
its looking better is this your first or second map. I agrree it is not hard to learn the basics of hamme. thought i only figured out you could have a rendered view in hammer dough :upstare: anyway I hate the way ppl always say ur stupid if ur new to it. I was going to do a realistic rooftop map thought it wud be quite kl has any1 dun tht yet
you shud make a really kl skybox to go with it like a 3d skybox. have you tried looking at areil photos of london they gave me some ideas. I gave up my rooftop level to help my teammember jonny make his level de_carpark but i might ressume it after my new project.:angel: :angel:
iam looking at a fuw rooftop photos and i will be working on the map a bit more later...
I'd just like to say that I already have a map by the name of fy_rooftop

And it's a lot more professional than that map. As long as you keep it "rooftopS" I guess it's ok though.
well map names are not copyrighted...
but i will be renameing my map because fy_rooftops is just a placeholder name anyway...
wat is the fy actually meant to mean i know de is bomb and cs is hossy is it like unrealisitc or sumthing
I like where you are heading. . .nice spacing and the beginings of ominous lighting. Adding some interior space is a good idea as well. You'll probably find out you can detail endlessly, but get it playable first :) . Also consider the possible difficulties there may be if you end up having to manual add a navagation mesh for anything the automatic generator doesn't cover. It may be cause for you re-routing or changing a few things. Oh, and of course, never listen to the tards who mindlesly bash your work and efforts. It's those self proclaimed dieties who often label others as hopeless noobs that are alone stroking their own egos, never to befriend creative people like yourself. Gl with your continued efforts.
Aim maps usually give you a bunch of different or a single kind of gun at the beginning of the round.
in other words theyr crap
ive dumped cs_cove and i am working on another map. The compile times were just soso long due to cliff and lights. i duno but the face light count was sumthing like 300
It looks nice dude. Needs a bit of color, but other then that, its good. Keep up the good work, and dont mind the a-holes. :thumbs:

EDIT: Also, add some supports for the bridges, and a second level farther down or something, accessable via plank-ramps and ladders. Just a suggestion.
That might be a fun map your makin there, if you expanded it it would b like somet of UT2004 =D