Funny sleep talking stories

The night we saw the Passion of the Christ, I stayed the night at my b/f's (now hubby) apartment. I was asleep on the bed and he was sitting on the floor playing a football game. Naturally, I was dreaming about the movie. It was that creepy part with the demon-children chasing Judas. I actually remember half-waking up, staring at the ceiling (I even remember seeing the blue glow of the TV):

Me: The children...

Hubby: Wha?

Me: The children are coming...

Hubby: Ooookaayy.

And then I fell back asleep. I hate creepy demon children. :(

Another time way long ago I remember tip-toeing into my parents bedroom to look for something while my dad was taking a nap. Note: We had an iron skillet that we had dubbed "Iron Man." I was looking around for whatever, and I heard my dad say, "mumblemumble make sure Iron Man's washed mumble." What a boring-ass dream that must have been. :|
Not exactly sleep talking, but when I little I was camping with the family when I woke up in the middle of the night. I was lying there in my sleeping bag with my head pressed quite hard aginst the side of the tent, and I was about to move when I heard a growl.


So now I'm freaking out, because there appears to be like a mountain lion outside the tent, and my head is pushing out the nylon/canvas whatever like a foot, and every time I make the smallest movement it growls again. So finally after lying there paralyzed with fear I finally get the courage to move myself away from the walls. Expecting some sort of response from the enraged kitty outside, I am greeted only with silence. After a few seconds of quiet it starts growling again. I tense up, and realize te sound is coming from behind me, so I slooooowly turn around to find...

My dad snoring his head off. It scared the bejeesus out of me, and sounded exactly like some sort of animal growl.

Well, that's my anticlimatic story for this morning.
I've been told that I talk a lot in my sleep. It's usually nonsensical bullshit.

Also I get that thing (I don't know if anyone else gets it) where I'll be drifting off and will say something, then realise I've said it. The last one I said was "I wrote a poem and it was laminated". Odd.
Ditto on Phobie's post. I really hate when you are sleeptalking and people ask you questions, and then you truly end up answering them. I used to love annoying my brother that way, by asking personal questions and him answering them, and the next day, me telling him all of his secrets. I also tried that trick with a friend, bust it was just nonsense.
1. About a year ago, my mom had apparently awoke in the night, and came to check on me while she was downstairs. Upon opening the door, she found me sitting bolt upright in my bed, looking at the opposite wall. She asked "are you alright?". I replied with "that zombie has two dogs" and lied back down.

2. My dad one time came down to my area to visit, and I was staying in a hotel with him. At night, he was startled awake to find that I had come to his bed and climbed onto his chest. he said "hey, what the **** are you doing?" and I said "yeah, I know" and went back to my bed.
I once pissed in my box of Lego as a nipper thanks to a bout of sleepwalking...
Once I was sleeping in the couch, my father asked me "where is my cellphone?" then I answered "it's next to the computer" and it really was. Nice.
I had a weekend over my friends house and we pulled an all-nighter the previous night so I was really tired, so I fell asleep right after we watched Dodgeball and at 1:30 am I woke up my friend because I was grunting and doing push-ups in my sleep. He filmed me for like 10 minutes before he woke me up.