller mass. so tell me how this makes sense

when we look at the sun we see the earth orbiting the sun, and the moon obriting the earth. if gravity were true, shouldnt our moon be orbiting the sun??? oh better yet, how come a planet way out in the distance such as neptune will orbit the sun, yet its moons will not orbit the sun??? something is wrong here, even at thise immense distances the moons will orbit the planets and not the sun, yet the suns "gravity" is strong enough supposedly to keep the planets in orbit.

number 2. why is it, only planets have orbits?? you could put a space shuttle in outter space and a astronaut will not orbit it. you could put the smallest pebbble into outter space and it will not orbit the space shuttle. why is this???? if gravity were true then surely such small objects would orbit larger ones, especially in space

number 3. on earth we see things that defy "gravity" on a daily basis. birds and airplanes for example. are you going to tell me that the gravity of the sun is strong enough to keep PLUTo in orbit but not an airplane or a little bird??????

number 4. scientists dont know how gravity works. or what it really is, and even then we see anaomolies in space that defy gravity

so my point is that gravity(like other scientifist "tHeories" is very on shaky grounds. it doesnt have the evidnece to back it up, and when examined critically it falls under the pressure(no pun intended )

show me a pebble that orbits a mountain or a bird that orbits the earth and then gravity will make sense. or better yet just show me how gravity works(if it works at all) and then maybe it will be more than just a theory

how do you evolutionsts explain gravity???"

"[On homosexuality being a condition one is born with]

Just because you are born a certain way doesn't meant that is the way you have to be. Some people are born Asian, but through surgeries and counseling they can change."

Jesus Christ! (no pun intended :p ) Those have to be two of the dumbest statements I've ever heard. And I thought Scientologists were fruit cakes.
This is scary stuff.. I am almost tempted to give this guy a piece of my mind...entirely contradictaroy to everything I think is good in the world.
How many of you agree that science needs to be reined in, and that out of control science is one of the greatest dangers to mankind short of Satan himself? YES

Should there be limits to what scientists can study? YES

Should all research be subjected to some kind of ethics board approval? YES

Should be some kind of review of any proposed research for ethical purposes, and should that board include people who are not themselves scientists? YES

Is the whole idea of discovery for the sake of discovery is flawed? YES

Are there limits to what mankind should be allowed to know? YES

Is the much touted liberal idea of being open minded a recipie for destruction? YES

Does being too open minded cause people to think too much and question too much? YES

Is it dangerous to think too much, and question too much? YES

Is it dangerous to know too much? YES

Does knowledge ultimately reduce peoples fear of God? YES

Is it better to be closed minded - secure in the knowledge that God has told you everything that you need to know? YES

We really need to put the breaks on science. Scientists should only be allowed to study what needs to be studied as decided by the people. Scientists should stop telling people what to believe.

what a jackass.
This is scary stuff.. I am almost tempted to give this guy a piece of my mind...entirely contradictaroy to everything I think is good in the world.

what a jackass.
It's a shame. He wasn't doing TOO bad up until "are there limits to what mankind should be allowed to know? YES."
It's a shame. He wasn't doing TOO bad up until "are there limits to what mankind should be allowed to know? YES."

Actually the only thing that he wasnt VERY wrong about was the second one.
pm me! :thumbs:

Look at this. What is with these people? How the HELL do games relate to 'our lord'?! AAAAAH. Fundamentalists do infuriate me so.
I thought the second law of thermodynamics was that you cannot achieve 100% efficiency. Or I'm confusing it with something else.

EDIT: Oh yeah. Entropy. Nevermind.
I can speak monkey... *shape-shifts*


They are like grass jelly that goes into your minds.

Seriously now. Christianity doesn't bother me but Christ those people are stupid.

It's like they believe anything, and they believe in God because they read so and everyone says so. So if they read some book about how all dinosaurs ate apple pie and danced to techno and others believed it (with better reasons), they'd believe it. Without really having a clue of what's happening around them.

Come on. You need a better reason than that.

EDIT: By the way, why does everyone hate religion here? - Bringing about societal collapse since '04! isn't that bad actually, the Creation & Evolution forum is absolutely ruled by atheists/agnostics/sensible Christians.

That Rapture forum was the worst I saw tbh.
This reminds me of that Flat Earth Society. Damn that was fun for a while :laugh: It's no use, really.
Heh, I just got a bible for my birthday, but I like the person so I wasn't too bothered. I atleast tried to act grateful :P

I sort of took it as a compliment though, I think in their own way they were trying to say "you deserve to be saved!" That or they think I'm a hopeless case and must do everything in their power to turn me to the righteous path before it's too late :P

Yeah... felt like mentioning that for some reason.

Edit - Oh yeah, funny (scary) quotes. I used to know someone who was like this, but things have happened since and now she's alot less devout and questioning her beliefs. So people can change, it just takes more than someone else telling them to (divine intervention, one might say :D).

Speaking of which, the song I'm listening to this very moment...

Deftones - Pink Cellphone said:
So your troubles continue to multiply and to grow
As a direct result of you're being
Misguided, decieved, misdirected or fooled
All of these are variations of the basic ego glory lie thing
In which you follow the gospel truth

Pursuing the wrong ideals and goals that lead you into sickness unto (left out)
And from this sickness sprang the belief in the one true Power
That cure, that promise to erase the symtoms that stood between you and your goal
That seductive cure that offered relief and comfort, without disturbing the faulty system of your beliefs
The belief on the one true Power
Forever and ever, one nation under (bleep, left out)
The father , the son and the holy (bleep, left out)
In Jesus name, Amen
Belief systems are very deep... and hard to get people out of them. However I don't think the gay scenario is one of the hardest ones to uproot people from. I used to be against gay marriage... and now I am completely accepting of it. Not so much of people convincing me though, as it was a case of me realizing it is pointless to keep people down for such a stupid reason.

yeah, you found it out yourself. i don't think people can be convinced of anything unless they're being mentally conditioned (brainwashing alá hitler etc). they have to realise it themselves. i don't think an argument on the internet has ever been won where the two cases have been solidly set in their opinions.

I think it's rather pointless to try and convince people of what you think is right.. you can inform of course, then the open minded ones most likely will step forward and ask more about it.

That or they think I'm a hopeless case and must do everything in their power to turn me to the righteous path before it's too late

that's how it is for me basically, heh. my mother's opinion of me is basically the demon son who hopefully will be saved some day far into the future..

They're watching..They're ALWAYS watching...