Funny video


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Not really funny, but it is a bit odd and it is worked friendly.

A member of the Iraqi insurgency snipes an American solider in the chest and then starts praying or chanting or saying something or other to himself as the American solider jumps up and takes cover almost immediately.
Yeah, that soldier just had some nasty bruising and shit underneath his armour plating. Gotta respect that guy though, after getting hit finding the sniper who just ried to kill him, shooting him - then giving him medical aid :p
CLEAR! ok your good to go! - "Allah huhackmah" (SP?) (means Allah is great or something the iraqs need to say after every person they kill which is an oxymoron) - then the what does the Iraqi do say thanks? then leave to go get a better position to kill more americans?
Blatent properganda.
Gave him medical aid, then sent him to aru garab to be tourtured no doubt.
solaris152000 said:
Blatent properganda.
Gave him medical aid, then sent him to aru garab to be tourtured no doubt.

Um... ok.

Of course, this actually happened, and what you said was speculation... christ, can't people get it right sometimes? Take a look at this as an isolated event and not part of U.S foreign policy.
It's amazing how quickly he gets up. I thought getting shot when you're wearing kevlar was comparable to being hit in the chest with a baseball bat.
bvasgm said:
It's amazing how quickly he gets up. I thought getting shot when you're wearing kevlar was comparable to being hit in the chest with a baseball bat.

He woulda had one hell of alota addrenalin though... Guess thats it. :)
solaris152000 said:
Blatent properganda.
Gave him medical aid, then sent him to aru garab to be tourtured no doubt.
Thanks solaris, I was wondering when your usual ignorant opinion would come in, want to add anything about drugs? Or a conspiracy?
solaris152000 said:
Blatent properganda.
Gave him medical aid, then sent him to aru garab to be tourtured no doubt.

Aru garab?

You ignorant asshole, people like you give a bad name to liberals.
ray_MAN said:
It must have been Short Recoil.
No, Short Recoil would have used his 12 penises to kill the guy before he was shot.
Wow, maximum respect for that man (and indeed for all the fighting forces in Iraq). It's such a shame our governments haven't got a clue.

Pauly said:
"Allah huhackmah" (SP?) (means Allah is great or something the iraqs need to say after every person they kill which is an oxymoron)

Watch the video again, I think you'll find he's saying "****ing hacker!"
solaris152000 said:
Blatent properganda.
Gave him medical aid, then sent him to aru garab to be tourtured no doubt.
Finally a post that shows just what an ignorant fool you are to the few who didn't yet know due to your posts in politics.